Open Access

The Intercorp Parallel Corpus with a Uniform Annotation for All Languages

   | Dec 25, 2023


Recently, the language-specific morphosyntactic annotation of InterCorp, a large multilingual parallel corpus, has been replaced by the language-uniform morphosyntactic and syntactic annotation following the guidelines of the Universal Dependencies project. Because the corpus is used predominantly by human users via a token-based concordancer, the CONLL-U format produced by the UDP ipe parser has been extended by attributes such as lemma of the token’s syntactic head or morphosyntactic categories of the content verb’s auxiliary. We conclude that despite some theoretical and practical issues, the new annotation is a promising solution to the issue of mutually incompatible tagsets within a single corpus.

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Linguistics and Semiotics, Theoretical Frameworks and Disciplines, Linguistics, other