Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Activity of the Regional Polish United Workers’ Party Apparatus in 1970–1989


Fig. 1

Number of economic issues discussed annually by the Executive of the KW of the PUWP 1970–1989Source: Own work based on APW
Number of economic issues discussed annually by the Executive of the KW of the PUWP 1970–1989Source: Own work based on APW

Fig. 2

The average annual dynamics of selected macroeconomic indicators (percent, left axis) and the number of economic issues per year (right axis)Source: Own work on the basis of: GUS 1950–1990; WUS 1956–1990; Kołodko 1984; APW 1950–1989
The average annual dynamics of selected macroeconomic indicators (percent, left axis) and the number of economic issues per year (right axis)Source: Own work on the basis of: GUS 1950–1990; WUS 1956–1990; Kołodko 1984; APW 1950–1989

Fig. 3

The number of economic issues discussed by the Executive and the number of positions in the Journal of Laws on the economy. Source: Own study based on: APW, 1968–1989; Dziennik Ustaw PRL, 1968–1989.
The number of economic issues discussed by the Executive and the number of positions in the Journal of Laws on the economy. Source: Own study based on: APW, 1968–1989; Dziennik Ustaw PRL, 1968–1989.

Correlation of variables 1978–1989

Economic issues number (ln) National income Investment rate Investment rate in Warsaw
Economic issues number (ln) 1
National income −0.12 1
Investment rate −0.21 0.99 1
Investment rate in Warsaw −0.11 1 0.99 1


Year Number of legal acts regarding to economy
1956 99
1957 120
1958 120
1959 98
1960 100
1961 82
1962 71
1963 72
1964 57
1965 67
1966 70
1967 56
1968 62
1969 50
1970 45
1971 39
1972 67
1973 50
1974 71
1975 94
1976 70
1977 59
1978 48
1979 57
1980 30
1981 69
1982 125
1983 115
1984 95
1985 92
1986 52
1987 56
1988 109
1989 125

Correlation of variables 1970–1978

Economic issues number (ln) National income Investment rate Investment rate in Warsaw
Economic issues number (ln) 1
National income 0.64 1
Investment rate 0.62 0.95 1
Investment rate in Warsaw 0.71 0.99 0.88 1