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Static Water Vapor Sorption Properties of Honey



Water quality in foods has a critical role as in all materials of biological origin. Water activity (aw) is an effective way for expressing the quality of water in foods. In practice, water in honey is expressed quantitatively by moisture content (MC) rather than qualitatively by water activity (aw). MC checks honey for compliance with specs and pricing, and aw helps to understand how available water is for microbiological and enyzmatic, among others, deterioration in honey.

aw is the ratio between the vapor pressure of water in food (p) and the vapor pressure of pure water (pw) at the same temperature (Eq. 1). It is related to the relative humidity of the air (RH) surrounding the food (Eq. 1). The value of aw ranges between 0 and 1, and the deteorative activities in food are slower when it is lower.

aw=ppw=RH100 {{\rm{a}}_{\rm{w}}} = {{\rm{p}} \over {{{\rm{p}}_{\rm{w}}}}} = {{{\rm{RH}}} \over {{\rm{100}}}}

aw and MC integrate each other in terms of the sorption properties of foods. Food sorption is studied during the kinetic sorption phase when water moves from the food to the surrounding air or vice versa and MC changes and then in static sorption phase when water in the food and surrounding air is at equlibrium and MC is constant.

The relation between aw and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) provides the static sorption properties of honey. The maximum MC of 20% wb (wet basis) (25% db - dry basis) suggested by the Codex Alimentarius (1981) for most honeys is the EMC corresponding to aw≈0.6 when deteriotating activities, especially the metabolism of osmophilic yeasts may start. This one-point relation between aw and EMC is good for estimating aw using MC or vice versa, and how prone honey is to deterioration.

The aw and EMC of many honeys were determined under practical conditions (20°C), and a linear correlation among them was established in most cases (Serin et al., 2018). They were within the short range of aw from 0.44 (Abramovic et al., 2008) to 0.70 (Cavia, 2004). This short-range relation is an extended version of the one-point relation and good for estimating aw using MC or vice versa within the given range.

The one-point and short-range relations between aw and EMC could be useful for limited cases. Sorption isotherm (SI) covers the one-point and the short range relation and is needed to understand static sorption properties of honey obtained from EMC vs aw data for the full range of aw (0–1). The knowledge of SI is critical for determining the optimum conditions for the production of honey in the hive, its harvesting, handling and storage in the apiary, its processing, packaging, handling and storage in the plant, and keeping in proper conditions in the market.

The SI of dew honeys has not been encountered and there have only been some cases of nectar honeys in literature. Martin (1958) obtained EMC vs RH for a nectar honey (clover) at 20–25°C for RH range of 32 and 81% to investigate the effect of aw on the fermentation. Tabouret (1979) determined EMC vs aw for a nectar honey (colza) at 19–25°C within aw range of 0.2–1.0 to deduce the influence of aw on the crystallization. Doull & Mew (1977) reported solid content vs RH for diluted samples of an unspecifed honeys at 34.5°C within RH range of 55 and 95% for optimizing egg hatching and survival of new larvaes in the hive. Rüegg and Blane (1981) determined MC vs aw for diluted samples of some unspecified honeys at 25°C within aw range of 0.55 and 0.78 for investigating the change in aw with MC.

Work on the relation between EMC and aw is too limited for honey and did not identify its static sorption properties. The aim of this work is to determine the SI of a honeydew and a nectar honey with commercial importance and study their static sorption properties under practical conditions.

Honey samples

Liquid pine (dew) and citrus (nectar) honey were donated by Balparmak Bal (Altıparmak Food Industry, İstanbul, Turkey) in water vapor and air-tight jars. They were free from foreign materials and their detailed analysis were conducted by the donator (Tab. 1). Pine honey (PH) was a blend of honeys from various apieries around Muğla, Turkey in 2018. Citrus honey was a blend of honeys harvested from various apieries in the Çukurova (Cilician) region of Turkey in 2019. Samples were kept in original jars at room temperature (22–25°C) till use.

