Open Access

Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus in Turkish Cypriot


Fig. 1.

Circular cladogram of HBV genotypes and subgenotypes. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the CLC sequence viewer (CLC bio A/S, Qiagen, Denmark). The HBV reverse transcriptase region length was 495 base pairs in the alignment. The Neighbour-Joining and Jukes-Cantor methods were used. The Bootstrap value was chosen as 1000. HBV genotype A: KY886219.1, B: FJ562300.1, C: FJ023667 D: KP997995, D/D1: LC365689.1, D/D2:GU456635.1, E: KF922438.1, F: KY458062, G: KX264500.1, H: KX264501.1, I: GU357844.1 reference sequences were obtained from GenBank.
Circular cladogram of HBV genotypes and subgenotypes. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the CLC sequence viewer (CLC bio A/S, Qiagen, Denmark). The HBV reverse transcriptase region length was 495 base pairs in the alignment. The Neighbour-Joining and Jukes-Cantor methods were used. The Bootstrap value was chosen as 1000. HBV genotype A: KY886219.1, B: FJ562300.1, C: FJ023667 D: KP997995, D/D1: LC365689.1, D/D2:GU456635.1, E: KF922438.1, F: KY458062, G: KX264500.1, H: KX264501.1, I: GU357844.1 reference sequences were obtained from GenBank.

Fig. 2.

Circular cladogram of HBsAg serotypes. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the CLC sequence viewer (CLC bio A/S, Qiagen, Denmark). The HBV reverse transcriptase region length was 495 base pairs in the alignment. The UPGMA and Jukes-Cantor methods were used. The Bootstrap value was chosen as 1000. HBV D Serotype ayw1: AY576433, ayw2: KT749854.1, ayw3: FJ349218.1, ayw4: FJ349207.1 reference sequences were obtained from GenBank.
Circular cladogram of HBsAg serotypes. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the CLC sequence viewer (CLC bio A/S, Qiagen, Denmark). The HBV reverse transcriptase region length was 495 base pairs in the alignment. The UPGMA and Jukes-Cantor methods were used. The Bootstrap value was chosen as 1000. HBV D Serotype ayw1: AY576433, ayw2: KT749854.1, ayw3: FJ349218.1, ayw4: FJ349207.1 reference sequences were obtained from GenBank.

HBsAg escape mutations in the study patients.

HBsAg escape mutation categoryMutation patternPatient, n (%)Combined patternPatient, n (%)
HBIg escapesP120T, sQ129H, sM133I, sY134N, sD144E, sC147S7 (6.48)sM133I + sD144E1 (0.92)
Vaccine escapesP120S, sQ129H, sS143L, sD144E, sC147S, sS193L9 (8.34)sT126S + sS193L1 (0.92)
HBsAg misdiagnosissP120T, sP120S, sR122K, sT131I, sM133I, sC147S10 (9.25)
Immune escapesQ101H, sG119R, sP120T, sT123N, sT131N, sY134F, sD144E9 (8.34)sG119R + sT123N1 (0.92)
Total*17 (15.74)3 (2.78)

HBV pol gene mutation pattern and frequency in the study patients.

Mutation characteristicMutation patternNucleos(t)ide analoguePatient, n (%)
Primary resistance mutationrtM204ILAM, LDT, L-FMAU, FTC2 (1.85)
rtI233VADV1 (0.92)
Total*3 (2.78)
Partial resistance mutationrtL80ILAM, LDT1 (0.92)
rtL180MLAM, LDT, L–FMAU, FTC2 (1.85)
Total*3 (2.78)
Compensatory mutationrtL91ILDT7 (6.48)
rtQ149KADV7 (6.48)
rtV214ALAM, L-FMAU, FTC, TDF2 (1.85)
rtQ215H/P/SLAM, L-FMAU, FTC, TDF18 (16.67)
rtN238DADV6 (5.56)
Total*29 (26.85)
ADAPVEMrtM204I/sW196LLAM, LDT2 (1.85)
Total*2 (1.85)

HBV genotypes, subgenotypes, and HBsAg serotypes of the samples.

HBV genotypeHBV subgenotypePatients, n (%)HBsAg serotype, n (%)*Nationality
DD1106 (98)ayw2, 96 (99)TR, TRNC
D21 (1)ayw3, 1 (1)TRNC
E1 (1)TR
Total108 (100)97 (100)

Demographic characteristics of the patients.

CharacteristicsPatient groupStudy group
Patients, n170108
Gender, M/F, n (%)106 (63) / 64 (37)68 (63) / 40 (37)
Age, years (mean ± SD)49 ± 3141.5 ± 23.5
Nationality Turkish122 (71)83 (77)
Turkish Cypriot48 (29)25 (23)
HBsAg value, S/Co* (mean ± SD)3882.5 ± 3712.53882.5 ± 3712.5
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Microbiology and Virology