Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Frământările Omului Creator În „Tinda Înfăptuirii”. Meşterul Manole La Lucian Blaga Și Valeriu Anania


For a vast period of the human history, the whole universe has been perceived as creation. In a created cosmos people create following the example of divinity and “any creation has a model: the way in which gods created the Universe” (Eliade, Sacrul şi profanul 25). Lucian Blaga illustrated this fact in one of his poems in his unique manner: “Through all eras/ what a clod in torment!/ Under all spheres/ Everything begets” (Through all eras, t. n.). Creation is the wonderful constant of existence through aeons. This paper will analyse how the creator’s condition is unfolded in two dramatic texts which belong to different literary periods of Romanian literature: Meşterul Manole by Lucian Blaga and Meşterul Manole by Valeriu Anania.
