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Ancient Greek Military Theory and Practice. Aeneas Tacticus (I)

   | 25. Juli 2017


[1] Aeneae Tactici Commentarius de toleranda obsidione, Graece ad codices Mss. Parisienses et Mediceum recensuit, versionem Latinam et commentarium integrum Is. Casauboni, Notas Iac. Gronovii, G. H. Koesii Caspari Orellii aliorumque et suas adiecit Io. Conradus Orellius, Lipsiae, in Libraria Weidmannia, MDCCCXVIII.Search in Google Scholar

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[7] Aelianus Tacticus, De instruendis aciebus, Latin Translation by Theodorus Gaza, Joannes Sulpitius Editor, Roma, Eucharius Silber, 1487, pp. 2-3, https://ia902606.us.archive.org/19/items/ita-bnc-in2-00000707-001/ita-bnc-in2-00000707-001.pdfSearch in Google Scholar

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