Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Use of Quantum Differential Equations in Sonic Processes



In recent years, there has been a rapid contraction in computer technology. If the trend continues this way, starting from 2023, the basic memory components of a computer will descend to the level of individual atoms. This means that the current calculation model based on a known mathematical idealization is completely invalid. In this case, the laws of quantum physics will apply. Quantum theory is a linear theory. It is based on mathematics, linear algebra and vector spaces. The “quantum computing”, which emerges as a new field, rediscovers the foundations of computer science and information theory in a way compatible with quantum physics. Quantum computation is the newest and most accurate model based on quantum physics of computation.

Today, computer technology has given us the ability to calculate. Computers can compute much faster than a human being, and store more information than a person can have at the same time, allowing them to be accessed quickly. Primitive computers have a mechanical architecture, which is then replaced by relays, vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, increasing the number of elements in the integrated circuits each day and reducing the size of the transistors in these circuits. This development will face some microelectronic element models in the near future. Rather than just looking at computers as mathematical idealizations, one should look at them as physical systems. The downsizing of the computer world means that quantum rules apply instead of classical rules.

The fact that quantum computation is superior to classical computation at the basic level and the emergence of some new phenomena provides us with significant benefits in the proof of mathematical theorems. We know that the classical proof of mathematical theory can only be achieved by step-by-step monitoring of several suggestions and axioms. However, it can be said that a proof made using quantum effects lags behind the old proof definition and that the proof is not a step-by-step result, it is a calculation as a process [1].

In addition to advances in technology, solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations are used in almost every field, and solutions to these equations overcome many difficulties [2,3,4,5]. In particular, it has been shown that KdV and Burgers equations can be used to model a simple turbulence flow by performing complex solutions [6,7,8,9,10]. However, it has been proven that the Burgers equation is a simple simulation of a nonlinear diffusion equation that can be used in this model [11].

Recent studies have shown that image processing can be done by solutions of partial differential equations [10, 12]. Even with the techniques used, image enhancement can be done by nonlinear partial differential equations. Nonlinear partial differential equations can be used to ensure smoothing of an image without additional computational load [12].

In this study, Burgers Likes equation, which is complex solutions by Gençoğlu, will be defined in Hilbert space and will be solved on a sample and the solutions will be analyzed.

Linear Processors

In a vector space, a linear process that maps each vector to another vector is called a linear processor. In finite-dimensional vector spaces, linear processors are represented by matrices.

Hermitic Matrix

Matrice, which is equal to Adjointi itself, is called a self-adjoint or hermitic matrix.

Experimental Method

Let’s take the Burgers-Like equation; Ut+Ux+U.Ux+V.Uxx=0, {U_t} + {U_x} + U.{U_x} + V.{U_{xx}} = 0,


For U(x,t) = i(xct) and V=12 V = {1 \over 2} Ut+Ux+U.Ux+12.Uxx=0, {U_t} + {U_x} + U.{U_x} + {1 \over 2}.{U_{xx}} = 0, obtained. Solutions of (2) U1=(c1)[1i.tan[(c1).i(xct)]]U2=(c1)[1+i.cot[(c1).i(xct)]], \matrix{ {{U_1} = (c - 1)[1 - i.\tan [(c - 1).i(x - ct)]]} \hfill \cr {{U_2} = (c - 1)[1 + i.\cot [(c - 1).i(x - ct)]],} \hfill} was found as [10].

U1, U2H, in this case, the Equation (2) is a quantum Burgers-Like equation. If this equation of U1, U2 solutions and Ut = ic, Ux = i, Uxx = 0 values are written in Equation (2), the following equations are obtained. ict+i+U.i+V.0=0,i(U+1c)=0,U=c1, \matrix{ &{ - ict + i + U.i + V.0} & = & {0,}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \cr & \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,{i(U + 1 - c)} & = & {0,}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\cr & \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, U & = & {c - 1,}} if the Equation (4) is solved separately for U1 ve U2, there are 2 separate situations for each value, and their solutions are also Hilbert spaces.

For U1 ∈ [0, 2π] from Equation (4) following equations are obtained. (c1)[1i.tan[(c1).i(xct)]]=(c1),1i.tan[(c1).i(xct)]=0. \eqalign{ & (c - 1)[1 - i.\tan [(c - 1).i(x - ct)]] = (c - 1), \cr & 1 - i.\tan [(c - 1).i(x - ct)] = 0.}

Solutions of (5); x1=ctx2=2π1ci+ct. \matrix{ {{x_1} = ct} \hfill \cr {{x_2} = {{2\pi } \over {1 - c}}i + ct.} \hfill}

Similarly; For U2[π2,3π2] {U_2} \in [{\pi \over 2},{{3\pi } \over 2}] from Equation (4) following equations are obtained. (c1)[1+i.cot[(c1).i(xct)]]=(c1)i.cot[(c1).i(xct)]=0. \matrix{ {(c - 1)[1 + i.\cot [(c - 1).i(x - ct)]] = (c - 1)} \hfill \cr {i.\cot [(c - 1).i(x - ct)] = 0.} \hfill}

Solutions of (7); x1=π2(1c)i+ctx2=3π2(1c)i+ct. \matrix{ {{x_1} = {\pi \over {2(1 - c)}}i + ct} \hfill \cr {{x_2} = {{3\pi } \over {2(1 - c)}}i + ct.} \hfill}


Assuming that c is the frequency of an electromagnetic waveguide in the function U(x, t) = i(xct) (the frequency does not depend on the center), the extreme red frequency is 4,1014 Hz. and purple frequency 8,1014 Hz. t, provided that indicate the time; If obtained x values in (6) and (8) are separately calculated by using MATLAB for red and purple frequencies, the values in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 are obtained;

