Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Morphological and molecular characterization of Pratylenchus species from Yam (Dioscorea spp.) in West Africa


Figure 1:

Proportion of Pratylenchus spp. in the yam rhizosphere from Ghana “n = 81” (A) and Nigeria “n = 114” (B), in yam tubers “n = 400” (C) and of nematode damage symptoms on yam tubers (D)
Proportion of Pratylenchus spp. in the yam rhizosphere from Ghana “n = 81” (A) and Nigeria “n = 114” (B), in yam tubers “n = 400” (C) and of nematode damage symptoms on yam tubers (D)

Figure 2:

Pratylenchus brachyurus. Light micrographs of Female: A: Entire body; B: Esophageal region; C: Spermatheca with sperm cells; D: Posterior end of gravid female; E: Tail end; F: Lateral field at mid body; G: Vulva; H: Tail; (scale bars: B-H = 10 μm; A = 100 μm).
Pratylenchus brachyurus. Light micrographs of Female: A: Entire body; B: Esophageal region; C: Spermatheca with sperm cells; D: Posterior end of gravid female; E: Tail end; F: Lateral field at mid body; G: Vulva; H: Tail; (scale bars: B-H = 10 μm; A = 100 μm).

Figure 3:

Morphological variations in Pratylenchus brachyurus. A-F: Anterior regions (A-F); Lateral field at mid body (G-J); Tail region (K-Q); and Tail end (R-Y); (scale bars: 10 μm).
Morphological variations in Pratylenchus brachyurus. A-F: Anterior regions (A-F); Lateral field at mid body (G-J); Tail region (K-Q); and Tail end (R-Y); (scale bars: 10 μm).

Figure 4:

Light micrographs of female Pratylenchus hexincisus. A: Anterior end; B: Entire body; C: Head; D-E: Reproductive track; F-G: Lateral field at mid body; H-I: Tail; (scale bars: A, C-I = 10 μm; B = 100 μm).
Light micrographs of female Pratylenchus hexincisus. A: Anterior end; B: Entire body; C: Head; D-E: Reproductive track; F-G: Lateral field at mid body; H-I: Tail; (scale bars: A, C-I = 10 μm; B = 100 μm).

Figure 5:

Light micrographs of female Pratylenchus zeae. A: Entire body; B: Anterior region; C: Head; D: esophageal region; E-F: Lateral field at mid body; G-H: Reproductive tract showing small round spermatheca; I-K: Tail; (scale bars: B-K, = 10 μm; A = 100 μm).
Light micrographs of female Pratylenchus zeae. A: Entire body; B: Anterior region; C: Head; D: esophageal region; E-F: Lateral field at mid body; G-H: Reproductive tract showing small round spermatheca; I-K: Tail; (scale bars: B-K, = 10 μm; A = 100 μm).

Figure 6:

Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from four runs as inferred from analysis of the D2-D3 of 28 S rRNA gene sequence alignment under the GTR + I + G model. (-lnL = 11091.5259; AIC = 22563.051780; freqA = 0.1873; freqC = 0.2354; freqG = 0.3250; freqT = 0.2523; R(a) = 1.0893; R(b) = 3.9431; R(c) = 2.1703; R(d) = 0.4799; R(e) = 5.3436; R(f) = 1.0000; p-inv = 0.3210; gamma shape = 0.8480). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades). New sequences are indicated by bold font.
Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from four runs as inferred from analysis of the D2-D3 of 28 S rRNA gene sequence alignment under the GTR + I + G model. (-lnL = 11091.5259; AIC = 22563.051780; freqA = 0.1873; freqC = 0.2354; freqG = 0.3250; freqT = 0.2523; R(a) = 1.0893; R(b) = 3.9431; R(c) = 2.1703; R(d) = 0.4799; R(e) = 5.3436; R(f) = 1.0000; p-inv = 0.3210; gamma shape = 0.8480). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades). New sequences are indicated by bold font.

