
Since the beginning of 2003, BeiträgezurTabakforschung International/Contributions to Tobacco Research is available on the Internet at www.beitraege-bti.de.

The website contains PDF files of all articles published in the Journal since 1961. In addition, an infobase has been implemented which allows the search for authors, bibliographic data and words in titles and abstracts. The website is updated with the complete articles at about the same time as each new issue of Beiträge goes into print. This means that the new issues may be available on the Internet somewhat earlier than the printed issue.

We think the website of Beiträge is an improvement of the service for all present readers and might also help to enlarge the readership of the Journal in the future. We all know that nothing is perfect and everything (particularly new things) can be improved. The Editorial Office of Beiträge would be grateful for any suggestions regarding improvement of the website.

We as Editors would like to take this opportunity to assure our readers that, despite this “great technical achievement”, the journal will keep to some “old-fashioned” traditions. For example, the peer-review process is maintained as it is and also the printed issue of Beiträge will be send to you in the usual way.

Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Allgemein, Biologie, andere, Physik