Open Access

Impact of Early Exposure to Play Materials on Motor Development in High-Risk Infants: A Randomised Controlled Trial


Figure 1.

CONSORT flow diagram of progress through the phases of randomization in both groups.
CONSORT flow diagram of progress through the phases of randomization in both groups.

Comparison of pre- and post-test raw, standard, and quotient scores of PDMS-2 within both groups

Group PDMS-2 Subtest Paired Differences t df p-value

Mean S.D. 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Experimental Reflex (Raw Score) −1.83 1.51 −2.58 −1.09 −5.169 17 < 0.001*
Reflex (Standard Score) −0.44 0.98 −0.93 0.05 −1.917 17 0.072
Stationary (Raw Score) −3.94 1.59 −4.74 −3.15 −10.529 17 < 0.001*
Stationary (Standard Score) −1.89 2.78 −3.27 −0.50 −2.878 17 0.010*
Locomotion (Raw Score) −5.72 4.28 −7.85 −3.59 −5.67 17 < 0.001*
Locomotion (Standard Score) −1.06 1.31 −1.70 −0.41 −3.432 17 0.003*
Grasping (Raw Score) −5.39 4.88 −7.81 −2.96 −4.688 17 < 0.001*
Grasping (Standard Score) −0.78 1.00 −1.28 −0.28 −3.289 17 0.004*
Visual Motor Integration (Raw Score) −5.44 4.59 −7.73 −3.16 −5.03 17 < 0.001*
Visual Motor Integration (Standard Score) −0.89 0.83 −1.30 −0.48 −4.531 17 < 0.001*
GMQ −2.89 1.68 −3.72 −2.06 −7.311 17 < 0.001*
FMQ −2.11 1.57 −2.89 −1.33 −5.713 17 < 0.001*
TMQ −4.39 2.87 −5.82 −2.96 −6.482 17 < 0.001*
Control Reflex (Raw Score) −1.06 0.97 −1.56 −0.56 −4.518 16 < 0.001*
Reflex (Standard Score) −0.71 1.36 −1.40 −0.01 −2.142 16 0.048*
Stationary (Raw Score) −2.24 1.95 −3.24 −1.23 −4.718 16 < 0.001*
Stationary (Standard Score) −0.18 0.64 −0.50 0.15 −1.144 16 0.269
Locomotion (Raw Score) −5.06 2.36 −6.27 −3.85 −8.847 16 < 0.001*
Locomotion (Standard Score) −0.71 0.92 −1.18 −0.23 −3.165 16 0.006*
Grasping (Raw Score) −5.65 2.98 −7.18 −4.12 −7.819 16 < 0.001*
Grasping (Standard Score) −0.65 0.86 −1.09 −0.20 −3.096 16 0.007*
Visual Motor Integration (Raw Score) −4.88 2.91 −6.38 −3.39 −6.911 16 < 0.001*
Visual Motor Integration (Standard Score) −0.29 0.59 −0.60 0.01 −2.063 16 0.056
GMQ −1.71 1.11 −2.27 −1.14 −6.366 16 < 0.001*
FMQ −1.18 1.07 −1.73 −0.62 −4.515 16 < 0.001*
TMQ −3.19 2.04 −4.28 −2.10 −6.249 15 < 0.001*

Between-groups comparison of pre- and post-test raw, standard and quotient scores of PDMS-2

Variable Group Pre Post

Mean S.D. “t” p value Mean S.D. “t” p value
Reflex (Raw Score) Experimental 11.11 1.37 1.033 0.309 12.94 1.11 3.294 0.002*
Control 10.72 0.83 11.82 0.88
Reflex (Standard Score) Experimental 11.11 0.90 0.652 0.519 11.56 0.51 0.151 0.881
Control 10.89 1.13 11.53 0.51
Stationary (Raw Score) Experimental 10.44 2.46 1.31 0.199 14.39 1.98 4.263 < 0.001*
Control 9.56 1.50 11.76 1.64
Stationary (Standard Score) Experimental 5.39 0.70 0.699 0.489 7.28 3.01 2.573 0.015*
Control 5.22 0.73 5.35 0.70
Locomotion (Raw Score) Experimental 8.56 3.07 −0.61 0.546 14.28 2.47 0.46 0.649
Control 9.06 1.63 13.94 1.78
Locomotion (Standard Score) Experimental 5.83 0.86 −0.183 0.856 6.89 0.83 1.674 0.104
Control 5.89 0.96 6.47 0.62
Grasping (Raw Score) Experimental 9.28 3.06 0 1 14.67 2.64 −0.195 0.846
Control 9.28 1.67 14.82 2.07
Grasping (Standard Score) Experimental 6.33 0.49 −0.277 0.783 7.11 0.90 0.404 0.689
Control 6.39 0.70 7.00 0.71
Visual Motor Integration (Raw Score) Experimental 9.00 3.99 −0.454 0.652 14.44 2.23 0.303 0.764
Control 9.50 2.43 14.24 1.82
Visual Motor Integration (Standard Score) Experimental 5.94 0.73 −1.06 0.297 6.83 0.79 1.577 0.124
Control 6.17 0.51 6.41 0.80
GMQ Experimental 22.56 1.46 0.896 0.377 25.44 1.85 3.275 0.002*
Control 22.06 1.86 23.53 1.59
FMQ Experimental 12.22 1.06 −1.007 0.321 14.33 1.65 1.288 0.207
Control 12.56 0.92 13.65 1.50
TMQ Experimental 34.61 2.73 0.063 0.95 39.00 2.89 1.668 0.105
Control 34.56 2.55 37.44 2.53

Demographic characteristics of study participants for descriptive and categorical variables

Variable Categories Frequency % Mean ± SD
Birth weight (Kg) - - 2.22 ± 0.54
Gestational age (Weeks) - - 33.89 ± 1.39
Chronological age (Months) - - 7.14 ± 0.83
Corrected age (Months) - - 5.33 ± 0.48