
The didactic-performative experience at a distance, centred on the body in action of the training laboratories activated at the University of Study Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and the University of Study Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples, encouraged, through the exercise of ‘simplex property’ of the separation of functions, the crossing of borders of ‘presence/distance’, using Didactics at Distance (DAD) as an opportunity to search in everyone the potential patrimony of the action, able to go beyond the classical meanings of interaction, relationship, experience, emotion, through an effort of imagination and simulation, which even interaction with the machine can stimulate.

The research work recalls the ambivalence and the plurality of interpretative keys of the teaching experience and includes its analogies with the performing arts.

Starting from the ‘stage presence’, as a scenic ‘bios’ and source of energy, a third energetic space has been investigated, which can amplify the relational dimension. A space which the biologist Sheldrake defines as ‘morphogenetic field’ is the one in which it is possible, through the activation of an empathic climate, to make all the processes of emotional sharing, expressive rediscovery and acquisition of awareness sprout, making the experience of DAD a formative and transformative one.