Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Migration Crisis - A Main Priority for the Fifth Polish Presidency of the Visegrád Group

   | 26. Juli 2018


[1] Programme of the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad group 1 July 2016 - 30 June 2017. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland, Warsaw 2016; Visegrad Bulletin (1/2016), Review of the most important events In July and August 2016. In: http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/foreign_policy/europe/visegrad_group/polish_presidency_of_the_visegrad_group_2016_2017/visegrad_bulletin__1_2016_;jsessionid=21525D3182A95EE5D1F7AB7341DCA7BB.cmsap2p; Visegrad Bulletin (2/2016). In: http://www.visegradgroup.eu/visegrad-bulletin-2-2016; Visegrad Bulletin (3/2016). In: http://www.visegradgroup.eu/visegrad-bulletin-3-2016; Joint Statement of V4 Interior Ministers on the Establishment of the Migration Crisis Response Mechanism. In: http://www.visegradgroup.eu/calendar/2016/joint-statement-of-v4; The Visegrad Group Joint Statement on the Western Balkans, In: http://www.visegradgroup.eu/calendar/2016/the-visegrad-group-joint; Visegrad Bulletin 1 (4)/2017. Review of the most important events of the Polish V4 Presidency from December 3rd, 2016 to March 7th, 2017 - http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/p/msz_en/foreign_policy/europe/visegrad_group/polish_presidency_of_the_visegrad_group_2016_2017/visegrad_bulletin_1__4__2017 - (available on 07.03.2018).Search in Google Scholar

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[8] Xenophobia not being behind the migration policy of the Visegrad Group is evidenced by the fact that the Czech Republic has a relatively large number of permanent and temporary residing foreigners in the country from states outside the EU - nearly 470,000 people, as more than 47 000 of them are from Vietnam. See more: Ivanova D. The policy of the Czech Republic on refugees - a manifestation of euroskepticism or national responsibility. - Europa del Este Unida `16,1 Enero-Junio. p. 54-55. http://www.europadelesteunida.com/europa-del-este.html - (available on 02.03.2018).Search in Google Scholar

[9] Visegrad Four gave ultimatums to Brussels - https://www.actualno.com/europe/vishegradskata-chetvorka-postavi-ultimatumi-nabruksel-news_563395.html - (available on 01.03.2018).Search in Google Scholar

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[11] The referendum is not valid because voters are around 45%, while according to the Hungarian Constitution there must be more than 50% of voters. See more: Macdowal, A. Op. cit.Search in Google Scholar

[12] Culik, Jan. Hungary’s invalid refugee referendum dents Viktor Orbán’s anti- EU ‘revolution’. In: https://theconversation.com/hungarys-invalid-refugee-referendumdents-viktor-orbans-anti-eu-revolution-66424 - (available on 05.03.2018).Search in Google Scholar

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[15] Joint Statement of V4 Interior Ministers…, Op. cit.Search in Google Scholar

[16] Meeting of ministers and representatives of 15 Central and South-Eastern European countries attended by head of European diplomacy. http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/foreign_policy/europe/visegrad_group/polish_presidency_of_the_visegrad_group_2016_2017/meeting_of_ministers_and_representatives_of_15_central_and_south_eastern_european_countries_attended_by_head_of_european_diplomacy;jsessionid=21830255A6ACE68ECED570CD32F784E2.cmsap2p - (available on 15.02.2018).Search in Google Scholar

[17] The Visegrad Group Joint Statement…, Op. cit.Search in Google Scholar

[18] Joint Statement of the Heads of Governments of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries Brussels, 15 December 2016 - http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/p/msz_en/foreign_policy/europe/visegrad_group/polish_presidency_of_the_visegrad_group_2016_2017/joint_statement_of_the_heads_of_governments_of_the_visegrad_group__v4__countries_brussels__15_december_2016 - (available on 07.03.2018).Search in Google Scholar

[19] Visegrad Bulletin 1 (4)/2017…, Op. cit.Search in Google Scholar

[20] Joint Communiqué of the Visegrad Group Ministers of Defence. Niepołomice, 2 February 2017 - http://www.visegradgroup.eu/documents/official-statements/jointcommunique-of-the; Joint declaration on mutual co-operation in innovation and digital affairs. “Warsaw Declaration”, Warsaw, March 28th, 2017 - http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/p/msz_en/foreign_policy/europe/visegrad_group/polish_presidency_of_the_visegrad_group_2016_2017/joint_declaration_on_mutual_co_operation_in_innovation_and_digital_affairs__warsaw_declaration_; FMs of the Visegrad Group and countries in the region discuss the future of the Eastern Partnership, 13.04.2017 - http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/p/msz_en/foreign_policy/europe/visegrad_group/polish_presidency_of_the_visegrad_group_2016_2017/fms_of_the_visegrad_group_and_countries_in_the_region_discuss_the_future_of_the_eastern_partnership; Joint statement of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group on the amendment of Posting of Workers Directive, 11 May 2017 - http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/p/msz_en/foreign_policy/europe/visegrad_group/polish_presidency_of_the_visegrad_group_2016_2017/joint_statement_of_the_prime_ministers_of_the_visegrad_group_on_the_amendment_of_posting_of_workers_directive - (available on 08.03.2018).Search in Google Scholar

[21] On Friday June 30th, Poland concluded its presidency of the Visegrad Group. The political initiatives presented during the presidency and the strengthening of regional solidarity has helped confirm Poland's active role in Central Europe. https://poland.pl/politics/foreign-affairs/poland-concludes-one-year-chairmanshipvisegrad-group/ - (available on 08.03.2018).Search in Google Scholar