Figure 7:

Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from four runs as inferred from analysis of the COI mtDNA gene sequence alignment under the GTR + I + G model. (-lnL = 6250.9879; AIC = 12821.975780; freqA = 0.2952; freqC = 0.0915; freqG = 0.1808; freqT = 0.4325; R(a) = 0.1894; R(b) = 6.2295; R(c) = 1.8356; R(d) = 5.2302; R(e) = 5.3626; R(f) = 1.0000; p-inv = 0.2340; gamma shape = 0.6370). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades). Original sequences are indicated by bold font.
Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from four runs as inferred from analysis of the COI mtDNA gene sequence alignment under the GTR + I + G model. (-lnL = 6250.9879; AIC = 12821.975780; freqA = 0.2952; freqC = 0.0915; freqG = 0.1808; freqT = 0.4325; R(a) = 0.1894; R(b) = 6.2295; R(c) = 1.8356; R(d) = 5.2302; R(e) = 5.3626; R(f) = 1.0000; p-inv = 0.2340; gamma shape = 0.6370). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades). Original sequences are indicated by bold font.

Pratylenchus spp. recovered from yam in Ghana and Nigeria, origin, code, host, altitude and GenBank numbers.

Country Region* Districtα Code Species N Longitude (°) Latitude (°) Altitude (m) HostT D2-D3 COI
Ghana Brong Ahafo Atebubu Atebubu PS 1 P. brachyurus 1 0.98598 7.75467 151 D. rotundata T
Atebubu-Amantin Ahontor 1 P. brachyurus 2 0.96798 7.79126 139 D. rotundata
Tintare 2 P. brachyurus 2 0.90484 7.72486 159 D. rotundata
Kintampo North Bablioduo K 1 P. brachyurus 3 1.86789 8.0352 265 D. rotundata
Kintampo S 1 P. zeae§ 6 1.84078 8.14824 206 D. dumetorum MT362906, MT362907 MT952194, MT952195
Northern East Gonja Adamupe 1 P. brachyurus 3 0.51155 8.49292 176 D. alata MT362896 MT949472
Bagabaga 1 P. brachyurus 2 0.61344 8.55865 157 D. rotundata
Kitoe 1 P. brachyurus 1 0.49596 8.4655 189 D. rotundata
Tolon Kpalsogu 2 P. brachyurus 7 1.01323 9.39844 171 D. rotundata
Kukuo 1 P. brachyurus 4 1.02533 9.41156 171 D. rotundata
Kukuo 2 P. brachyurus 2 1.02556 9.41114 170 D. rotundata
Kukuo 3 P. brachyurus 2 1.02556 9.41114 170 D. rotundata
Wala 1 P. brachyurus 2 1.24929 9.63993 124 D. rotundata
Country State* LGAα Code Species N Longitude (°) Latitude (°) Altitude (m) HostT D2-D3 COI
Nigeria Abia Umuahia Umudike 1 P. brachyurus 1 7.53057 5.48212 108 D. rotundata
Umudike 2 P. brachyurus 2 7.53057 5.48212 108 D. rotundata
Umuahia North Umuagu 1 P. zeae 1 7.44739 5.61234 90 D. dumetorum
Anambra Anambra East Igbariam 1 P. brachyurus 1 6.96508 6.30112 69 D. rotundata T
Benue Otukpo Otukpo 1 P. hexincisus 12 8.13327 7.19212 196 D. alata T MT362904, KY828292 MT951588, KY828320
Ekiti Irepodum-Ifelodum Araromi 1 P. brachyurus 2 5.19352 7.67682 450 D. rotundata T
Enugu Udi Amoka 1 P. brachyurus 7 7.39581 6.55556 388 D. cayenensis
Imo Owerri Mbaise 1 P. brachyurus 14 7.03433 5.48433 233 D. rotundata T MT362898, MT362899, MT362900, MT362901 MT949474, MT949475
Kogi Idah Ega 1 P. brachyurus 1 6.72912 7.10123 29 D. rotundata T
Ega 2 P. brachyurus 3 6.72912 7.10123 29 D. rotundata T
Ega 3 P. brachyurus 1 6.72912 7.10123 29 D. rotundata T
Ijumu Okejumu 1 P. brachyurus 5 5.93338 7.84627 495 D. rotundata T
Nasarawa Lafia Rimiuka 1 P. brachyurus 21 8.51598 8.49365 175 D. rotundata
Rimiuka 2 P. brachyurus 6 8.51598 8.49365 175 D. rotundata T
Nasarawa Eggon Eggon 1 P. brachyurus 8 8.5409 8.71445 271 D. rotundata T MT362897

Measurements of thirteen Pratylenchus brachyurus populations from Ghana. All measurements are in μm and in the form: mean ± s.d. (range).

