Open Access

SALBEC – A Python Library and GUI Application to Calculate the Diurnal Variation of the Soil Albedo


Fig. 1

The general Oren and Nayar (1995) model of the diurnal albedo variation.
The general Oren and Nayar (1995) model of the diurnal albedo variation.

Fig. 2

The model fitting procedure. (A) Point data generated from Eq. (3); (B) fitting Eq. (4) to points; (C) model correction.
The model fitting procedure. (A) Point data generated from Eq. (3); (B) fitting Eq. (4) to points; (C) model correction.

Fig. 3

Scheme of calculation implemented in SALBEC. For symbol explanation, see text. SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.
Scheme of calculation implemented in SALBEC. For symbol explanation, see text. SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.

Fig. 4

The architecture of SALBEC software. SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.
The architecture of SALBEC software. SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.

Fig. 5

Visualisation of the results. (A) Location-agnostic soil-surface albedo model produced by the soil surface albedo module (Calcic Xerosol); (B) Diurnal a variation produced by the diurnal albedo module (Calcic Xerosol).
Visualisation of the results. (A) Location-agnostic soil-surface albedo model produced by the soil surface albedo module (Calcic Xerosol); (B) Diurnal a variation produced by the diurnal albedo module (Calcic Xerosol).

Fig. 6

GUI of SALBEC: (A) main window – results of the calculations; (B1) ribbon – soil section; (B2) geo-location; (B3) days of the analysis; (C1) spectra manager and (C2) collection manager. GUI, graphic user interface; SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.
GUI of SALBEC: (A) main window – results of the calculations; (B1) ribbon – soil section; (B2) geo-location; (B3) days of the analysis; (C1) spectra manager and (C2) collection manager. GUI, graphic user interface; SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.

Fig. 7

Laboratory reflectance spectra of Haplic Xerosol and Calcic Xerosol used in the example.
Laboratory reflectance spectra of Haplic Xerosol and Calcic Xerosol used in the example.

Fig. 8

A comparison between the measured a under field conditions and the clear-sky a modelled using SALBEC. SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.
A comparison between the measured a under field conditions and the clear-sky a modelled using SALBEC. SALBEC, Soil ALBEdo Calculator.
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, Geography