Open Access

Experiences of External Interference Among Finnish Journalists: Prevalence, methods and implications


Survey sample in comparison (per cent)

Survey sample WJS sample (Finland) Union of Journalists in Finland members

Based on the membership statistics from 2015. To determine the age structure, employment type, employing media outlet and position, a limited sample was used omitting members (e.g. technical personnel, etc.) whose professional description was deemed not relevant to the scope of the study.

Gender distribution (Female/Male) 57/43 55/45 57/43
Dominant age group 36–55 years (54%) 36–55 years (61%) 36–55 years (55%)
Salaried employees 81 82 81
Freelancers or entrepreneurs 15 17 18
Working for newspapers or magazines 65 69 67
Working for broadcasting (including public broadcasting) 23 23 32
Position as reporter, special reporter or visual journalist 68 72 76
Managerial position (Managing editor, producer, editor-in-chief, etc.) 28 24 15

As stated before, some journalists in management positions cannot be accepted as union members, which largely explains their low share in union membership.

Non-physical forms of external interference (per cent)

Regularly Once every six months Once a year or less Never Don’t know/No opinion
Mediated verbal abuse (e.g. insults, name-calling or other verbal expressions of hate through phone calls, letters, email, online comments, social media and websites) 15 14 31 39 1
Contacting and pressuring the editor, managing editor or owner of a media outlet 7 11 36 41 5
Systematic or unusually large volumes of feedback (e.g. organised feedback campaigns) 4 5 16 74 2
Face-to-face verbal abuse (e.g. insults, name-calling and other verbal expressions of hate) 3 5 29 63 0
Threats of negative occupational consequences (e.g. loss of work or journalistic credibility, hampering of future work) 3 4 23 68 1
Public defamation through spreading false claims, rumours or publishing sensitive private information (also online) 3 2 12 79 4
Threats of negative personal consequences (e.g. loss of reputation, harm to personal life) 2 3 15 80 0
Direct or implicit threats of violence 1 1 14 83 0
Threats to destroy personal or employer property 0 0 4 94 1
Direct or implicit threats of violence or other harmful consequences for your family, loved ones and friends 0 0 4 95 0
Hacking attempts and digital security breaches (e.g. breaking into email, personal files and social media profiles) 0 0 2 87 10

External interference with regards to pre-screening of journalistic content (per cent)

Regularly Once every six months Once a year or less Never Don’t know/No opinion
Demands to inspect whole journalism pieces as prerequisites for interviews 22 13 24 39 2
Demands for journalistically unwarranted alterations to (direct or indirect) quotations in the journalism piece after interviews 20 17 29 31 2
Demands for journalistically unwarranted alterations to other parts of journalism pieces after interviews (e.g. headline, lead paragraph, text, images and other visual elements) 13 16 33 36 2
Journalistically unwarranted demands to not publish pieces and interviews 1 4 34 60 1

Institutional forms of external interference (per cent)

Regularly Once every six months Once a year or less Never Don’t know/No opinion
Threatening with or issuing a complaint to the Finnish Council for Mass Media with intent to pressure 3 5 26 65 0
Threatening with or commencing legal action 2 4 29 65 0
Threatening with or suing for damages or compensation 1 3 21 75 0

Economic forms of external interference (per cent)

Regularly Once every six months Once a year or less Never Don’t know/No opinion
Threats of loss of subscribers or audiences for media outlets 11 9 22 52 6
Threats of loss of advertisements and sponsors or other economic sanctions for media outlets 4 7 19 62 8
Offers of economically valuable benefits or gifts 2 6 18 73 1
Explicit offers of economic benefits in exchange for influence over journalistic content (bribery) 0 0 5 94 0

Perceived implications of external interference (per cent)

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know/No opinion
I am confident that my editor or employer will support me from external interference. 46 31 5 9 6 2
My media outlet does not hand over control of journalistic decisions to external actors under any circumstances. 43 25 8 12 4 7
I am worried about the effects of external interference on the credibility of journalism in Finland. 26 43 8 14 6 3
External interference does not affect my journalistic work in any way. 26 30 13 23 4 4
The audience has a right to know about all incidents of external interference; therefore, they should always be made public. 20 34 16 21 3 6
External interference increases the mental strain of my work. 15 32 15 16 17 5
The credibility of my media outlet would decrease if all the concessions made due to external interference were made public. 15 18 16 21 16 15
I have consciously developed methods and strategies to ward off external interference. 10 34 21 12 14 9
Advertisers and sponsors are able to influence the journalism my media outlet produces. 9 24 11 24 24 8
Warding off external interference is part of journalistic professionalism; therefore, incidents of interference should not be made public. 9 31 18 27 7 7
The amount of external interference I encounter in my work has increased during the past three years. 8 25 18 19 20 9
My managing editor, editor or supervisor gives in to external interference more easily than I do. 8 22 15 15 21 18
Politicians are able to influence the journalism my media outlet produces. 5 19 9 31 30 6
I prefer not to report about certain topics or present certain viewpoints due to external interference. 4 13 11 25 44 3
I have altered or removed something from my journalism pieces as I feared external interference. 2 12 9 24 51 3

External interference with regards to interview situations and access to information (per cent)

Regularly Once every six months Once a year or less Never Don’t know/No opinion
Demands to see the questions as a prerequisite for interviews 21 14 30 33 3
Unwarranted presence of PR persons during interviews or phone interviews 10 13 34 41 2
Denial or obstruction of access to public information 10 11 27 46 5
Demands to exclude certain topics or questions from interviews 6 12 29 49 3
Withholding of cooperation with certain journalists 3 6 20 67 4

Physical forms of external interference (per cent)

Regularly Once every six months Once a year or less Never Don’t know/No opinion
Monitoring and following while conducting journalistic work 1 2 14 81 1
Unwarranted denial of entry or removal while conducting journalistic work 1 2 13 83 1
Disruptions of work (e.g. heckling and disrupting interviews and other journalistic work) 1 1 13 84 0
Minor physical violence (e.g. pushing, shoving, hair pulling, grabbing or spitting) 0 0 4 96 0
Tampering with or breaking working equipment (e.g. cameras, recorders and notebooks) 0 0 3 96 0
Serious physical violence (e.g. attacking, hitting, kicking or throwing objects) 0 0 1 99 0

Reactions to external interference (per cent)

Regularly Once every six months Once a year or less Never Don’t know/No opinion
How often have you told your colleagues about incidents of external interference? 14 15 42 28 2
How often have you let interviewees alter their citations without journalistic grounds? 11 12 27 47 3
How often have you told your editor or employer about incidents of external interference? 10 12 44 32 3
How often have you altered journalism pieces in some way due to external interference? 5 7 23 63 2
How often has your editor or employer altered your journalism pieces against your will due to external interference? 2 3 17 75 4
How often have you published accounts of the interference you have encountered (e.g. in journalism pieces)? 1 2 16 80 2
How often has your editor or employer decided not to publish your journalism pieces against your will due to external interference? 0 1 7 89 3
How often have you decided to not publish journalism pieces due to external interference? 0 0 11 88 1
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Social Sciences, Communication Science, Mass Communication, Public and Political Communication