Uneingeschränkter Zugang

A Brief Analysis On Preventive Measures Involving Deprivation Of Liberty

   | 24. Nov. 2015


[1] Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Code; article 202 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code.Search in Google Scholar

[2] Nicolae Volonciu, Andreea Simona Uzlău şi alţii, Noul Cod de procedurăpenalăcomentat,Ed. Hamangiu, p.421, 2014; See also the article 11paragraph 2, article 147 paragraph 1 letter b, article 148 paragraph 1 let. b, article 150 paragraph 1 let. bof the Criminal Procedure Code.Search in Google Scholar

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[4] According to article. 202paragraphs 1-3 and article 223 of the Criminal Procedure Code „the measure of preventive arrest is necessary in order to ensure the proper course of the criminal process, in order to prevent the accused from avoiding prosecution or judgment, in order to prevent committing another offence ... the deprivation of liberty is necessary for the elimination of a threat to public order...”Search in Google Scholar

[5] ECHR, judgment Fox, Campbell and Hartley vs. the United Kingdom, the decision of 30 august 1990.Search in Google Scholar

[6] According to the article 324 paragraph 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the criminal investigation could not have withholding even by delegation of the Prosecutor: “Putting in motion the criminal action, taking or proposing restrictive measures of rights and freedoms, permitting evidence enforceability or layout of other procedural measures or acts may not form the delegation subject ...”Search in Google Scholar

[7] There are exceptions, when the Prosecutor has the obligation and the right to establish closing of the preventive measures by Ordinance which has, in the course of criminal, classingtowards a defendant under such actions, regardless the provisions of the judicial body, pursuant to article 315 paragraph 4 of the Criminal procedure Code.Search in Google Scholar

[8] See the provisions of article 399of the Criminal Procedure Code (the sentence which settled the criminal action).Search in Google Scholar

[9] In accordance with the article 352 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code “the meeting is public judgment, except as required by law. The meeting held in the Council Chamber is not public”…Search in Google Scholar

[10] See article 352 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and by way of exception to article 352 paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code, or when the provisions of special laws expressly provide for this.Search in Google Scholar

[11] In the calculation of the terms relating to the preventive measures or any other measures restrictive of rights, the time or the day which begins and ends go into its duration.Search in Google Scholar

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