Open Access

Between the state and civil society: Anti-corruption discourse of movements and non-governmental organisations in Russia


Main oppositions of anti-corruption discourse

Type of the discoursePositive self-presentation Negative presentation of others
Official discourse (APF)Public activists acting on behalf Neglecting regional or local of the President officials
Patriotic movement Foreign agents (e.g. TI)
Constructive, effective anti- Destructive, subversive activity (TI, corruption work AF)
International discourse (TI)Using internationally elaborated Limitation of international effective tools (anti-corruption organisations’ activity by the state “pill”)
Independence from the politics Politically oriented activity (APF, in anti-corruption work AF)
Professionalism, scientific base Lack of hard evidence in of investigations investigations (AF)
Hard day-to-day work with data Populism, unjustified heroism (AF)
Protest discourse (AF)Revealing truth about corruption Falsification of official information, among the high level authority restriction of social and protest activism (public authorities)
The bottom-up oppositional Stealing goods from citizens by movement on behalf of people corrupt officials and their inner that suffer from corruption circles
Domestic donations from International (TI) or public supporters sponsoring (APF)
Effective honest investigations Ineffective spending public money sparking public outcry for anti-corruption work, imitation of anti-corruption activity (APF)

The results of content analysis (percentage from the total amount of cases)

Agents of corruption
Representative of federal authorities56.420.81.1
Representative of regional (local, municipal) authorities29.863.555.1
Representative of public (municipal) enterprises8.518.838.9
Individual(s) associated with authorities23.47.30.1
Representative of business2.106
Representative of NGOs010
Types of corrupt behaviour
Misappropriation of goods342.11.5
Abuse of power2.110.40.4
Conflict of interest1728.11.1
Money laundering3.24.20
Cartel, collusion22.313.58.7
Revolving doors4,315.60.4
Proceeds concealment31.917.70.4
Discrepancy between property and income173.10.4
Irregularities in public procurement30.929.230.9
Offshore manipulations8.57.30
Expensive purchases in public procurement6.47.361.5
Ineffective use of the state budget4.35.26.7
Consequences of the organisation’s actions
Case filed7.55.23.8
Party in fault convicted2.23.11.9
No response8.68.33.8
Agent deniesits involvement6.73.11.5
Prosecution refused8.66.34.9
The case is under official verification4.33.19.6
Recognition of misbehaviour6.516.732.1
No information about consequences55.953.154
Evaluation of consequences of investigations
Not clear63.854.254.7
Evidence used in investigations
Video from drone39.41.2-
Social media materials9.63.6-
Analytical materials13.843.4-

Number of publications and their percentage in a year

20188 (8.5)7(7.3)15(5.7)30 (6.6)

Strategies of anti-corruption discourse

Strategy of discourseCategoryOfficial discourse (APF)International discourse (TI)Protest discourse (AF)
ReferentialCauses of corruptionActions of ‘negligent’ officials that spend public money under conditions of budget economyLack of the state’s political will, weak collaboration with international civil society in fighting against corruptionCorrupt political elites appropriating public goods
LegitimationValues, principles of activityPatriotism, efficiency, implementation of the national anti-corruption policyProfessionalism, political independence, using international ‘pills’ for fighting against corruptionCombating the corrupt authority, mobilisation for protest actions, public support
TopoiRelations with the state in fighting against corruptionCollaboration, assistance by using administrative resources in working with local authoritiesAttempts of dialogue, watchdog activity, supporting local activism, pressure from the state (foreign agent)Confrontation, political opposition, unmasking corrupt officials
Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Social Sciences, Sociology, Culture, other, Political Sociology, Psychology