Open Access

The Study of Students’ Talents and Skills as the Starting Point in Narrowing the Skills Gap of Human Resources in the Tourism Sector


Objective: The article refers to the measurement of natural talents and skills of students in an internationalised environment and possible use of empirical research to modify university curricula. The article aims to determine how to design and implement skills models to increase education efficiency and to adapt the curriculum to the labour market expectations.

Methodology: The evaluation was based on three empirical surveys conducted among students of a highly internationalised university: the Gallup test measuring natural talents, the Filipowicz test (measuring skills) and a poll among students, diagnosing their expectations as to student apprenticeships and traineeships.

Findings: Using the aforementioned tools allowed to identify strengths of university students in tourism programmes and to indicate areas for improvement during education.

Value Added: The conclusions drawn from the survey allowed to confront students’ skills with employers’ expectations and to develop student support methods, e.g. through appropriate modifications of curricula and traineeship programmes. University courses were extended to include modules reinforcing students’ enterprise, the management of individual potential, cross-cultural communication and negotiating skills.

Recommendations: Such survey enables the creation of a talent bank among students where their talents – reinforced with the knowledge and skills acquired at university – will help develop their strengths and can be particularly useful in selected posts.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Business and Economics, Business Management, Management, Organization, Corporate Governance, other