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Reading and Mapping the Worldviews of Island States through National Anthems: Celebrating Deity, Identity, Landscapes and Unity

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Miscellanea Geographica
Thematic Issue: Contemporary world political geography - unity in diversity. Guest Editor: Marcin Solarz


Figure 1

Elements of promoting worldviewsSource: own elaboration
Elements of promoting worldviewsSource: own elaboration

Figure 2

Island regionsSource: own elaboration
Island regionsSource: own elaboration

Figure 3

Categories of words in national anthems of small island states. Categories are listed from most frequent (“All/our/we” on the left) to least frequent (“Hope” on the right)Source: own elaboration
Categories of words in national anthems of small island states. Categories are listed from most frequent (“All/our/we” on the left) to least frequent (“Hope” on the right)Source: own elaboration

Figure 4

Themes apparent in national anthemsSource: own elaboration
Themes apparent in national anthemsSource: own elaboration

Word categories identified in national anthems

Rank Key word Examples of associated words
1 All/Our/We ours, us, together
2 Spiritual spirit, faith, divine, bless, glory, joy, soul, holy, prayer, wisdom, eternal, heaven
3 Future eternity, onwards, forward, evermore, posterity
4 Land home, homeland, motherland, fatherland
5 God/Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father, Thou, Thee, Thy, He, His, Him
6 Family children, he, she, sister, brother, mother, father
7 Conflict battle, conflict, strife, heroes, war, imperialism, invasion, fear, hate, death
8 Love loving, beloved, lovely
9 Freedom free, independence, liberty
10 Nation national, nationality, country
11 Unity united, union, thanks
12 Environment hills, valleys, mountains, rivers, seas, coast, sun
13 Peace/Justice peaceful, just, injustice
14 Island insular, isle
15 Hope hopeful, hoping, aspire

Inspiring lyrics from national anthems of selected island states

State Inspiring Lyrics
Cape Verde “Freedom is a hymn / Hope is as big as the sea”
East Timor “Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our nation / Glory to the people and the heroes of our liberation.”
Fiji “Blessing grant oh God of nations on the isles of Fojo / Shores of golden sand and sunshine, happiness and song
Madagascar “Our love will never decay / But will last eternally”
Marshall Islands “My island lies o’er the ocean / Like a wreath of flowers upon the sea.”
New Zealand “May our mountains ever be / Freedom and ramparts on the sea.”/“Preaching love and peace to man / Working out they glorious plan.”
Papua New Guinea “Shout our name from the mountains to the sea.”
Philippines “O’er within thy skies and through thy clouds / And o’er tiny hills and seas, / Do we behold the radiance / Feel the throb of glorious liberty.”
Singapore “Let us progress toward happiness together/ May our noble aspirations bring / Singapore success.”
Sri Lanka “Mother Lanka we salute Thee? / Beauteous in prosperity Thou / Laden with corn and luscious fruit / And fragrant flowers of radiant hue.”
Trinidad and Tobago “Side by side we stand, islands of the blue Caribbean Sea” / “Here every creed and race find an equal place.”

Time lyrics from national anthems of selected states

Country Time lyrics
Barbados “In plenty and in time of need / The Lord has been the people’s guide / For the past 300 years.”
Comoros “On these islands were we born / These islands brought us up.”
Cyprus “We knew thee of old”
Haiti “For Haiti our Ancestors’ country / We must walk hand in hand.”
Iceland “With thee each day is a thousand years / Eternity’s flow’er with its homage of tears.”
Ireland “No more our ancient sireland.” / “Some have come from the land beyond the wave.”
Madagascar “Our love will never decay / But will last eternally.”
Palau “Our sweet inheritance came from ancient days.”
St. Lucia “Dawns at last a brighter day / Gone the time when nations battled.”
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, Geography, other