Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Enhancing Navigability: An Algorithm for Constructing Tag Trees


Figure 1

An example of a tag tree. Users track along the paths that most likely lead them to find their desired information by the meaning of nodes. Thus semantic coherence along a path is important for a navigation hierarchy.
An example of a tag tree. Users track along the paths that most likely lead them to find their desired information by the meaning of nodes. Thus semantic coherence along a path is important for a navigation hierarchy.

Figure 2

Reference-based evaluation results using NTT algorithm with degree and h-degree. The left part is the results using degree centrality for generality, and the right part is those using h-degree. The x-axis denotes punishment parameter λ and the vertical axis represents the value of TP, TR, and F1, respectively. The bar in position 0 on the x-axis of each diagram represents the value of HTT algorithm, and the other following groups on the x-axis demonstrate the values of NTT algorithm with different punishment parameter λ (λ = 0.1 to 1.0) values. In each group, the bars from the left to the right show the TP/TR /F1 value of structural controlling parameter k (k = 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50). When the conditions of NTT were set to h-degree with parameters X = 0.4 and k = 30, the TP, TR, and F1 of the proposed algorithm reached the relative best.
Reference-based evaluation results using NTT algorithm with degree and h-degree. The left part is the results using degree centrality for generality, and the right part is those using h-degree. The x-axis denotes punishment parameter λ and the vertical axis represents the value of TP, TR, and F1, respectively. The bar in position 0 on the x-axis of each diagram represents the value of HTT algorithm, and the other following groups on the x-axis demonstrate the values of NTT algorithm with different punishment parameter λ (λ = 0.1 to 1.0) values. In each group, the bars from the left to the right show the TP/TR /F1 value of structural controlling parameter k (k = 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50). When the conditions of NTT were set to h-degree with parameters X = 0.4 and k = 30, the TP, TR, and F1 of the proposed algorithm reached the relative best.

Figure 3

Fragment of NTT tree.
Fragment of NTT tree.

Figure 4

Fragment of HTT tree.
Fragment of HTT tree.

The semantic evaluation results of different similarity threshold setting values in HTT.

ThresholdDegree centralityh-degree

Get representative nodes from tag set L.

FunctionGetRepresent ( L, k, λ )
1.Initialize A = Φ, m = |L|, T = L, and L is tag set {tl,…,tm};
2.Get generality for each tag t in T by calling function Ge(t), and store them in an array D;
3.k = k>m?m:k;
4.for i = 1:k
5.   select the tag tmax from T which has the maximal value in D;
6.   A = Atmax, T = T / tmax;   //Add tmax to A and remove tmax from T
7.   for j = 1: |T|
8.      D[tj] = D[tj] – λ*sim(tmax,tj)*D[tmax];   //As a punishment, lowering down the nodes’
      generality according to their similarity to the selected node tmax.
9.   end for
10.end for
11.return to A;

Construct a tag tree.

FunctionConstructTree (p, L, k, λ )
1.A = GetRepresent( L, k, λ );
2.n = |A|; m = |L|     // n,m is the number of elements in A,L separately.
3.if n = 0 return to p;
4.L1={}, L2={}, …, Ln={};
5.for i=1:m
6.   if (L[i] in A) continue;
7.   j = MaxSimIndex(A, L[i]);    // get the index of the most similar tag in A for L[i].
8.   if (Ge(L[i])>Ge(A[j]) ) continue;    // Ge() is the function of generality.
9.Lj = LjL[i];    //group element L[i] to subset Lj, which associates with A[j].
10.end for
11.for i=1:n
12.   build a node c for tag A[i];
13.   s = ConstructTree(&c, Li, k, λ);
14.   add s as a child of p;
15.end for
16.return to p;
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4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Informatik, Informationstechnik, Projektmanagement, Datanbanken und Data Mining