
Figure 1

Vrutci reservoir on the Đetinja River (Western Serbia). The yellow marker indicates the sampling location referred to as Vodozahvat
Vrutci reservoir on the Đetinja River (Western Serbia). The yellow marker indicates the sampling location referred to as Vodozahvat

Figure 2

Volume-weighted averages of P. rubescens and total phytoplankton biomass in the Vrutci reservoir: in 2014 (a) and 2015 (b)
Volume-weighted averages of P. rubescens and total phytoplankton biomass in the Vrutci reservoir: in 2014 (a) and 2015 (b)

Figure 3

Biomass of P. rubescens (a); water temperature and location of the thermocline (black lines) in the Vrutci reservoir (b)
Biomass of P. rubescens (a); water temperature and location of the thermocline (black lines) in the Vrutci reservoir (b)

Figure 4

Annual water-level fluctuations in the Vrutci reservoir in 2014 and 2015
Annual water-level fluctuations in the Vrutci reservoir in 2014 and 2015

Figure 5

Nutrients in the Vrutci reservoir in 2014 and 2015: N-NO3 concentration (a) and ortho-P concentration (b)
Nutrients in the Vrutci reservoir in 2014 and 2015: N-NO3 concentration (a) and ortho-P concentration (b)

Figure 6

RDA ordination diagram showing the relationships between the biomass of P. rubescens and other phytoplankton taxa as well as hydrological, meteorological, physical and chemical parameters (nutrients). Water mixing layers are used as supplementary variables. The first RDA axis explained 21.90% and the first and second axes together explained 40.80% of the variability in our data, which accounted for the total explained variation in the analysis (F=12.6, p =0.0002).
RDA ordination diagram showing the relationships between the biomass of P. rubescens and other phytoplankton taxa as well as hydrological, meteorological, physical and chemical parameters (nutrients). Water mixing layers are used as supplementary variables. The first RDA axis explained 21.90% and the first and second axes together explained 40.80% of the variability in our data, which accounted for the total explained variation in the analysis (F=12.6, p =0.0002).

Figure 7

Response curves that include the relationship between P. rubescens biomass and water temperature – WT (a) and water flushing – Wflush (b)
Response curves that include the relationship between P. rubescens biomass and water temperature – WT (a) and water flushing – Wflush (b)

Mean, minimum and maximum values of hydrological, meteorological, physical and chemical parameters in 2015

Hydro- and meteorological parameters Min. Mean Max
Water flushing (m3 s−1) −1.10 0.15 3.38
Air temp. (°C) −0.76 9.29 20.71
Wind speed (m s−1) 1.00 1.41 2.20
Insolation (h) 3.94 6.61 10.89
Precipitati on (mm) 1.25 5.76 9.82
Physicochemical parameters
Secchi depth (m) 1.1 2.8 4.3
Epilimnion Metalimnion Hypolimnion
Min. Mean Max Min. Mean Max Min. Mean Max
Water temp. (°C) 6.4 16.5 25.3 5.4 9.7 13.2 4.6 6.7 9.7
Conductivity (μS cm−1) 145.0 267 320.5 223.2 244.4 256.5 222.6 251.5 301.0
pH 8.3 8.6 9.0 7.3 8.2 9.0 7.2 7.6 8.6
Chl-a conc. (μg l-1) 3.6 4.8 6.5 3.3 11.2 32.8 2.9 3.8 5.0
N-NH4 (μg l−1) 20 120 400 10 113 276 10 99 198
N-NO2 (μg l−1) 5 6 9 14 35 90 5 14 90
N-NO3 (μg l−1) 50 280 810 200 373 820 340 624 838
TN (μg l−1) 450 920 1430 710 1101 1601 784 1228 1846
ortho-P (μg l−1) 10 20 50 9 17 31 9 9 10
TP (μg l−1) 30 120 470 34 135 417 34 156 324
TN:TP 1.6 12.9 31.2 3.0 11.5 27.4 3.4 13.4 36.2

Explained variation and significance tests of the variation partitioning that included three groups of variables – conditional (a, b, c) and simple effects (a+d+f+g, b+d+g+e, c+e+f+g) were tested

Tested fraction Explained variation (%) F p
a 11.8 10.0 0.0002
b 6.2 7.1 0.0002
c 9.1 7.8 0.0002
a + d + f + g 21.8 14.5 0.0002
b + d + g + e 16.2 11.3 0.0002
c + e + f + g 18.8 12.0 0.0002
a + b + c + d + e + f + g 40.8 9.8 0.0002

Mean, minimum and maximum values of hydrological, meteorological, physical and chemical (Chl-a) parameters in 2014

Hydro- and meteorological parameters Min. Mean Max
Water flushing (m3 s−1) −3.71 0.86 6.79
Air temp. (°C) −0.09 9.07 17.33
Wind speed (m s−1) 1.19 1.85 4.66
Insolation (h) 3.34 5.35 8.91
Precipitati on (mm) 1.38 7.37 12.36
Physicochemical parameters
Secchi depth (m) 1.2 1.9 2.8
Epilimnion Metalimnion Hypolimnion
Min. Mean Max Min. Mean Max Min. Mean Max
Water temp (°C) 4.9 14.5 22.7 5.2 10.7 15.9 4.9 8.5 12.5
Conductivity (μS cm−1) 222.0 259.2 288.5 219.0 247.1 290.5 204.5 239.8 276.0
pH 8.2 8.7 9.2 7.8 8.2 8.5 7.7 7.8 8.2
Chl-a conc. (μg l−1) 3.1 7.2 13.9 3.7 7.4 9.9 4.5 6.1 9.8

Main morphological features of the studied Vrutci reservoir and characteristics of the catchment

Characteristics of the reservoir Value Unit
Area 1.92 km2
Volume 40.2 × 106 m3
NPL (Normal Pool Level) 621.3 m a.s.l.
Max depth 60 m
Mean depth 20.9 m
Water retention time 250 days
Characteristi cs of the catchment
Area 160 km2
Max altitude 1544 m a.s.l.
Mean altitude 915 m a.s.l.
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences