
Media subsidies to private media in the West Nordic countries

Subsidies (thousand EUR)
  Subsidies introduced in 2017. Platform neutral. 270
  Long tradition of state funding. Platform specific support to print media. Radio & TV: 250
Press: 330 (as of 2020)
Bill introduced in Parliament in 2019 proposing subsidies to private news media. Platform neutral. 2,890 (as proposed)

Newspapers in the West Nordic countries, 1950–2018 (daily and non-daily titles and circulation)

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2018
Number of titles

  dailies 0 0 0 0 1 2 1
  non-dailies 6 6 6 7 8 3 3 3
  national non-dailies 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2
  dailies 5 5 5 6 6 3 2 2
  non-dailies 9 10 6 9 18 19 21 18

Circulation in thousands

  dailies 0 0 0 0 6 17 9 0
  non-dailies 11 16 20 35 30 11 18 12
  national non-dailies 0 0 0 9 10 9 4 4
  dailies 46 57 68 88 96 91 130 119
  non-dailies .. .. .. .. 56 57 231 136

Circulation per 100 inhabitants

  dailies 0 0 0 0 13 37 18 0
  non-dailies 36 47 52 80 64 23 37 24
  national non-dailies 0 0 0 18 18 15 8 7
  dailies 32 32 33 38 38 32 41 33
  non-dailies .. .. .. .. .. 20 73 38

Appointment of public service media boards in the West Nordic countries

Organisation Members Appointment
Faroes KvF 7 Four members appointed by the political parties represented in the parliament, two by the minister, and one by the staff of KvF.
Greenland KNR 6 Head of board and one member appointed by the government, three others upon recommendations by the University and The Cultural Association, and one by the staff of KNR.
Iceland RÚV 9 The governing board of RÚV is elected by parliament by proportional representation, and one is appointed by the staff of RÚV without voting right.

Public service broadcasting audience shares in the Nordic countries, 2019 (per cent)

Organisation Radio TV
Faroes KvF .. ..
Greenland KNR 82 54
Iceland RÚV 50 67
Denmark DR 77 36
Finland YLE 49 44
Norway NRK 65 39
Sweden SR/SVT 70 35

Public service media organisations in the Nordic countries, 2017–2018 (revenue and full-time positions)

Revenue (thousand EUR) Public financing (%) Full-time positions
Total Public Market
Faroes (KvF) 10,053 8,359 1,694 83 95
Greenland (KNR) 9,844 9,096 748 92 92
Iceland (RÚV) 47,989 30,714 17,275 64 260
Denmark (DR) 548,639 496,346 52,293 90 2,699
Finland (YLE) 472,265 461,771 10,494 98 3,333
Norway (NRK) 583,101 549,094 34,007 94 3,419
Sweden (SR/SVT/UR) 768,285 734,960 33,325 96 4,617

Populations and economies in the Nordic countries

Surface area (thousand per km2) Population (thousand) GDP (million USD) GDP per capita (USD) GDP per capita (rank)
Faroes 1 49 2,689 55,818 18
Greenland 2,166 56 2,707 48,179 25
Iceland 103 354 25,878 73,190 12
Denmark 43 5,797 355,675 61,355 16
Finland 338 5,518 276,743 50,153 22
Norway 385 5,314 434,167 81,702 7
Sweden 450 10,183 556,086 54,609 19

State involvement in media in the Nordic countries (allowances and restrictions)

Faroes Greenland Iceland Denmark Finland Norway Sweden
Direct subsidies to private media Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Indirect subsidies to private mediaa Yes Noc Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Limits to media ownershipb No No No No No Yes No
Advertisements allowed in public service radio & TV Yesd Yes Yes No No No No
Advertisements allowed on the public service web No No No No No No No
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Social Sciences, Communication Science, Mass Communication, Public and Political Communication