Open Access

Joyful Encounters: Learning to Play Well with Machines


Figure 1

Screenshot from Flower showing an encounter with the first flower in the fields. Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.
Screenshot from Flower showing an encounter with the first flower in the fields. Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.

Figure 2

Screenshot from Flower introductory video sequence. Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.
Screenshot from Flower introductory video sequence. Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.

Figure 3

Screenshot from Flower. Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.
Screenshot from Flower. Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.

Figure 4

Screenshot of Shimon from Robot Music video on YouTube (The Kennedy Center 2015). Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.
Screenshot of Shimon from Robot Music video on YouTube (The Kennedy Center 2015). Copyright content reproduced here under Fair Use.