Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Impact of the Słupia River waters on microbial communities in the port of Ustka and adjacent Baltic Sea waters


Figure 1

Location of sampling sites near the town of Ustka. Samples were collected on 18 July 2014 from the Słupia River (sample 1), the port of Ustka (samples 2, 3, and 3D) and from Baltic Sea waters (samples 4–8). Samples 1–8 were collected from the surface zone. Sample 3D was collected from the near-bottom zone.
Location of sampling sites near the town of Ustka. Samples were collected on 18 July 2014 from the Słupia River (sample 1), the port of Ustka (samples 2, 3, and 3D) and from Baltic Sea waters (samples 4–8). Samples 1–8 were collected from the surface zone. Sample 3D was collected from the near-bottom zone.

Figure 2

Changes in chlorophyll a (black dots) and total suspended matter (circles) concentrations in surface waters (excluding sample 3D) along the transect between the Słupia River mouth and offshore waters. The correlation between the distance and chlorophyll a is statistically significant (trend line, R2 = 0.63, p = 0.02). The highest concentration of total suspended matter was encountered close to the entrance to the port of Ustka (station 4, 1.43 km from the river mouth, value 3.14 mg l−1; Fig. 1).
Changes in chlorophyll a (black dots) and total suspended matter (circles) concentrations in surface waters (excluding sample 3D) along the transect between the Słupia River mouth and offshore waters. The correlation between the distance and chlorophyll a is statistically significant (trend line, R2 = 0.63, p = 0.02). The highest concentration of total suspended matter was encountered close to the entrance to the port of Ustka (station 4, 1.43 km from the river mouth, value 3.14 mg l−1; Fig. 1).

Figure 3

Taxonomic composition of ciliate communities observed along the transect between the Słupia River mouth and offshore waters. Samples 1–8 were collected from surface waters and sample 3D was collected from the near-bottom zone at sampling site 3. The main difference between less saline waters (samples 1–3) and more saline waters (samples 3D and 4–8) was the occurrence of ciliates from the orders Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida, which constituted 3–4% of the ciliate biomass in less saline waters and 45–80% of its biomass in more saline waters. The difference is statistically significant (U test, p = 0.03).
Taxonomic composition of ciliate communities observed along the transect between the Słupia River mouth and offshore waters. Samples 1–8 were collected from surface waters and sample 3D was collected from the near-bottom zone at sampling site 3. The main difference between less saline waters (samples 1–3) and more saline waters (samples 3D and 4–8) was the occurrence of ciliates from the orders Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida, which constituted 3–4% of the ciliate biomass in less saline waters and 45–80% of its biomass in more saline waters. The difference is statistically significant (U test, p = 0.03).

Abundance, biomass and composition of ciliate communities studied on 18 July 2014