Sample Atebubu PS 1 Ahontor 1 Tintare 2 Bablioduo K 1 Kintampo S 1 Kpalsogu 2 Kukuo 1
N 1♀* 2♀♀ 2♀♀ 3♀♀ 3♀♀ 7♀♀♀* 4♀♀
L 507 566-543 518-532 556±16.9 (538-572) 487±44.7 (451-537) 470±38 (390-504) 501±13.6 (488-520)
a 16.5 24.0-21.0 18.9-21.9 24.4±5.4 (19.6-30.2) 18.2±0.72 (17.4-18.7) 16.7±2.3 (14.1-21.1) 19.9±3.3 (15.8-22.6)
b 6.2 4.6-4.6 5.3-5.7 5.8±0.64 (5.3-6.2) 5.2±0.9 (4.2-5.8) 4.7±0.21 (4.5-4.8) 5.2±1.2 (4.2-6.9)
b' 4.3 3.8-4.1 4.2-4.7 4.1±1.0 (3.4-5.3) 3.7±0.74 (3.1-4.5) 3.5±0.07 (3.4-3.5) 4.1±0.62 (3.4-4.8)
C 21.6 17.1-17.2 20.6-17.6 24.7±4.3 (19.9-28.3) 16.4±1.1 (15.3-17.5) 16.7±2.0 (14.5-19.5) 17.4±1.3 (15.7-18.7)
c' 1.5 2.8-1.7 1.6-2.0 1.6±0 (1.6-1.6) 1.9±0.21 (1.7-2.1) 1.8±0.33 (1.4-2.3) 1.8±0.27 (1.6-2.2)
V% 84.8 86.0-83.0 82.0-83.0 85.9±0.17 (85.7-86.0) 85.7±0.58 (85.0-86.0) 83.5±3.3 (77.0-88.0) 84.3±1.5 (82-85)
Stylet length 19.1 19.6-18.8 18.1-18.2 19.2±0.2 (19.0-19.4) 18.3±0.12 (18.2-18.4) 17.1±0.64 (16.6-18.4) 19.1±0.68 (18.5-20.1)
Stylet knob width 5.7 5.2-4.1 5.3-5.7 4.4±0 (4.4-4.4) 4.9±0.9 (4.0-5.8) 5.2±0.7 (4.3-6.3) 5.2±0.51 (4.6-5.8)
Stylet knob height 3.8 3.1-3.0 3.9-3.3 2.9±0.57 (2.5-3.3) 3.0±0.65 (2.3-3.6) 3.6±0.54 (2.8-4.2) 3.5±0.35 (3.1-3.8)
DEGO from stylet base 3.7 2.8-3.3 2.6-3.1 3.6±0.51 (3.2-4.2) 3.8±0.64 (3.1-4.2) 2.4±0.57 (2.0-2.8) 2.7±0.4 (2.3-3.1)
Anterior end to:
 centre of metacorpus 53.5 72.4-62.5 50.8-48.2 56.7±4.9 (52.4-62.1) 52.7±4.6 (49.2-57.9) 51.0±6.1 (42.9-61.7) 54.9±6.4 (47.6-63.1)
 median bulb base 61.5 80.7-69.2 59.2-55.8 63.6±3.6 (61.2-67.8) 61.4±4.4 (57.8-66.3) 57.2±7.2 (46.3-69.2) 61.1±6.9 (53.4-70)
 Cardia 81.1 123-117 97.1-93.7 98.4±9.1 (92.0-105) 94.6±12.4 (83.2-108) 103±9.4 (96.8-110) 101±21.6 (72.6-124)
 end of esophageal gland end 117 147-134 125-113 140±28.1 (108-160) 135±17.5 (119-154) 139±5.1 (135-142) 126±22.0 (103-154)
 secretory/excretory pore 71.3 111-87.5 71.6-79.4 91.7±8.2 (85.4-101) 72.4±3.1 (70.2-74.6) 72.1±9.0 (56.9-79.8) 85.5±4.1 (81.6-89.8)
 Esophagus overlap 51.1 21.6-18.3 27.7-18.9 38.3±10.0 (31.2-45.3) 37.8±6.3 (31.6-44.2) 39.7±0.64 (39.2-40.1) 29.6±8.3 (24.1-41.7)
Max. body diam. 30.7 23.6-25.8 27.4-24.2 23.4±4.7 (18.9-28.3) 26.7±1.9 (25.3-28.8) 28.5±3.1 (23.8-34.2) 25.7±4.4 (22.0-30.9)
Vulval body diam. 24.2 19.0-21.4 22.6-20.6 21.7±3.8 (18.6-25.9) 21.4±1.2 (20.2-22.5) 22.6±2.7 (20.4-27.3) 21.4±1.8 (19.3-23.7)
Anal body diam. 15.6 11.8-18.8 16.2-14.8 14.6±3.0 (12.4-18.0) 15.6±0.61 (15.1-16.3) 15.5±2.1 (11.8-18) 16.1±1.6 (14.5-18.1)
Anterior genital 178-169 167- 186±79.8 (126-277) 124±11.1 (116-132) 86.1±23.1 (71.8-121)
Spermatheca-vagina -35.7 43.3- 63.9±28.4 (45.9-96.6) 37.4±9.1 (30.9-43.8) 32±11.4 (24.6-45.2)
Tail length 23.5 33.1-31.6 25.2-30.1 23.0±4.3 (20.2-28.0) 29.8±4.5 (27-35) 28.4±3.3 (24.4-32.6) 28.9±2.4 (26-31.7)
