Open Access

Erratum to: Life histories of anadromous salmon males reveal a trade-off between primary and secondary sexual traits

| Dec 10, 2019


Erratum to: Tomislav Vladić, Torbjörn Järvi, Erik Petersson

Life histories of anadromous salmon males reveal a trade-off between primary and secondary sexual traits

Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies. Vol. 48, No. 3, pages 279–289. (DOI: 10.2478/ohs-2019-0025):

Page 281, legend to Table 1

„SST = Secondary Sexual Character (Trait) Index; EI = Ejaculate Investment; Age x soma = the interaction term; df = degrees of freedom. Beta values indicate effect sizes; in Tactic x Soma column; the first values applies to Beta for SST and the second value applies to Beta for EI. SE beta indicates the measurement precision (N = 26).”


“SST = Secondary Sexual Character (Trait) Index; EI = ejaculate investment; Age x soma = the interaction term; df =degrees of freedom. Beta values indicate effect sizes; in Age x Soma row, the first value applies to Beta for SST and the second value applies to Beta for EI. SE beta indicates the measurement precision (N=26).”

Page 284, caption of Figure 3:

“a. Polynomial function slopes depicting the effect of somatic condition/growth rate (ALLOCATION trade-off) on ejaculate investment in grilse and anadromous adult males (see Table 2 for the components in the column PC1). ANCOVA reduced model, r2 = 0.301, F2,23 = 4.965, p = 0.016; within-cell regressions, strategy, F1,23 = 1.012, p> 0.05; SMOLT condition by fish age, F1,23 = 0.668, p > 0.05. b. Polynomial function slopes depicting the relationship between smolt size/growth rate on log10 SST investment in grilse and anadromous adult males (see Table 2 for the components in the column PC1). ANCOVA reduced model, r2 = 0.747, F2,23 = 33.90, p<0.001; within-cell regressions, strategy, F1,23 = 0.175, p> 0.05; SMOLT condition by fish age, F1,23 = 17.720, p < 0.01”

should be:

“a. Polynomial function slopes depicting the effect of somatic condition/sea age (ALLOCATION trade-off) on ejaculate investment in grilse and anadromous adult males (see Table 2 for the components in the column PC1). ANCOVA reduced model, r2 = 0.301, F2,23 = 4.965, p =0.016; within-cell regressions, sea age, F1,23 = 1.012, p> 0.05; somatic condition by sea age, F1,23 = 0.668, p > 0.05. b. Polynomial function slopes depicting relationship between somatic condition/sea age on log10 SST investment in grilse and anadromous adult males (see Table 2 for the components in the column PC1). ANCOVA reduced model, r2 = 0.747, F2,23 = 33.90, p<0.001; within-cell regressions, strategy, F1,23 = 0.175, p> 0.05; somatic condition by sea age, F1,23 = 17.720, p < 0.01”

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences