Open Access

Biocultural diversity in Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo


Albania, Macedonia, and Kosovo despite being small countries, are notable for their rich biological diversity, as it is also shown from their index of the biological diversity (BD-RICH) respectively 0.633, 0.636 and 0.602. The relatively positive value of their index of biocultural diversity (IBCD-RICH) is the result of their high biodiversity. All of the three countries have the highest index of the flora diversity highest compared to mammals and birds. The values of the diversity index of 0.5 for mammals and birds (MD-AREA), diversity index of plants (PD-AREA) and the index of biologic diversity (BD-AREA) show that these countries are much more diverse compared to the expected values in relation to their surface

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
General Interest