Number of tail annuli 15 19.0-18.0 15.0-19.0 18.5±2.1 (17-20) 18.0±2 (16.0-20.0) 18.0±0.82 (17.0-19.0) 17.3±1.7 (15-19)
Vulva to anus distance 49.7 57.0-57.5 64.4-58.7 42.5±6.0 (37.7-49.2) 45.9±7.6 (39.4-58.9) 51.1±3.3 (47.5-55.4)
Post-uterine sac 33.2 20.1-22.6 24.7-24.9 22.3±4.2 (17.6-25.7) 21.2±4.4 (16.5-25.1) 17.1±2.8 (13.6-19.5)
Lateral field width 11.3-11.9 10.7-10.3 7.4±0.51 (6.7-7.9)
Sample Kukuo 2 Kukuo 3 Wala 1 Bagabaga 1 Adamupe 1 Kitoe 1
N 4♀♀ 2♀♀ 2♀♀ 2♀♀ 3♀♀* 1♀*
L 541±46.1 (501-607) 488-541 516-560 522-516 549±60.1 (480-590) 549
a 20.3±2.6 (18.7-24.2) 20.3- 23.5-23.7 18.1-19.1 18.9±4.6 (15.4-24.1) 16.0
b 5.3±0.29 (4.9-5.6) 5.0-4.8 5.1-5.3 4.9±1.8 (2.9-6.3) 5.6
b' 3.8±0.29 (3.5-4.1) 3.9-3.9 4.0-4.2 4.1±1.5 (2.5-5.4) 4.1
c 17.1±2.4 (14.3-20) 16.7-19.7 17.3-16.4 18.7-20.5 17.0±1.7 (15.8-19.0) 25.1
c' 2.0±0.19 (1.7-2.1) 1.8-1.6 2.5-2.3 1.7-1.5 1.9±0.36 (1.6-2.3) 1.5
V% 84.5±1 (83.0-85.0) 85.0-84.0 85.0-83.0 85.0-83.0 85.0±1.2 (84.2-86.4) 85.7
Stylet length 18.7±0.21 (18.4-18.9) 19.3-18.2 19.4-20.0 19.3-19.8 18.9±0.49 (18.3-19.2) 19.8
Stylet knob width 5.6±0.7 (5-6.6) 4.3-5.2 5.2-4.3 6.1-6.0 5.6±0.25 (5.3-5.8) 4.9
Stylet knob height 3.6±0.22 (3.4-3.9) 3.7-3.9 3.2-3.2 3.7-3.7 3.5±0.46 (3.2-4) 3.7
DEGO from stylet base 3.1±0.25 (2.8-3.4) 4.0-3.2 4.3-2.9 2.7±0.55 (2.1-3.1) 3.0
Anterior end to:
 centre of metacorpus 58.1±4.8 (53.2-62.6) 52.1-55.7 62.4-61.6 55.6-53.0 62.5±0.98 (61.4-63.3) 61.2
 median bulb base 65.9±4.8 (61.6-71.2) 57.2-61.4 71.3-72.1 64.8-61.2 70.6±0.57 (70.1-71.2) 67.3
 Cardia 102±7.0 (92.5-108) 104-116 102-96.7 121±37.6 (91.3-164) 97.6
 end of esophageal gland end 142±9.3 (129-150) 133-144 130-122 144±42.5 (108-191) 133
 secretory/excretory pore 87.6±7.5 (78.1-96.3) 99.9-89.9 81.0-70.6 90.5±10.7 (79.3-101)
 Esophagus overlap 36.2±3.8 (31.1-39.5) 35.9-38.4 39.0-29.9 25.3±9.4 (18.0-35.9) 38.0
Max. body diam. 27.1±4.9 (20.7-32.4) 24.0- 21.9-23.6 28.8-27 29.7±4.7 (24.5-33.5) 34.2
Vulval body diam. 21.9±2.6 (18.5-24.9) 20.1-22.3 18.1-20.7 22.2-22.8 24.4±3.0 (21.0-26.4) 20.6
Anal body diam. 16.4±1.2 (14.8-17.5) 16.2-17.6 12.0-15.1 16.6-16.8 17.3±1.2 (16.4-18.6) 14.9
Anterior genital 180±42.2 (133-234) 219-210 193±90.6 (129-257)
Spermatheca-vagina 49.4±14.3 (37.9-65.4) 38.3-42.0
Tail length 31.9±3.1 (29.8-36.5) 29.2-27.4 29.8-34 27.9-25.2 32.5±4.3 (29.6-37.4) 21.9
Number of tail annuli 18.5±2.4 (16.0-21.0) 16.0-15.0 18.0-16.0 17.0-16.0 21.7±3.2 (18.0-24.0)
Vulva to anus distance 52.8±6.7 (43.0-58.2) 44.4-51.7 48.1-59.1 54.3-55.7 49.9±9.7 (42.8-61) 51.5
Post-uterine sac 21.1±1.9 (19.7-23.9) 18.1-19.2 31.5-23.9 18.9±1.7 (17.2-20.5) 49.5
Lateral field width 10.2±0.71 (9.6-11.0) 11.8-10.6 11.5±1.8 (10.2-12.7)

