Open Access

Depth distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes on bentgrass golf greens in Missouri and Indiana


Figure 1:

Distribution of plant-parasitic nematode species sampled from creeping bentgrass putting greens in Missouri and eastern Kansas in 2021 and Indiana in 2022 in two independent pie charts. Samples were collected during the months of April, June, August and October of 2021 and 2022, respectively. “n” indicates total PPNs represented within each chart.
Distribution of plant-parasitic nematode species sampled from creeping bentgrass putting greens in Missouri and eastern Kansas in 2021 and Indiana in 2022 in two independent pie charts. Samples were collected during the months of April, June, August and October of 2021 and 2022, respectively. “n” indicates total PPNs represented within each chart.

Figure 2:

Phylogeny of the rDNA ITS region of Hoplolaimus spp. isolated from golf putting greens. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with the neighbor-joining algorithm using the Kimura two-parameter model with Litylenchus spp. (LC383724) as the outgroup. Bootstrap values are based on 1000 resamplings of the data set. DNAID codes correlate to Table 2.
Phylogeny of the rDNA ITS region of Hoplolaimus spp. isolated from golf putting greens. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with the neighbor-joining algorithm using the Kimura two-parameter model with Litylenchus spp. (LC383724) as the outgroup. Bootstrap values are based on 1000 resamplings of the data set. DNAID codes correlate to Table 2.

Figure 3:

PCR results using Hoplolaimus-specific and H. stephanus, H. columbus and H. galeatus-specific primers. DL: DNA Ladder; 1: Hoplolaimus spp. (DNA ID:10); 2: H. stephanus (DNA ID:10); 3: H. columbus (DNA ID:10); 4 H. galeatus (DNA ID:10); 5: Hoplolaimus spp. (DNA ID:3); 6: H. stephanus (DNA ID:3); 7: H. columbus (DNA ID:3); 8 H. galeatus (DNA ID:3); 9: Hoplolaimus spp. (DNA ID:4); 10: H. stephanus (DNA ID:4); 11: H. columbus (DNA ID:4); and 12 H. galeatus (DNA ID:4).
PCR results using Hoplolaimus-specific and H. stephanus, H. columbus and H. galeatus-specific primers. DL: DNA Ladder; 1: Hoplolaimus spp. (DNA ID:10); 2: H. stephanus (DNA ID:10); 3: H. columbus (DNA ID:10); 4 H. galeatus (DNA ID:10); 5: Hoplolaimus spp. (DNA ID:3); 6: H. stephanus (DNA ID:3); 7: H. columbus (DNA ID:3); 8 H. galeatus (DNA ID:3); 9: Hoplolaimus spp. (DNA ID:4); 10: H. stephanus (DNA ID:4); 11: H. columbus (DNA ID:4); and 12 H. galeatus (DNA ID:4).

Figure 4:

Scanning-electron micrographs of a lance nematode specimen collected form Site 5. A) four lip annules; B) the presence of an epiptygma; C) 25 longitudinal striae on the basal lip annule; and D) four lateral incisures.
Scanning-electron micrographs of a lance nematode specimen collected form Site 5. A) four lip annules; B) the presence of an epiptygma; C) 25 longitudinal striae on the basal lip annule; and D) four lateral incisures.

Figure 5:

Phylogeny of molecularly characterized Meloidogyne spp. isolated from golf coursed based on D2/D3 28S genes. phylogenetic trees were constructed with the neighbor-joining algorithm using the Kimura two-parameter model with Litylenchus spp. (LC383724) as the outgroup. Bootstrap values are based on 1000 resamplings of the data set and displayed near branch nodes. DNAID codes correlate to Table 2.
Phylogeny of molecularly characterized Meloidogyne spp. isolated from golf coursed based on D2/D3 28S genes. phylogenetic trees were constructed with the neighbor-joining algorithm using the Kimura two-parameter model with Litylenchus spp. (LC383724) as the outgroup. Bootstrap values are based on 1000 resamplings of the data set and displayed near branch nodes. DNAID codes correlate to Table 2.

Figure 6:

PCR results using Meloidogyne-specific and M. naasi and M. marylandi-specific primers. DL: DNA Ladder; 1: Meloidogyne spp. (DNA ID:9); 2: M. naasi (DNA ID:9); 3: Meloidogyne spp. (DNA ID:4); 4: M. marylandi (DNA ID:4); and 5: Meloidogyne spp.(DNA ID:4).
PCR results using Meloidogyne-specific and M. naasi and M. marylandi-specific primers. DL: DNA Ladder; 1: Meloidogyne spp. (DNA ID:9); 2: M. naasi (DNA ID:9); 3: Meloidogyne spp. (DNA ID:4); 4: M. marylandi (DNA ID:4); and 5: Meloidogyne spp.(DNA ID:4).

Missouri and eastern Kansas 2021 total nematode population densities by sampling depth and month with soil samples aggregated (100 cm3). Significance letters indicate significant differences between sampling depths by month analyzed within that individual species.

Sampling Depth (cm)

Species Sampling Month 0–5 5.1–10 10.1–15 15.1–20 20.1–25
Lance April 81.9x bcdey 19.5 de 9.0 e 1.5 e 1.5 e
June 144.0 b 85.5 bcde 18.0 e 10.5 e 10.5 e
August 147.6 b 110.7 bc 53.1 cde 33.6 cde 21.3 cde
October 309.0 a 105.6 bcd 27.0 cde 24.9 cde 10.8 e
Root-Knot April 162.9 * 66.0 * 14.4 * 12.0 * 3.0 *
June 97.5 * 39.0 * 4.5 * 3.0 * 13.5 *
August 114.6 * 25.5 * 5.1 * 4.5 * 9.0 *
October 185.4 * 62.1 * 11.4 * 8.1 * 15.9 *
Ring April 21.9 c 27.0 c 21.0 c 3.0 c 3.9 c
June 90.0 cb 64.5 cb 34.5 cb 13.5 c 18.0 c
August 171.3 b 97.5 cb 37.2 cb 17.7 c 23.1 cb
October 534.0 a 139.5 cb 62.7 cb 33.6 cb 18.3 cb
Free-Living April 1188.9 c 238.5 c 80.4 c 43.8 c 43.8 c
June 3178.5 b 429.0 c 189.0 c 114.0 c 90.0 c
August 3187.2 b 306.7 c 154.2 c 108.3 c 143.1 c
October 4653.0 a 351.8 c 186.9 c 100.5 c 119.8 c

Species and isolates of lance nematodes sequenced in the present study.

DNA ID Location Host Cultivar Species GenBank Accession Number
STL.1 Kirkwood, MO Bentgrass A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948481
STL.2 Kirkwood, MO Bentgrass A1/A4 H. magnistylus OR948484
STL.3 Kirkwood, MO Bentgrass A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948486
STL.4 Kirkwood, MO Bentgrass A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948495
STL.5 Kirkwood, MO Bentgrass A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948498
STL.6 Kirkwood, MO Bentgrass A1/A4 H. magnistylus OR948501
1.1 Newburgh, IN Bentgrass Cohansey H. magnistylus OR948481
1.2 Newburgh, IN Bentgrass Cohansey H. magnistylus OR948496
2.1 French Lick, IN Bentgrass Penn A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948472
2.2 French Lick, IN Bentgrass Penn A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948480
2.3 French Lick, IN Bentgrass Penn A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948482
2.4 French Lick, IN Bentgrass Penn A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948500
3.1 Columbus, IN Bentgrass Penncross H. stephanus OR948478
3.2 Columbus, IN Bentgrass Penncross H. stephanus OR948493
3.3 Columbus, IN Bentgrass Penncross H. stephanus OR948492
4.1 Indianapolis, IN Bentgrass/~20% Poa Penncross H. stephanus OR948475
4.2 Indianapolis, IN Bentgrass/~20% Poa Penncross H. stephanus OR948485
5.1 Noblesville, IN Bentgrass A1 H. stephanus OR948476
6.1 Chesterton, IN Bentgrass/Poa 50/50 Penncross H. stephanus OR948477
6.2 Chesterton, IN Bentgrass/Poa 50/50 Penncross H. stephanus OR948487
7.1 Bristol, IN Bentgrass/~20% Poa A1/A4 H. stephanus OR948497
10.1 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948473
10.2 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948474
10.3 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948479
10.4 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948483
10.5 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948489
10.6 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948490
10.7 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948491
10.8 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948494
10.9 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. stephanus OR948499
10.10 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 H. magnistylus OR948502


DNA ID Location Host Cultivar Species GenBank Accession Number

1.1 Newburgh, IN Bentgrass Cohansey M. gramincola PP034063
2.1 French Lick, IN Bentgrass Penn A1/A4 M. gramincola PP034062
4.1 Indianapolis, IN Bentgrass/~20% Poa Penncross M. marylandi PP034064
4.2 Indianapolis, IN Bentgrass/~20% Poa Penncross M. naasi PP034066
5.1 Noblesville, IN Bentgrass A1 M. graminicola PP034061
6.1 Chesterton, IN Bentgrass/Poa 50/50 Penncross M. marylandi PP034071
7.1 Bristol, IN Bentgrass/~20% Poa A1/A4 M. marylandi PP034065
7.2 Bristol, IN Bentgrass/~20% Poa A1/A4 M. naasi PP034072
8.1 Fort Wayne, IN Bentgrass/Poa 50/50 Penncross M. naasi PP034067
9.1 Fort Wayne, IN Bentgrass 007 M. naasi PP034069
10.1 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 M. graminicola PP034060
10.2 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 M. naasi PP034068
10.3 West Lafayette, IN Bentgrass L 93 M. naasi PP034070

Hoplolaimus spp. reverse primers paired with Hoc-1f (1,19). Meloidogyne spp. primer pairs used in this study (36). All Tm (°C) fell between 55–65.

Hoplolaimus spp.

Species Primer Code Primer Sequence (5′-3′) Tm (°C) Size of PCR fragment (bp)
Hoplolaimus spp. LSUD-03r TATGCTTAAGTTCAGCGGGT 60 1,030
H. stephanus Hs-1r GCCAGTGTGTTCCGCTCGCA 63.2 260
H. stephanus Hs-1f CCTGCCTTGGGGGTCGCTTG 63.7 260

Meloidogyne spp.

Meloidogyne spp.(F) RK28SF CGGATAGAGTCGGCGTATC 55–60 612
M. marylandi(F) MgmITSFs GATCGTAAGACTTAATGAGCC 55–60 323
M. incognita(F) Inc-K14-F CCCGCTACACCCTCAACTTC 55–60 399

Indiana 2022 total nematode population densities organized by sampling depth and month with soil samples aggregated (100 cm3). Significance letters indicate significant differences between sampling depths by month analyzed within that individual species.

Sampling Depth (cm)

Species Sampling Month 0–5 5.1–10 10.1–15 15.1–20 20.1–25
Lance April 30.0x *y 37.5 * 16.5 * 18.0 * 4.5 *
June 16.5 * 63.0 * 13.5 * 4.5 * 3.0 *
August 51.0 * 54.0 * 43.5 * 34.5 * 15.0 *
October 10.5 * 19.5 * 16.5 * 6.0 * 4.5 *
Root-Knot April 424.5 * 306.0 * 229.5 * 79.5 * 48.0 *
June 145.5 * 67.5 * 19.5 * 4.5 * 0 *
August 282.0 * 132.0 * 28.5 * 27.0 * 22.5 *
October 70.5 * 55.5 * 18.0 * 9 * 7.5 *
Ring April 189.0 bcd 58.5 cde 21.0 de 19.5 de 16.5 e
June 337.5 b 153.0 cde 57.0 de 30.0 de 19.5 de
August 1017.9 a 220.5 bc 121.5 cde 61.5 cde 33.0 de
October 156.0 cde 57.0 cde 33.0 de 13.5 e 1.5 e
Free-Living April 1591.5 b 316.5 c 129.0 c 73.5 c 58.5 c
June 4144.5 a 405.0 c 132.0 c 60.0 c 28.5 c
August 3559.5 a 343.5 c 160.5 c 61.5 c 60.0 c
October 913.5 bc 147.0 c 67.5 c 43.5 c 30.5 c

Sampling sites from both Missouri and eastern Kansas in 2021 and Indiana in 2022

State City Cultivar Nematicides Previously Applied Construction pH OM % K (ppm) Mg (ppm) Ca (ppm)
MO/KC 2021

1 St. Louis A4 None USGA 6.9 1.3 40 82 471
2 St. Louis T1/A4 None USGA N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
3 St. Louis A1/A4 Heat-killed Burkholderia spp., Fluopyram Native N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
4 Columbia A1 None USGA N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
5 Columbia SR 1020 Heat-killed Burkholderia spp., Abamectin USGA 7.8 0.6 49 126 634
6 Branson Penn A1/A4 None USGA N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
7 Cape Girardeau Crenshaw Fluopyram USGA N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
8 Mission Hills A1/A4 Fluopyram USGA 7.3 1.4 30 72 628
9 Mission Hills


~10% POA

Heat-killed Burkholderia spp., Abamectin USGA 7.1 1.2 64 65 597
10 Olathe A4/Pure Distinction Abamectin, Fluopyram USGA 7.2 1.3 53 62 678

Indiana 2022

1 Newburgh Cohansey None USGA 7.4 1.1 20 51 476
2 French Lick Penn A1/A4 None USGA 7.9 1.0 16 35 1335
3 Columbus Penncross Abamectin Native 7.5 1.6 59 93 1373
4 Indianapolis Penncross ~20% Poa None USGA 7.5 2.5 49 113 1478
5 Noblesville A1 None USGA 7.8 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
6 Chesterton Penncross/Poa (50/50) None USGA 7.8 1.2 21 77 890
7 Bristol A1/A4/Poa Fluopyram Native 7.8 2.2 108 105 1809
8 Fort Wayne Penncross/Poa None USGA 7.6 2.6 56 84 1609
9 Fort Wayne 007 None USGA 7.5 1.6 40 138 1546
10 West Lafayette L 39 None USGA 7.9 1.7 30 80 1518

Type III Tests of Fixed Effects for both Missouri and eastern Kansas in 2021 and Indiana in 2022. Data were analyzed using PROC GLIMMIX in SAS 9.4

Effect Missouri Indiana
Lance Depth <.0001 <.0001
Month .0028 .0003
Depth x Month .0487 .4981
Root-Knot Depth .0004 <.0001
Month .7918 <.0001
Depth x Month .9998 .5897
Ring Depth <.0001 <.0001
Month <.0001 <.0001
Depth x Month .0001 <.0001
Free-Living Depth <.0001 <.0001
Month .0538 .0025
Depth x Month .0254 <.0001
Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, other