
Figure 1.

Main applications of Ta [4]
Main applications of Ta [4]

Figure 2.

The areas of Penouta Mine [9]
The areas of Penouta Mine [9]

Secondary resources of Tantalum

Material type Size of source Location/Owner Comments Physical Properties – particle size Chemical properties – main component
Municipal landfills MSW containing WEEE [17] Estimated Ta concentration in MSW about 1 mg/kg which is lower than the average concentration of Ta (2.4 mg/kg) in earths crust. In countries where the share of landfilling has been significant in 2000’s/Municipalities Low concentrations mixed into large amounts of MSW. Very little information and no data about Ta concentration found. Soiled small electronic devices or their components Capacitors and other electronic components mixed in large amounts of MSW and materials used for daily cover
Disposal areas of incineration slags. MSW incinerations slags [2] About 61 000 t/d slags produced in EU, most of the Ta in the incinerator feed ends up to bottom ash EU countries/Municipalities, energy producers, etc. Low concentrations, contains other metals, very little information from Europe Mostly in > 2mm particles Estimated 3–5 mg Ta/kg
Industrial landfills containing waste from WEEE processing [17] Not applicable In several EU countries/Recycling companies Mostly crushed materials, particle sizes from very fine to over 10 cm, may contain also specimens that are not crushed Not applicable
Mine waste [9] Not available Echassieres, France Not applicable Not applicable
Mine waste [10] Closed pegmatite mine Hagenforf, Germany Not applicable Not applicable
Tin mining residues tantalite Albite-, Amblygonite-, Arsenopyrite-, Beryl- Cassterite-, Columbite-, Muscovite-, Pyrite-, Quatrz [12] Not known, surface storage areas Vieiros Canadelo, Porto Region, Portugal Closed tin mining area Not applicable Ta concentrations not available
Tailings and waste from tin mining [9] Tailings 5Mt and waste dump 6.8 Mt Penouta, Spain/Aprovecha mineto Mineiro Closed tin mining area, tailings and waste studied for recovery of Ta Not applicable Tailings 48 g/t; waste dump 27 g/t
Mine waste and tailings [9] Not known Bessa, Portugal Not applicable not applicable
Slag [22] About 1 000 t of radioactive slag from Nb production Larger amounts of light waste Apatite-Calcite-Mica, deposited to the sea Sove, Norway Small quantity, due to radioactivity will be either transported to a waste area or contained Not applicable Containing Ta (1.34% Ta2O5), Th, Zircon
Waste from uranium mining [12] not applicable Straz, Czech republic Not applicable Not applicable
Mine tailings, pegmatite-granite 12] Cosed Be-Ta mine Rosendal, Finland Li-Nb-Ta
Tin slag [22] Not know Golbejas, Salamanca Spain Tin and Ta mine closed in early 1980s, potential to start mining again has been studied. Waste areas have been at least partly reprocessed in 1980’s Not applicable Not applicable
Tailings of china clay extraction [18] Ta, Nb, Ti, Sn Columbite-tantalite cassterite, Nb-Tarutile No info on concentration St Austell, Cornwall Gravity separation can be used for enrichment of Ta concentrate from fine grained waste Fine particles Several locations
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Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Architektur und Design, Architektur, Architekten, Gebäude