Measurements of thirteen Pratylenchus brachyurus populations from Nigeria.

Sample Igbariam 1 Araromi 1 Okejumu 1 Ega 1 Ega 2 Ega 3 Rimiuka 2
N 1♀ 2♀♀ 5♀♀ 1♀ 3♀♀ 1♀ 6♀♀
L 461 563–584 493±55.9 (435–563) 470 472±33.9 (445–510) 536 545±30.2 (507–579)
a 15.7 22.6–19.3 16.6±0.72 (15.7–17.4) 16.6 18.0±3.1 (15.0–21.2) 21.0 19.8±1.5 (18.6–22.7)
b’ 3.8 3.9–3.9 3.7±0.59 (2.9–4.2) 3.3 5.0 4.2±0.22 (3.9–4.4)
C 21.8 20.1–17.3 19.8±4.7 (15.0–26.6) 22.0 19.6±6.1 (14.3–26.3) 21.7 24.1±5.6 (19.6–34.9)
c’ 1.5 1.7–1.9 1.5±0.34 (0.93–1.8) 1.6 1.9±0.47 (1.5–2.4) 1.7 1.6±0.21 (1.2–1.8)
V% 85.0 87.0–85.0 85.6±1.1 (84.0–87.0) 85.0 84.7±0.58 (84–85) 86.0 84.7±1.2 (83–86)
Stylet length 17.1 20.4–20.4 18.9±0.63 (18.0–19.6) 19.4 19.3±0.64 (18.6–19.7) 19.1 18.6±0.44 (18.1–19.1)
Stylet knob width 4.2 5.8–5.8 5.0±0.78 (3.8–5.9) 4.7 4.9±0.51 (4.3–5.3) 5.2±0.54 (4.4–5.8)
Stylet knob height 3.4 3.8–4.0 3.1±0.51 (2.5–3.7) 2.9 3.1±0.0 (3.1–3.1) 3.3±0.21 (3.1–3.6)
DEGO from stylet base 2.8–2.9 2.9±0.24 (2.6–3.1) 3.3 2.7±0.99 (2–3.4)
Anterior end to:
 centre of metacorpus 52.4 61.5–64.2 61.9±11.1 (47.3–74.1) 58.0 52.2±3.6 (48.4–55.6) 54.6 58.8±7.3 (51.2–69.3)
 median bulb base 58.2 71.3–72.7 69.9±10.6 (56.7–81.8) 66.8 59.1±3.6 (55.6–62.8) 62.0 66.4±6.7 (58–75.6)
 end of esophageal gland end 120 146–151 135±18.4 (110–150) 144 107 132±8.6 (123–143)
 secretory/excretory pore 63.9 97.0–98.1 89.3±12.1 (77.3–110) 87.5 79.6±5.9 (75.4–83.8) 81.3 90.6±10.0 (84.1–111)
 Esophagus overlap 21.1 35.5–38.6 36.4±4.8 (32.9–43.2) 31.1 21.8 28.9±4.3 (23–32.9)
Max. body diam. 29.3 24.9–30.2 28.7±1.6 (27.4–30.9) 28.3 26.6±4.3 (21.7–29.6) 25.5 27.7±1.5 (25.5–29.2)
Vulval body diam. 21.5 22.1–24.1 23.4±1.5 (21–24.7) 21.3 20.8±3.7 (16.6–23.5) 20.6 22.9±1.2 (21.3–24.6)
Anal body diam. 13.7 16.6–17.8 18.0±2.9 (15.6–22.8) 13.5 13.6±2.5 (11.3–16.3) 14.8 14.7±0.9 (13.4–15.8)
Anterior genital
Tail length 21.1 28.0–33.8 25.6±4.3 (21.2–32.2) 21.3 25.8±7.9 (16.9–32.2) 24.7 23.4±3.7 (16.1–25.9)
Number of tail annuli
Vulva to anus distance 42.7 47.0–53.8 44.3±6.5 (39.2–53.5) 49.2 48.8±9.8 (37.6–55.9) 47.4 59.1±8.6 (49.0–72.7)
Post-uterine sac 20.9–20.2 18.0±1.6 (16.4–19.9) 19.9 16.6±2.8 (14.6–18.6)
Lateral field width
Sample Eggon 1 Umudike 1 Umudike 2 Amoka 1 Rimiuka 1 Mbaise 1
N 4♀♀* 4♀♀ 1♀ 2♀♀ 7♀♀ 21♀♀ 14♀♀
L 568 ± 57 (515–648) 578±56.1 (519–648) 486 551–599 591±42.5 (556–679) 509±84.1 (394–641) 569±31.4 (510–613)
a 20.7±3.8 (18.6–26.3) 18.7±1.4 (17.4–20.6) 15.6 23.4–24.0 21.7±2.5 (18.3–24.7) 20.3±2.9 (16.0–24.8) 22.6±2.8 (17.0–27.0)
b 3.0 4.7–4.8 5.0±0.6 (4.3–5.8) 7.5±0.93 (6.3–8.8)
b’ 4.8±0.57 (4.1–5.5) 2.5 4.4–4.3 4.0±0.48 (3.3–4.5) 3.5±0.52 (2.7–4.5) 4.4±0.59 (3.6–5.5)