U1, Case 1 (x = ct), C=4,1014

t x
16 65,6224
48 196,8672
80 328,1120
112 459,3568
144 590,6016
176 721,8464
208 853,0912
240 984,3360

U1, Case 1 (x = ct), C=8,1014

t x
16 129,6224
48 388,8672
80 648,1120
112 907,3568
144 1166,6016
176 1425,8464
208 1685,0912
240 1944,3360

U1 Case 2 ( x=2π1ci+ct x = {{2\pi } \over {1 - c}}i + ct ), C=4,1014

t x
16 65,6224-116,0766
48 196,8672-116,0766
80 328,1120-116,0766
112 459,3568-116,0766
144 590,6016-116,0766
176 721,8464-116,0766
208 853,0912-116,0766
240 984,3360-116,0766

U1, Case 2 ( x=2π1ci+ct x = {{2\pi } \over {1 - c}}i + ct ), C=8,1014

t x
16 129,6224-50,6942
48 388,8672-50,6942
80 648,1120-50,6942
112 907,3568-50,6942
144 1166,6016-50,6942
176 1425,8464-50,6942
208 1685,0912-50,6942
240 1944,3360-50,6942

U2, Case 1 ( x=π2(1c)i+ct x = {\pi \over {2(1 - c)}}i + ct ), C=4,1014

t x
16 65,6224-29,0191
48 196,8672-29,0191
80 328,1120-29,0191
112 459,3568-29,0191
144 590,6016-29,0191
176 721,8464-29,0191
208 853,0912-29,0191
240 984,3360-29,0191

U2, Case 1 ( x=2π1ci+ct x = {{2\pi } \over {1 - c}}i + ct ), C=8,1014

t x
16 129,6224-12,6735
48 388,8672-12,6735
80 648,1120-12,6735
112 907,3568-12,6735
144 1166,6016-12,6735
176 1425,8464-12,6735
208 1685,0912-12,6735
240 1944,3360-12,6735

U2, Case 2 ( x=3π2(1c)i+ct x = {{3\pi } \over {2(1 - c)}}i + ct ), C=4,1014

t x
16 65,6224-87,0574
48 196,8672-87,0574
80 328,1120-87,0574
112 459,3568-87,0574
144 590,6016-87,0574
176 721,8464-87,0574
208 853,0912-87,0574
240 984,3360-87,0574

U2, Case 2 ( x=3π2(1c)i+ct x = {{3\pi } \over {2(1 - c)}}i + ct ), C=8,1014

t x
16 129,6224-38,0206
48 388,8672-38,0206
80 648,1120-38,0206
112 907,3568-38,0206
144 1166,6016-38,0206
176 1425,8464-38,0206
208 1685,0912-38,0206
240 1944,3360-38,0206

When the values given in these tables are plotted with the help of MATLAB, the following Figures 1 and 2 are obtained.

Fig. 1

Case 1 and 2

Fig. 2

Case 1 and 2

Results and Discussions

As can be seen from the tables and figures, the nonlinear differential equation is solved by linearizing the quantum Burgers-Like equation. The resulting change in time is linearly reduced. This indicates that the Quantum Burgers-Like equation can be used to smoothen the sound, image and signal processing.

Since the x values obtained from the solutions of the quantum Burgers-Like equation are the elements of Hilbert space, 4 basic quantum states in Hilbert space; |00=|0=(0,0,0,1)T |00\rangle = |0\rangle = {(0,0,0,1)^T} |01=|1=(0,0,1,0)T |01\rangle = |1\rangle = {(0,0,1,0)^T} |10=|2=(0,1,0,0)T |10\rangle = |2\rangle = {(0,1,0,0)^T} can be written as [13]. From here, the following Hermitian matrices can be written. Uq1=[1000013U113U¯10013U¯113U100001] {U_{{q_1}}} = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \cr 0 & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{U_1}} & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{{\bar U}_1}} & 0 \cr 0 & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{{\bar U}_1}} & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{U_1}} & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \cr } } \right] Uq2=[1000013U213U¯20013U¯213U200001] {U_{{q_2}}} = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \cr 0 & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{U_2}} & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{{\bar U}_2}} & 0 \cr 0 & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{{\bar U}_2}} & {{1 \over {\sqrt 3 }}{U_2}} & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \cr } } \right]

If these Hermitian matrices are considered as Entangling Quantum Gates;

Can nonlinear partial differential equations be simulated?

Can these doors be used for linear diffusion?

Can these doors be used as a collision operator?

Can a quantum random number be used as a generator?


This study showed that; Quantum Burgers-Like equation, the nonlinear differential equation is solved by linearization. This means that the Quantum Burgers-Like equation can be used to smoothen the sound, image and signal processing. By solving nonlinear partial differential equations, it will be possible to smoothen an image without additional computation overhead. If we express what is done from another angle; The values obtained are possible values, not absolute values of the observables. That is the uncertainties in the Quantum Mechanism [13, 14]. This quantum equation is also a linear processor at the same time, as can be seen from the operations performed and the results obtained. Thanks to the Hermitian matrices described above, this linear processor is now a Hermitic processor. Furthermore, if the above, hermitian matrices are defined as quantum gates, this is proof that these quantum gates can be copied. This means that quantum states can transmit safely between the two sides. This is mark an era in quantum cryptography [14].

By solving nonlinear partial differential equations, it will be possible to smoothen an image without additional computation overhead. This study will contribute to the studies in the field of software engineering and especially in the National cybersecurity solutions. According to my research in literature, there are not many studies in this field, and this is the first study of quantum Burgers-like equations.

Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
Volume Open
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, andere, Mathematik, Angewandte Mathematik, Allgemeines, Physik