Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Competitiveness of Regions in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe


Figure 1.

RCI level of regions in Central and Eastern Europe in 2022.Source: own work based on https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/information-sources/maps/regional-competitiveness_en (7.09.2023)
RCI level of regions in Central and Eastern Europe in 2022.Source: own work based on https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/information-sources/maps/regional-competitiveness_en (7.09.2023)

Figure 2.

SPI level by region in Central and Eastern Europe in 2020Source. Own work based on https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/information-sources/maps/social-progress/2020_en (9.03.2023)
SPI level by region in Central and Eastern Europe in 2020Source. Own work based on https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/information-sources/maps/social-progress/2020_en (9.03.2023)

Figure 3.

Typology of selected territorial units according to the level of competitiveness in the period 2016–2022 and the level of social progress in the period 2016–2020Source. Own study based on research
Typology of selected territorial units according to the level of competitiveness in the period 2016–2022 and the level of social progress in the period 2016–2020Source. Own study based on research

Level of the EU RCI in 2022 and the EU SPI in 2020 in Selected EU Countries

Region EU RCI in 2022 Region EU SPI in 2020
Utrecht 151.10 Övre-Norrland 85.11
Zuid-Holland 142.50 Helsinki-Uusimaa 83.75
Île-de-France 142.00 Mellresta Norland 83.31
Amsterdam and its commuting zone 140.60 Smaland med Öarna 82.89
Stockholm 138.90 Länsi-Suomi 82.86
Hovestaden 137.70 Midtjylland 82.85
Helsinki-Uusimaa 133.40 Västsverige 82.63
Hamburg 129.70 Norra Mellasverige 82.38
Oberbayern 129.60 Phojoisja-Itä-Suomi 82.33
Darmstadt 127.10 Estelä-Suomi 81.82
Vest 57.80 Severen Centralen 50.45
Nord Vest 56.00 Severoiztchoen 49.41
Yugoiztochen 53.40 Yuzencentralen 49.45
Starea Ellada 53.20 Centru 49.47
Centru 52.50 Yugoiztochen 46.29
Sud Muntenia 52.10 Sud Vest Oltenia 46.79
Sud Vest Oltenia 50.20 Nord-Est 44.76
Severozapaden 49.00 Sud Muntenia 43.67
Nord-Est 47.00 Sud-Est 43.55
Sud-Est 46.10 Severozapaden 43.27

Ranking of the Best Territorial Units Based on the Level of the RCI From 2016 to 2022 and the Level of the EU SPI From 2016 to 2020

Ranking 2016 2019 2022 2016 2020
1 SK 01 CZ 02 PL 91 CZ 01 CZ 01
2 CZ 02 CZ 01 CZ 01, 02 CZ 06 CZ 06
3 CZ 01 SK 01 SK01 CZ 03 CZ 03
4 PL 12 CZ 06 HU 11, 12 SK 01 SK 01
5 CZ 06 CZ 05 CZ 06 CZ 05 CZ 02
6 CZ 05 RO 32 PL 22 CZ 07 CZ 07
7 RO 32 CZ 08 CZ 08 PL 63 CZ 05
8 CZ 07 CZ 07 CZ 05 PL 34 CZ 08
9 CZ 03 CZ 03 CZ 07 CZ 02 PL 63
10 CZ 08 PL 22 PL 21 PL 42 PL 21
11 PL 22 PL 21 CZ 03 CZ 08 PL 34
12 PL 21 CZ 04 PL 63 RO 32 CZ 04
13 PL 51 SK 02 PL 51 PL 41 PL 41
14 PL 11 BG 41 CZ 04 PL 12 PL 51
15 PL 41 PL 51 PL 11 HU 22 PL 42
16 CZ 04 PL 11 BG 41 PL 32 PL 31
17 PL 63 PL 12 PL 41 PL 62 PL 12
18 PL 61 PL 41 SK 02 SK 03 PL 22
19 SK 02 PL 63 HU 22 PL 21 PL 62
20 PL 31 HU 22 RO 32 PL 31 PL 32
21 PL 32 SK 03 PL 52 PL 61 SK 02
22 PL 34 PL 52 HU 21 SK 02 HU 22
23 PL 42 PL 32 PL 42, PL 61, PL 43 CZ 04 PL 52