
Figure 1.

Respondents’ gender
Source: Self-developed based on SPSS results.
Respondents’ gender Source: Self-developed based on SPSS results.

Figure 2.

Respondents’ company
Source: Self-developed based on SPSS result.
Respondents’ company Source: Self-developed based on SPSS result.

Figure 3.

Respondents’ experience
Source: Self-developed based on SPSS results.
Respondents’ experience Source: Self-developed based on SPSS results.

Self-emotions appraisal

Items Mean
I have a good sense of why I feel certain feelings most of the time 5.16
I have a good understanding of my own emotions 5.25
I really understand what I feel 5.37
I always know whether I am happy or not 5.41

Analysis of the marketing effectiveness variable

Mean Standard deviation Variance
The management recognise the importance of designing the company to serve the needs and wants of chosen markets 4.78 2.348 5.513
The management develop different offerings and marketing plans for different segments of the market 5.08 1.865 3.478
The management take a whole marketing system view (suppliers, channels, competitors, customers, environment) in planning its business 4.62 1.966 3.865
There is a high-level marketing integration and control of the major marketing functions 2.70 2.716 7.379
The marketing management work well with management in research, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, and finance 4.42 2.249 5.060
The new product/service development process is well organised 5.01 2.146 4.604
The latest marketing research studies of customers, buying influences, channels, and competitors were conducted 5.14 1.879 3.529
The management know the sales potential and profitability of different market segments, customers, territories, products, channels, and order sizes? 4.33 2.012 4.046
Efforts are deployed to measure the cost-effectiveness of different marketing expenditures? 4.26 2.117 4.481
The marketing planning is annual and formal 4.59 2.190 4.795
The quality of the current marketing strategy is clear and innovative 4.62 2.248 5.051
Contingency thinking and planning are implemented in the company’s strategy 4.46 2.083 4.339
The marketing thinking at the top is well communicated and implemented down the line 4.16 2.103 4.424
The management is doing an effective job with the marketing resources 4.29 2.041 4.166
The management shows a good capacity to react quickly and effectively to on-the-spot developments 3.97 2.201 4.845

Others – emotion appraisal

Items Mean
I always know my friends’ emotions from their behaviou. 5.26
I am a good observer of others’ emotions 5.23
I am sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others 4.98
I have a good understanding of the emotions of people around me 5.30

Regression test 3

Dependent variable Independent variable R R2 F B t Sig
Marketing effectiveness Use of emotions 0.492 0.242 28.771 0.492 5.364 0.000

Regression test 2

Dependent variable Independent variable R R2 F B t Sig
Marketing effectiveness Others – Emotion Appraisal 0.437 0.191 21.223 0.437 4.607 0.000

Regression test 1

Dependent variable Independent variable R R2 F B t Sig
Marketing effectiveness Regulation of emotions 0.418 0.174 19.001 0.418 4.359 0.000

Regulation of emotions

Items Mean
I am able to control my temper so that I can handle difficulties rationally. 4.99
I am quite capable of controlling my own emotions. 4.51
I can always calm down quickly when I am very angry. 4.78
I have good control of my emotions. 5.02

Cronbach’s Alpha Number of items
0.91 15

Skewness Kurtosis
Statistics Standard error Statistics Standard error
The management recognise the importance of designing the company to serve the needs and wants of chosen markets. −0.498 0.251 −1.193 0.498
The management develop different offerings and marketing plans for different segments of the market. −0.425 0.251 −0.636 0.498
The management take a whole marketing system view (suppliers, channels, competitors, customers, environment) in planning its business. −0.240 0.251 −0.695 0.498
There is a high-level marketing integration and control of the major marketing functions. 0.982 0.251 −1.060 0.498
The marketing management work well with management in research, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, and finance. −0.238 0.251 −1.175 0.498
The new product/service development process is well organised. −0.601 0.251 −0.837 0.498
The latest marketing research studies of customers, buying influences, channels, and competitors were conducted. −0.494 0.251 −0.620 0.498
The management know the sales potential and profitability of different market segments, customers, territories, products, channels, and order sizes? −0.129 0.251 −0.744 0.498
Efforts are deployed to measure the cost-effectiveness of different marketing expenditures? −0.124 0.251 −0.957 0.498
The marketing planning is annual and formal. −0.322 0.251 −1.056 0.498
The quality of the current marketing strategy is clear and innovative. −0.359 0.251 −1.131 0.498
Contingency thinking and planning is implemented in the company’s strategy. −0.213 0.251 −0.893 0.498
The marketing thinking at the top is well communicated and implemented down the line. −0.075 0.251 −0.929 0.498
The management is doing an effective job with the marketing resources. −0.123 0.251 −0.805 0.498
The management shows a good capacity to react quickly and effectively to on-the-spot developments. 0.017 0.251 −1.117 0.498

Use of emotion

Items Mean
I always set goals for myself and then try my best to achieve them. 5.39
I always tell myself I am a competent person. 5.16
I am a self-motivating person. 5.04
I would always encourage myself to try my best. 5.40

Self-Perception Reliability Test Others Perception Reliability Test
Cronbach’s Alpha Number of items Cronbach’s Alpha Number of items
0.891 4 0.923 4
Emotion Utilisation Reliability Test Emotional Regulation Reliability Test
Cronbach’s Alpha Number of items Cronbach’s Alpha Number of items
0.928 4 0.906 4

Kolmogorov–Smirnova Shapiro–Wilk
Statistics ddl Sig. Statistics ddl Sig.
The management recognise the importance of designing the company to serve the needs and wants of chosen markets. 0.295 92 0.000 0.770 92 0.000
The management develop different offerings and marketing plans for different segments of the market. 0.284 92 0.000 0.754 92 0.000
The management take a whole marketing system view (suppliers, channels, competitors, customers, environment) in planning its business. 0.287 92 0.000 0.784 92 0.000
There is a high-level marketing integration and control of the major marketing functions. 0.451 92 0.000 0.564 92 0.000
The marketing management work well with management in research, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, and finance. 0.233 92 0.000 0.801 92 0.000
The new product/service development process is well organised. 0.301 92 0.000 0.765 92 0.000
The latest marketing research studies of customers, buying influences, channels, and competitors were conducted. 0.295 92 0.000 0.751 92 0.000
The management know the sales potential and profitability of different market segments, customers, territories, products, channels, and order sizes? 0.282 92 0.000 0.796 92 0.000
Efforts are deployed to measure the cost-effectiveness of different marketing expenditures? 0.256 92 0.000 0.805 92 0.000
The marketing planning is annual and formal. 0.245 92 0.000 0.796 92 0.000
The quality of the current marketing strategy is clear and innovative. 0.257 92 0.000 0.792 92 0.000
Contingency thinking and planning is implemented in the company’s strategy. 0.261 92 0.000 0.799 92 0.000
The marketing thinking at the top is well communicated and implemented down the line. 0.259 92 0.000 0.805 92 0.000
The management is doing an effective job with the marketing resources. 0.275 92 0.000 0.799 92 0.000
The management shows a good capacity to react quickly and effectively to on-the-spot developments. 0.234 92 0.000 0.809 92 0.000