Open Access

Analysis of the Current Stage of the European Funds Absorption in the Financing Period 2014-2020


The article contains an analysis on a topic that is and will always be important for the simple reason that any topic, change, opportunity or financial restriction with direct or indirect repercussions on the population of a nation will be in the interest of the citizen. And I refer to the citizen in the general way, because the European funds, one of the many good consequences of the great economic union of which we are a part, namely the European Union, aims to increase in each area whose contribution to the gross domestic product can become significant. Private or state environment, company or simply citizen, anyone can become the beneficiary of a project funded by European funds. The proof of this fact is the analysis of the absorption of funds on each operational program. Developing or covering deficiencies in areas of strategic importance, such as infrastructure, can lead to the raising of other areas in the chain and ultimately to the increase of the standard of living and economic growth.
