
Formal group behaviour is based on following specific norms and rules wherein the participants are expected to be well organised proving respect and accomplish orders, working to the requirements of the organization. When different tasks are essential to be solved, each member of the group must adopt proactive behaviour, so the communication process to be productive. The paper presents a practical approach about how the gender of students influences organisational group communication with the main objectives to evaluate the solving problems abilities on two groups (M/F) and create a psycho-metric model for solving problems inside formal groups. The authors used the questionnaire of Cândea R.M. and Cândea D. as an instrument that includes three types of behaviour that may appear during solving problem process - approaching a routine problem to solve it; approaching a problem that is not routine and measuring aspects regarding decision process encouraging the creativity and the spirit of innovation in a formal group. Furthermore, the authors used statistical methods - Shapiro-Will and Man-Whitney U tests- and statistical factorial modelling – PCA method to identify the most critical factors that influence solving problems in formal groups. The necessity of the research comes from the dynamic of changes affecting the group from external and internal environments during the decision process.