C 25.1±9.3 (19.5–39) 23.6±2.2 (21.3–25.5) 16.4 26.2–20.6 20.4±6.3 (15.8–34.1) 18.7±3.0 (13.4–24.4) 19.8±1.6 (17.9–23.2)
c’ 1.6±0.33 (1.2–2.0) 1.5±0.13 (1.3–1.6) 1.8 1.3–1.8 1.9±0.21 (1.6–2.3) 1.7±0.18 (1.5–2.1) 2.0±0.37 (1.5–2.5)
V% 85.5±0.58 (85.0–86.0) 85.0±0.82 (84.0–86.0) 83.6 86.0–84.0 85.6±0.53 (85.0–86.0) 84.9±1.7 (81.0–87.0) 84.6±1 (82–86)
Stylet length 17.8±1.0 (16.3–18.4) 18.8±0.57 (18.3–19.6) 19.1 20.5–18.5 19.1±0.6 (18.3–20.1) 19.4±1.0 (17.2–20.9) 18.9±0.69 (17.8–19.8)
Stylet knob width 5.3±0.49 (4.7–5.6) 4.8±0.46 (4.1–5.1) 5.6 5.1–5.5 5.6±0.28 (5.0–5.8) 5.0±0.46 (4.1–6.0) 5.1±0.52 (4.3–5.7)
Stylet knob height 3.4±0.21 (3.2–3.6) 3.6±0.18 (3.4–3.8) 4.0 3.4–3.4 3.9±0.45 (3.2–4.5) 3.0±0.52 (2.0–3.7) 3.5±0.46 (2.8–4.6)
DEGO from stylet base 3.6±0.49 (3.2–3.9) 3.0±0.45 (2.6–3.6) 2.1 2.4–3.3 3.2±0.56 (2.4–3.9) 3.2±0.51 (2.4–4.2) 3.0±0.47 (2.3–3.7)
Anterior end to:
 centre of metacorpus 58.0±7.1 (50.6–67.0) 59.4±5.3 (55.7–67) 63.3 58.9–61.3 62.9±1.5 (60.0–65.2) 64.0±4.7 (54–72.6) 61.7±5.1 (55.5–72.9)
 median bulb base 66.0±8.0 (57.4–76.5) 67.8±5.9 (63.2–75.9) 71.2 66.2–69.0 70.7±1.7 (68.7–73.8) 72.4±4.2 (62.2–78.4) 70.5±4.7 (65.1–81.3)
 Cardia 164 118–125 120±9.5 (104–131) 78.2±9.1 (68.9–91.3)
 end of esophageal gland end 122±4.7 (117–127) 191 127–139 149±11.4 (134–167) 148±17.1 (113–181) 130±15.3 (103–149)
 secretory/excretory pore 102±3.5 (98.8–106) 84.4±13.7 (74.2–100) 91.5 87.1–98.9 96.4±5.5 (89.3–102) 96.9±10.3 (82.8–128) 93.6±11.6 (76.5–114)
 Esophagus overlap 29.2±1.9 (27.8–30.5) 27.5±2.5 (24.1–29.5) 35.9 40.9–18.8 26.8±7.8 (17.6–39.6) 37.9±9.5 (12.6–50.6) 30.0±8.7 (14.6–45.9)
Max. body diam. 27.8±2.5 (24.6–30.1) 31.0±2.5 (28.3–34.2) 31.1 23.5–24.9 27.5±2.6 (24.5–31.2) 25.3±3.5 (21.6–33.4) 25.7±4.3 (21.8–34.2)
Vulval body diam. 23.4±1.6 (21.4–25.2) 24.2±1.6 (22.4–26) 25.9 20.2–19.4 23.1±2.3 (20.3–26.3) 22.1±2.8 (17.4–28.0) 20.7±3.5 (16.6–28.2)
Anal body diam. 15.9±3.4 (11.4–18.6) 16.7±1.2 (15.8–18.4) 16.9 16.0–16.6 16.0±3.2 (10.0–19.5) 16.0±1.8 (12.6–18.7) 14.8±2.6 (11.2–19.3)
Anterior genital 129 141–198 166±66.1 (84.3–243) 206±43.6 (162–261)
Spermatheca-vagina 24.2 37.5–39.4 37.5±16.2 (20.1–55.0) 51.1±25.7 (17.1–77.6)
Tail length 24.7±7.7 (13.2–29.7) 24.5±2.2 (21.6–26.7) 29.6 21.0–29.1 30.6±6.9 (17.7–37.4) 27.3±2.2 (23.1–32) 28.8±2.5 (25–32.1)
Number of tail annuli 18.0 16.0– 21.9±1.5 (20.0–24.0) 23.8±2.2 (21–27)
Vulva to anus distance 60.0±7.8 (50.3–66.9) 57.7±8.8 (51.2–70.7) 45.9 60.9–65.7 52.9±11.4 (42.8–73.2) 48.5±9.1 (25.9–62.9) 58.9±3.7 (54.2–66.7)
Post-uterine sac 19.5±2.9 (16.2–21.5) 19.1 12.3–14.2 19.9±3.0 (17.2–25.1) 18.9±4.7 (14.3–34.9) 19.8±1.8 (16.1–22.8)
Lateral field width 12.7 8.4–7.7 9.4±1.6 (7–10.8) 7.3±1.1 (6.1–8.1)

