Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Calea (Din)Spre Eden. Motive Biblice În Lirica Blagiană

   | 18. März 2021


The following paper revolves around the concept of biblical motifs, legends and a series of analyses that occur because of their complex and stately nature. Concerning several aspects regarding the similarities between Blaga’s poetry and biblical myths, this study reflects Blaga’s confrontation with God and an analysis of how he invokes God in his poems. Poems like „Paradis în destrămare”, „Bunăvestire”, „Întâia duminică”, „Lacrimile”, „Ioan se sfâşie în pustie”, „Pe ape”, „Balada fiului pierdut” allowed Blaga to create genuine artistic imagery with a very penetrating content, loaded with biblical motifs.