Group Abundance (cells ml−1) Biomass (ng C ml−1) Composition
Sample 1 – the Słupia River mouth
Prostomatida 0.24 0.07 Urotricha sp., Prorodon sp.
Scuticociliatida 0.24 0.04 Cyclidium glaucoma
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 0.06 0.01 Rimostrombidium sp.
Hypotrichida 0.18 0.11 Unidentified
Other and unidentified ciliates 0.18 0.04 Hymenostomatid ciliates, unidentified
Total 0.90 0.27
Sample 2 – surface waters in the Port of Ustka
Prostomatida 0.33 0.32 Urotricha spp., Prorodon sp., Holophrya sp.
Scuticociliatitida 0.03 0.01 Cyclidium sp.
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 0.07 0.01 Rimostrombidium sp.
Hypotrichida 0.03 0.01 Unidentified
Total 0.47 0.35
Sample 3 – surface waters in the Port of Ustka
Prostomatida 0.14 0.37 Urotricha sp., Holophrya spp.
Haptorida 0.05 0.04 Askenasia sp., Mesodinium sp. (heterotrophic)
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 0.05 0.03 Rimostrombidium sp.
Unidentified 0.10 0.30 Unidentified
Total 0.34 0.75
Sample 3D – near-bott om waters in the Port of Ustka
Prostomatida 2.60 0.52 Balanion comatum, Urotricha sp.
Haptorida 0.70 0.32 Mesodinium rubrum, Askenasia sp., Mesodinium sp. (heterotrophic)
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 1.10 2.14 Rimostrombidium sphaericum, Strombidium spp.
Total 4.40 2.98
Sample 4 – surface waters outside the port of Ustka
Prostomatida 3.30 0.54 Balanion comatum, Urotricha spp., Holophrya sp.
Haptorida 0.80 0.20 Mesodinium rubrum, Mesodinium sp. (heterotrophic), Askenasia sp.
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 1.10 0.68 Rimostrombidium sphaericum, Strombidium spp., Strobilidium sp.
Unidentified 0.20 0.04 Unidentified
Total 5.40 1.46
Sample 5 – surface of shore waters
Prostomatida 1.84 0.35 Balanion comatum, Urotricha sp.
Haptorida 0.32 0.22 Mesodinium rubrum/major, Mesodinium sp. (heterotrophic), Askenasia sp.
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 1.28 2.67 Rimostrombidium sphaericum, Pelagostrobilidium spirale, Strombidium sp.
Unidentified 0.56 0.11 Unidentified
Total 4.00 3.35
Sample 6 – surface of shore waters
Prostomatida 2.64 0.57 Balanion comatum, Urotricha sp.
Haptorida 0.40 0.14 Mesodinium rubrum, Askenasia sp.
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 0.88 0.93 Rimostrombidium sphaericum, Strombidium spp., Lohmanniella oviformis
Peritrichida 0.24 0.35 Vaginicola sp.
Unidentified 0.56 0.08 Unidentified
Total 4.72 2.06
Sample 7 – surface offshore waters
Prostomatida 2.12 0.37 Balanion comatum, Urotricha sp.
Haptorida 0.52 0.18 Mesodinium sp. (heterotrophic), Mesodinium rubrum/major, Askenasia sp.
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 1.00 2.45 Rimostrombidium sphaericum, Pelagostrobilidium spirale, Strombidium spp., others
Peritrichida 0.12 0.18 Vaginicola sp.
Unidentified 0.56 0.09 Unidentified
Total 4.32 3.27
Sample 8 – surface of shore waters
Prostomatida 0.88 0.21 Urotricha sp., Balanion comatum, Holophrya sp.
Haptorida 0.19 0.09 Mesodinium rubrum
Oligotrichida and Choreotrichida 1.45 2.91 Rimostrombidium sphaericum, Tinti nnopsis sp., Lohmanniella oviformis
Peritrichida 0.06 1.17 Vorti cella sp.
Unidentified 0.06 0.02 Unidentified
Total 2.65 4.40

Parameters measured in two water masses separated along the transect between the Słupia River mouth and offshore waters. Less saline water was observed in the river mouth and in the surface layer in the port (samples 1–3), whereas more saline water was observed in the near-bottom zone in the port (sample 3D) and outside the port (samples 4–8). Obviously, Secchi depth was not determined at near-bottom sampling site 3D. Statistically significant differences between the two separate water masses were demonstrated for each parameter.

Parameter Samples 1–3 Samples 3D, 4–8 Statistical significance according to Mann-Whitney U test
Salinity (PSU) 0.21–0.87 6.61–7.80 p = 0.03
Secchi depth (m) 2.5–3.0 5.0–7.5 p = 0.03
Bacterial abundance (106 ml−1) 5.51–6.16 0.99–2.14 p = 0.03
Ciliate abundance (cells ml−1) 0.34–0.90 2.65–5.40 p = 0.03
Ciliate biomass (ng C ml−1) 0.27–0.75 1.46–4.40 p = 0.03
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Chemie, andere, Geowissenschaften, Biologie