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The role of urban movements in the process of local spatial planning and the development of participation mechanism

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Miscellanea Geographica
Thematic Issue: Organisation of Contemporary Urban Space. Towards Planning, Arrangement and Management of Cities. Guest Editors: Mikołaj Madurowicz, Andrzej Lisowski


Compiled selected data on urban movement members, city activists and social experts from Gdynia with whom free-form interviews were conducted. Source: own elaboration based on free-form interviews

CodeDate of interviewName of associationName of intervieweeFunction in association/OccupationFoundedFounderProfileNumber of membersNumber of members trained in architecture, urban planning or spatial planning-related
GDY0115 September 2017The Common City (Miasto Wspólne)Szymon JarosMember of the association board2016Łukasz Piesiewicznon-profit organisation working for sustainable transport and harmonious spatial development of Gdyniaabout 20several
GDY021 January 2018Cycling Gdynia (Rowerowa Gdynia)Kajetan LewandowskiChairman of the association2010Jakub Furkal and Łukasz Bosowskiinitially a protesting and radical organisation; presently they act as an expertise and logistics groupabout 10none

Compiled selected data on urban movement members, city activists and social experts from Poznań with whom free-form interviews were conducted. Source: own elaboration based on free-form interviews.

CodeDate of interviewName of associationName of intervieweeFunction in association/OccupationFoundedFounderProfileNumber of membersNumber of members trained in architecture, urban planning or spatial planning-related
PZ0128 October 2017n/aJakub GłazArchitect, architecture critic and publicist2006n/an/an/an/a
PZ029 December 2017n/aMaciej FrąckowiakSociologist, academic and publicistn/an/an/an/an/a
PZ039 December 2017The Anarchist Federation (Federacja Anarchistyczna)Marek PiekarskiMember of the Anarchist Federation in Poznań, member of the Rozbrat collective1988n/athe activity concerns issues ranging from cycling routes through tenant issues to legal issuesabout 40 persons at meetings; about 150 persons at organised actions.n/a
PZ049 December 2017The Right to the City (Prawo do Miasta)1. Lech Mergler 2. Tomasz Wierzbicki1. Vice chairman of the association, Chairman of the Congress of Urban Movements, publicist 2. Member of the Poznań City Council, member of the association201335 members previously involved in the association We Poznanians (My-Poznaniacy)an expert organisation supporting the city in decision-makingabout 50several: a dozen or so

Compiled selected data on urban movement members, city activists and social experts from Gdańsk with whom free-form interviews were conducted. Source: own elaboration based on free-form interviews

CodeDate of interviewName of associationName of intervieweeFunction in association/OccupationFoundedFounderProfileNumber of membersNumber of members architecture, trained in urban planning or spatial planning-related
GDA0112 June 2017The Gdańsk Agglomeration Development Forum (Forum Rozwoju Aglomeracji Gdańskiej FRAG)1. Karol Spieglanin 2. Marta Gibczyńska 3. Paweł Mrozek 4. Jarosław Paczos1. Chairman of the association 2. Secretary of the association 3. Vice chairman of the association, academic 4. Vice chairman of the association2009 (informally 2006)Maciej Suchanekpublic benefit organisation focused on urban spatial policy issues in order to promote sustainable development.about 30 registered; 15–20 active30% of members
GDA0218 October 2018The City Initiative (Inicjatywa Miasto)Piotr CzyżChairman of the association, academic2013Piotr Czyżplace-making4–5 permanent members; about 15 external persons15
GDA032 July 2018n/aKatarzyna Szczepańskamember of the Wrzeszcz district council, co-founder of the Wrzeszcz digital museum2004/ 2005n/an/an/an/a
GDA049 November 2017n/aLidia MakowskaLocal activist, member of district the Wrzeszcz council, member of the Better Gdańsk association2007n/an/an/an/a
GDA057 September 2017A Better Gdańsk (Lepszy Gdańsk)Jędrzej WlodarczykMember of the Siedlce district council, member of the Better Gdańsk association board2014Jolanta Banachpolitical association but not party non-expert association; activities related to local politics, social life, investment, etc.about 403
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, Geography, other