Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Sources of Finance for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Poland

   | 27. Jan. 2022


Fig. 1.

Sources of financing by PPP stages. PPP, public-private partnership
Sources of financing by PPP stages. PPP, public-private partnership

Fig. 2.

Main factors influencing the choice of the source of financing PPP. PPP, public-private partnership
Main factors influencing the choice of the source of financing PPP. PPP, public-private partnership

Fig. 3.

Number of PPP in 2009–2020 with Poland GRP percapita 2018. GRP, gross regional product; PPP, public-private partnership
Number of PPP in 2009–2020 with Poland GRP percapita 2018. GRP, gross regional product; PPP, public-private partnership

Fig. 4.

Value of PPP project and Gross fixed capital investments in Poland 2008–2019 (million EUR). PPP, public-private partnership
Value of PPP project and Gross fixed capital investments in Poland 2008–2019 (million EUR). PPP, public-private partnership

Fig. 5.

Number and value of projects implemented with and without EU support. EU, European Union
Number and value of projects implemented with and without EU support. EU, European Union

Fig. 6.

Distribution of PPP projects with and without EU support in Poland 2009–2019. EU, European Union; PPP, public-private partnership
Distribution of PPP projects with and without EU support in Poland 2009–2019. EU, European Union; PPP, public-private partnership

Fig. 7.

Split of PPP projects with EU support in%. EU, European Union; PPP, public-private partnership
Split of PPP projects with EU support in%. EU, European Union; PPP, public-private partnership

Fig. 8.

Dynamics of loans in large corporations and SME in Poland 2010–2019
Dynamics of loans in large corporations and SME in Poland 2010–2019

Literature review and contribution of main papers

Type of literature Authors Contribution
Empirical study Rao (2018) Empirical study that investigated PPP mainly from the private perspective, realization PPP by project finance and the increasing importance the role of guarantees in catalyzing finance, both through banks and bonds.
Empirical study Rao (2020) The use of capital market instruments to finance PPP infrastructure projects. Analysis of infrastructure projects by sources of finance.
Empirical study Engel, Fischer & Galetovic (2014) Investigation of ideal PPP contracts and distinguishing sources of finance by project stage.
Empirical study Jian-cheng, Xi-shuang, Ping-mei & Jiao-ju (2013) Determine optimal capital structure for the decision-making basis for investor, loaner, and governor.
Empirical study Emirullah & Azam (2014) Empirical conclusions about the influence of investment climate on PPP arrangement in ASEAN countries.
Empirical study Acerete, Gasca, & Stafford (2019) Investigation of DBFO and ex-post evaluation of road PPP projects with analysis of debt and equity financial resources.
Case Study Regan, Love & Smith (2013) Review Australian case of PPP implementation with attracting debt and equity finance in regard with market condition.
Case Study Man & Jurčíková (2015) Theoretical distinguishing of financial sources PPPs used in the Czech Republic.
Theoretical research Du, Wu & Zhao (2018) Critical factors about capital structure, the relationship between factors, and the capital structure of a PPP project.
Report EIB 2019, EIB 2021 Review of the European PPP Market and Investment report prepared by the leading financial institution: The European Investment Bank
Report OECD (2015) Taxonomy of instruments and vehicles for infrastructure financing.
Guidebook Eggers & Startup (2006) Main PPP models employed by countries.
Guidebook Yescombe (2007), Weber & Alfen (2010) The PPP guidebooks for public and private sectors.

Sources of local governments’ proceeds from loans and bonds in 2009-2018 (in billion EUR)

Municipalities Financial instruments 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Cities Bonds 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
Loans 1.5 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.6 1.1
Communes Bonds 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
Loans 1.6 2.1 1.8 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 1.0 2.1

PPP models

Sector Country PPP models
Transport Australia, Canada, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, the US, India DBOM (DBFO), BOOT, Divestiture
Water, wastewater, and waste Australia, France, Ireland, the UK, the US, Canada, India DB, DBO, BOOT, Divestiture
Education Australia, Netherlands, the UK, Ireland, India DB, DBO, DBOM, BOOT, DBFO/M, integrator
Housing/urban regeneration Netherlands, the UK, Ireland DBFM, joint venture
Hospitals Australia, Canada, Portugal, South Africa, the UK BOO, BOOT, integrator
Defence Australia, Germany, the UK, the US DBOM, BOO, BOOT, alliance, joint venture
Prisons Australia, France, Germany, the UK, the US DB, DBO, BOO, management contract