Open Access

A Short Review on the Biological Characteristics of the Species Esox Lucius, Linnaeus, 1758 in Caspian Sea Basin (Iran)


The Esox genus belongs to the family Esocidae. It is a freshwater fish that can be found in different parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. The Northern Pike, is a carnivorous fish, member of the only remaining genus of the Esocidae. This fish prefers to lead a solitary life due to the disadvantages of the presence of individuals of the same species which compete for food resources and territory. Waiting for a suitable situation to catch prey is a favoured hunting method, which means this specific species is a lie-in-wait predator. The elongated body and the broad snout are the most striking features used for the identification of this species. This lie-in-wait carnivorous predator mostly feeds on invertebrates and fishes. The species spawns annually. The special living conditions of this species and their endangered environment have made it necessary to avoid any acts that can affect their life quality.

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Ecology