Open Access

Reconstruction of Anthropogenic Impact Intensity Changes during Last 300 Years in Lake Engure Using Analysis of Sedimentary Records


Environmental pollution with trace elements is considered as one of the most important environmental problems. Analysis of trace element accumulation in sedimentary phases of lakes may reflect the overall regional pollution level, but analysis of trace element accumulation patterns in sediment profiles can help to reconstruct the history of anthropogenic impacts. The aim of this study was to analyse trace element concentrations in the sediments of Lake Engure in Latvia and analyze factors influencing their availability. The metal concentrations in sediments of Lake Engure are at background levels, especially in comparison to metal concentrations in West European countries. However, analysis of element concentration changes in sedimentary profiles gives information about trends of recent accumulation (within the last 300 years) and the balance between natural and human induced accumulation processes.

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, other