Measurements of two Pratylenchus zeae populations from Ghana and Nigeria.

Sample Umuagu 1 Kintampo S 1
n 1♀ 2♀♀* 4♀♀
L 382 381–561 433±36.9 (403–483)
a 23.1 17.5–17.4 19.9±2.7 (17.1–23.5)
b 4.5±0.36 (4.0–4.8)
b’ 4.5±1.3 (3.2–6.3)
c 28.7 15.6–21.7 17.6±2.1 (14.7–19.7)
c’ 1.8 1.8–1.7 2.0±0.24 (1.6–2.1)
V% 70.3 70.0–70.8 71.8±1.1 (70.7–73.2)
Stylet length 15.7 14.6–14.7 15.9±0.95 (14.6–16.9)
Stylet knob width 4.9–4.7 4.1±0.4 (3.7–4.4)
Stylet knob height 2.9–3.3 2.4±0.29 (2.1–2.7)
DEGO from stylet base 3.5 2.9±0.21 (2.6–3.1)
Anterior end to:
 centre of metacorpus 44.1 47.4– 50.3±3.1 (47.3–53.7)
 median bulb base 55.9– 57.6±3.3 (53.9–60.7)
 cardia 95.7±8.3 (84.2–103)
 end of esophageal gland end 116 101±24.1 (69.6–126)
 secretory/excretory pore 69.1 72.0– 71.1±7.9 (64.8–82.6)
 Esophagus overlap 21.4–23.9 22.3±4.3 (17.1–26.5)
Max. body diam. 16.5 21.8–32.3 21.9±1.4 (20.5–23.8)
Vulval body diam. 15.3 20.8–24.2 19.6±1.2 (18.3–20.7)
Anal body diam. 7.2 13.3–15.0 12.9±0.89 (12.0–14.1)
Anterior genital 159±27.5 (121–183)
Spermatheca-vagina 36.3±3.5 (31.6–40.2)
Tail length 13.3 24.5–25.9 24.8±3.2 (20.4–27.7)
Number of tail annuli 19.3±1.5 (18.0–21.0)
Vulva to anus distance 110 93.2–149 94.2±7.4 (85.6–103)
Post-uterine sac 25.8 19.6–30.4 21.5±5.3 (15.3–26.5)
Lateral field width 7.9±1.2 (6.5–9.3)

