Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Determinants of corporate R&D expenditures: the role of taxes


Fig. 1

R&D expenditure by country (% GDP). Source: own elaboration based on Eurostat data.
R&D expenditure by country (% GDP). Source: own elaboration based on Eurostat data.

Fig. 2

Histogram of the dependent variable before and after logarithm.
Histogram of the dependent variable before and after logarithm.

Definitions of variables.

R&DA continuous variable equals to the natural logarithm of the amount of the company's spending on R&D activity, recognised in the Profit & Loss Statement
taxA variable equals to a relation of paid, due and deferred taxes to total operating revenue. In the case of items where the value was negative, we truncated the variable to 0. The indicator reflects the part of the revenue related to the operating activity, which constitutes taxes. It approximates tax burdens due to the income tax.
tax_spreadA variable equals the difference between the nominal and the effective tax rate; an effective tax rate is a ratio of taxes to gross income (before taxes). The difference reflects the use of tax reliefs available within the tax system of a country.
growthA dynamic variable reflects the growth opportunities of a firm, defined as a sales growth rate, i.e., a relation of the net sales in a given year to the net sales in the previous year.
ROARate of return on assets, informing about the profitability of the company's assets (relation of generated revenues to assets). It reflects how effectively each one EUR of the capital invested in the company creates new profits.
patentNumber of patents obtained by the firm from the beginning of its existence, defined as a natural logarithm of (1+ number of patents).
ageNumber of months since the firm was established divided by the age of the oldest firm in the sample.
cash_flowIndicator representing the cash flows from operating activities scaled by total sales. It reflects the part of the sale revenues, which the company obtained in the form of real money (cash).
debtThe debt ratio defined as the company's long-term liabilities to its total operating revenue ratio.
industryDivision of companies according to the industry they operate in, based on Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Communities, Rev. 2 (NACE Rev. 2)1 – high-tech, 2 – manufacturing and construction, 3 – water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, 4 – wholesale and retail trade, 5 – finance and insurance, 6 – ICT information and communication; real estate activities, 7 – professional, scientific and technical activities, 8 – administrative and support service, 9 – services (accommodation and catering services); arts, entertainment and recreation, and other services

Jarque-Berra tests for normality of R&D logarithm.

VariableModelNumber of observationsPr(Skewness)Pr(Kurtosis)Test χ2p-value
R&D1 Germany2090.00300.88508.110.0173
2 Total3510.25150.83421.370.5049
3 France1420.91190.43800.620.7329

Instruments of innovation support.

R&D incentivesFranceGermany
Tax credits
Cash grants
Reduced tax rates/preferable tax rates
Reduced social security contributions
Accelerated depreciation on R&D assets
Tax allowance
Infrastructure/land preferential price
Tax deduction
Tax exemptions
Income tax withholding incentives
Patent-related incentives
Financial support
Tax holiday
The expedited government approval process
VAT reimbursement
Qualifies for Horizon 2020 funding

Descriptive statistics of variables.

VariableModelNumber of observationsMeanStandard deviationMinMax
R&D1 Germany2099.93272.08466.003915.6684
2 Total3519.73782.27182.484915.6684
3 France1429.40882.44242.397915.3560
growth1 Germany2091.07870.17320.14191.8622
2 Total3511.09930.29160.14193.9503
3 France1421.27651.4565015.0511
tax1 Germany2090.02090.022300.2249
2 Total3510.02000.022600.2249
3 France1420.02080.021300.0886
cash_flow1 Germany2090.05360.4691−6.60.2496
2 Total351−0.13051.7295−27.48941.8076
3 France142−0.20921.6924−18.44020.4985
ROA1 Germany2095.36055.0256025.23
2 Total3514.59555.0288037.88
3 France1423.87305.8296050.81
patent1 Germany2093.31323.0014012.1611
2 Total3513.19782.8336012.1611
3 France1423.04082.539109.2757
debt1 Germany2090.20600.351403.1568
2 Total3510.28520.724508.7687
3 France1420.34300.898707.5436
age1 Germany2090.21720.21660.01241
2 Total3510.20610.17860.01241
3 France1420.39770.21210.06420.9931
tax_spread1 Germany2090.10780.128500.33
2 Total3510.13480.136200.33

Corporate R&D expenditures relationship with income tax.

Variable spread sensitive to age, and IP protection in different industriesR&DR&D
(1) Germany(2) Germany and France
tax_spread # age7.5442***
patent # prof&scien−0.342***−0.1403**
patent # high-tech−0.2542**

Determinants of corporate R&D expenditures.

(1)Germany(2)Germany and France(3)France
tax (current and deferred)12.013*15.45***28.0578***
N (number of observations)209351142
TestTest statistic (p-value)
Breusch–Pagan test0.290.54