Open Access

Complications and secondary surgeries after free flap for limb reconstruction at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital: a ten-year retrospective review of patient data


Figure 1

Result of free flap surgery for limb reconstruction in the Department of Orthopaedics, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital 2004–2014
Result of free flap surgery for limb reconstruction in the Department of Orthopaedics, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital 2004–2014

Clinical data for 35 free flaps (29 patients)

Operations (No. flaps)Injury cause (No. flaps)Indications for surgery (No. flaps)
LD flap (5)Traffic accident (21)Soft tissue defect leg/foot (8)
Toe transfer (8)Blast injury (3)Soft tissue defect wrist/forearm (4)
Gracilis FFMT (7)Electrical burn (2)Soft tissue defect hand/finger (4)
Fibular graft (5)MachineBone defect: tibia (3), femur (1), humerus (1)
Lateral arm (2)Industrial (8)Thumb loss (6)
Radial forearm (2)Tumor resection (1)Finger joint loss (2)
ALT flap (4)Post-arm replantation (1)
Venous-free flap (2)

Factors associated with outcome of free flap surgery

FactorGroup A: major complications

Group A: free flap with major complications that required additional surgery (Categories 1 and 2)

(n = 18 free flaps)
Group B: minor/no complication

Group B: free flap with minor or no complications that did not require additional surgery (Categories 3 and 4)

(n = 17 free flaps)
1. Mean age (y)25.532
2. Sex (male:female)15:314:3
3. Injury cause (No. of flaps)MCA (10), blast (1), electrical burn (2), industrial accident (4), tumor resection (1)MCA (11), blast (2), industrial accident (3)
4. Location of defect
Soft tissue upper extremity63
Soft tissue lower extremity53
Bone defect4 [tibia (3), femur (1)]1 (humerus)
5. Time to surgery (No. of flaps)
<14 days46
14–90 days*

Indicates significant difference between Groups A and B (P = 0.028)

>90 days59
6. Type of flap (No. of flaps)
Soft tissue transfer9 [LD (5), ALT (2), lateral arm (1), venous flap (2)]5 [radial forearm (2), ALT (2), lateral arm (1)]
Fibular graft transfer41
Toe to hand transfer26
Gracilis free muscle transfer25
7. Artery:vein ratio (No. of flaps)
8. Vessel anastomosis (No. of flaps)

Complications and secondary operations after free flap surgery

ComplicationsNo. of flaps (N = 35)%Notes
Flap necrosis1646
Acute flap ischemia6175/6 flaps had total flap loss
Wound swelling39Required STSG
Infection5152/5 flaps had total flap loss
Implant failure13
Donor-site wound dehiscence (toe)13
Sciatic nerve injury13
    Total flaps with complications2674
    Total flaps without complications926
Secondary operations
 Pedicle revision392/3 flaps had total flap loss
 Second flap coverage720
    Free flap39Coverage total flap loss
    Local39Coverage partial flap loss
    Regional13Groin flap
Debridement + antibiotic bead26
Debridement + VAC12.9
Amputation25.71 BK, 1 finger
Stop bleeding in operation room12.9
Implant revision12.9Revision tibial plate
Total flaps requiring secondary surgery1851.4
Total flaps not requiring secondary surgery1748.6

Detail of complications and secondary operations following free flap surgery (Categories 1, 2, and 3)

Category 1nOperationIndications for surgeryDetail of complicationsSecondary procedures
LD flapExposed plate ankleFlap ischemia (day 1)Radial forearm flap
Total flap loss7LD flapSoft tissue loss at tibiaFlap ischemia (day 1)Radial forearm flap
Venous-free flapSoft tissue loss at middle fingerFlap ischemia (day 1)Finger amputation
Compartment withFlap ischemia (day 1)Debride + antibiotic bead insert
Lateral arm flapexposed distal radius plateLD flap
Blast injury withFlap ischemia (day 2)Pedicle revision
2nd toe transferbilateral thumb lossGroin flap
LD flapDegloving skin at legInfection (day 21)BK amputation
Compartment syndrome withInfection (day 28)Pedicle revision
ALT flapexposed tibial plateDebride and vacuum dressing
Category 2nOperationIndications for surgeryDetail of complicationsSecondary procedures
2nd toe transferCrash injury with finger joint lossSoft tissue defectPosterior Interosseous flap
Partial flap6/11Fibular free flapSegmental tibial bone defectSoft tissue defect exposed tibiaGastrocnemius flap
necrosisFibular free flapSegmental tibial bone defectSkin necrosis, exposed tibiaRotational flap
Venous free flapElectrical burn with defect at fingerPartial skin lossDebridement + STSG
ALT flapDegloved handPartial flap necrosisDebridement + STSG
Fibular free flapTibial bone lossPartial skin necrosisDebridement + STSG
2nd toe transferCrush injury with finger joint lossSwellingSTSG
Postoperative swelling3/11Gracilis FFMTPost-arm replantationSwellingSTSG
Gracilis flapFx both bone leg with plate exposedSwellingSTSG
Acute flap ischemia1Fibula free flapPost-tumor resectionFlap ischemia (postop day 1)Revision anastomosis
Postoperative bleeding1LD flapSoft tissue defect forearmPostoperative bleeding (day 4)Explore pedicle + stop bleeding
Infection1LD flapCompartment exposed radius plateChronic osteomyelitisAntibiotic bead insertion
implant failure1Fibular free flapSegmental tibial bone defectLoosening screw fixationORIF with locking plate tibia
Category 3nOperationsIndications for surgeryDetail of complicationsSecondary procedures
Gracilis FFMTBrachial plexus injury—total armPartial flap necrosisNo
Partial flap necrosis3/8ALT flapFx forearm (S/P fail lateral arm flap)Tip of flap necrosisNo
Fibular free flapAVN + COM proximal humerusSuperficial skin lossNo
Wound drainage2/8Radial forearmFx both bone left legSinus drainage with COMNo
ALT flapSoft tissue loss lateral side of footPostop sinus drainageNo
Bleeding1Radial forearmFx ankle with fail LD flapPostop bleedingNo
Donor wound dehiscence1Wrap aroundFailed thumb replantationWound at big toeNo
Rhabdomyolysis12nd toe transferBilateral thumb lossNo
Sciatic nerve injury12nd toe transferBilateral thumb lossNo
Publication timeframe:
6 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Assistive Professions, Nursing, Basic Medical Science, other, Clinical Medicine