Measurements of a Pratylenchus hexincisus population from Nigeria.

Sample Otukpo 1
n 5♀♀* 7♀♀
L 503±99 (367–625) 427±34.7 (382–492)
a 18.4±3.1 (16.4–22) 22.4±1.4 (20.8–24.6)
b 6.1±0.52 (5.6–7)
b’ 4.4±0.71 (3.8–5.6)
c 15.9±3.5 (13.5–19.9) 12.8±1.9 (10.8–15.7)
c’ 2.4±0.31 (2.1–2.7) 2.6±0.42 (2.2–3.4)
V% 75.7±1.6 (74.1–78) 74.9±1.8 (72.6–78)
Stylet length 13.9±0.43 (13.6–14.5) 14.9±1.6 (11.8–16.1)
Stylet knob width 4.3±0.27 (3.9–4.5) 2.1±0.19 (2.0–2.4)
Stylet knob height 2.6±0.28 (2.3–2.9) 2.4±0.21 (2.2–2.6)
DEGO from stylet base 3.3±0.34 (2.8–3.6) 4.4±0.87 (3.8–5.4)
Anterior end to:
 centre of metacorpus 50.0±4.1 (46.8–57.0) 45.5±5.8 (36.0–50.7)
 median bulb base 57.4±3.6 (54.4–63.5) 54.3±4.3 (48.5–58.8)
 cardia 70.6±7.5 (59.2–81.1)
 end of esophageal gland end 101±17.2 (74.4–124)
 secretory/excretory pore 54.7±3.9 (50.0–59.2)
 Esophagus overlap
Max. body diam. 24.3±2.2 (22.3–26.6) 19.2±1.7 (17.4–22.4)
Vulval body diam. 20.9±4.8 (17.4–30.3)
Anal body diam. 14.6±0.51 (14–15.2) 13.1±1.8 (11.0–15.2)
Anterior genital 93.7±17.5 (81.3–106)
Tail length 36.1±4.1 (31.4–39.0) 34.0±4.7 (28.8–39.7)
Number of tail annuli 24.0±2.8 (22.0–26.0)
Vulva to anus distance
Post-uterine sac
Lateral field width 7.0±0.28 (6.8–7.2)
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