
Interview Questions for Women and Service Providers

Phase of Interview Participant Group Interview Questions
1 Women (n = 14)

What helps to support your resilience?

What undermines your resilience?

What are some challenges/barriers that you have faced to being resilient?

1 Service Providers (n = 12)

What do you think helps to support women's resilience?

What do you think undermines women's resilience?

What are some challenges/barriers that you have seen women encounter that prevent them from being resilient?

2 Women (n = 6)

In your relationship, what made you feel stuck? How did you overcome that feeling of “stuck-ness”?

What enabled you to keep moving on when things were difficult? When there were moments of crisis?

2 Service Providers (n = 5)

What forces women to stay in their relationships (or keep them “stuck” there)? How do you see women overcome that feeling of “stuck-ness”?

What enables women to keep moving on when things are difficult? When there were moments of crisis?