Analyzes of pine honey (PH) and citrus honey (CH)*

Color (mm) 63.0 8.0
Moisture (%) 16.6 18.1
HMF (mg/kg) 1.4 7.0
Acidity (meq. g/kg) 13.2 5.0
pH 4.7 3.9
Proline (mg/kg) 436 325
Conductivity (mS/cm) 1.08 0.15
Diastase Number (DN) 15.6 5.0
Fructose (%) 32.5 37.6
Glucose (%) 26.4 30.4
Fructose/Glucose 1.23 1.24
Fructose+Glucose (%) 58.9 68.0
Sucrose (%) 0.0 3.1
Maltose (%) 2.6 1.9
Turanose (%) 1.9 1.3
Erlose (%) 1.4 1.9
Isomaltose (%) 1.8 0.3
Maltotriose (%) 0 0
Melezitose 0 0
Total Disaccharide (%) 9.4 7.5
Higher Sugars (%) 8.7 1.5
C13 Honey (δ C13 ‰) −24.5 −25.2
C13 Protein (δ C13 ‰) −24.7 −24.9
C13 Difference(δ C13 ‰) −0.2 0.3
C4 Sugar (%) 1.3 0
Naphthalene (ppb) ODL ODL
Sulfonamid group (ppb) ODL ODL
Tetracycline group (ppb) ODL ODL
Strepto group (ppb) ODL ODL
Fluoroquinolone group (ppb) ODL ODL
Macrolide group (ppb) ODL ODL
Chloramphenicol group (ppb) ODL ODL
Nitrofuran group (ppb) ODL ODL
Starch/Pollen (%) 1.8 1.3
Polen (%) Dense 38

Conducted by the donator, Balparmak Bal (Altıparmak Food Industry, İstanbul, Turkey)

ODL: Out of detection limit

Experimental set-up

Experiments were conducted in glass jars (inner diameter: 10.5 cm, inner height: 18.0 cm) sealed against air and water vapor. Saturated solutions of various salts were prepared at 50°C. One saturated solution was filled up to quarter of a jar. The solutions provided RHs between 10 and 95% at 20, 30, and 40°C. The salts were lithium chloride (LiCI), potassium acetate (CH3CO2K), magnesium chloride (MgCI2), potassium carbonate (K2CO3), sodium bromide (NaBr), magnesium nitrate (Mg(NO3)2), sodium chloride (NaCl), ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4), potassium chloride (KCl), potassium nitrate (KNO3), and potassium sulfate (K2SO4). RH above 95% was obtained using distilled water. The aw of solutions and distilled water were measured with the use of an aw-meter (Novasina LabSwift, Switzerland) at experimental temperatures. A tripod with a polyethlene net on it was fixed within one jar to hold sample vessels. The height of the tripod was almost half of the jar.

Sample preparation

Polyethlene containers (inner diameter: 3 cm, inner height: 1.5 cm) were used as sample vessels. Containers without honey were kept in jars before experiments to condition them to experimental temperature and RH. Tares of the containers were taken with the use of a balance with a sensitivity of 0.0001 g (Ohaus, Adventurer Pro AV264C, Nanikon, Switzerland) just before honey samples were placed in them. The samples were placed in containers to cover the bottoms and their mass was between 1.5–2.0 g. Three honey samples were kept in a jar. Experiments were conducted in temperature controlled cabinets (Velp Scientifica, Foc 225I, Usmate, Italy). The mass of samples was measured almost every 24 hr till equilibrium, for 90 days or till visible yeast formation (YF) on the surfaces. Mass measurements were conducted as quick as possible to minimize mass change in samples, and a tweezer was used to hold containers. The MC of honey samples were calculated as percentage on dry basis (% db) using the initial moisture content (Tab. 1) and the change in mass. The change in mass was assumed only due to the change of moisture.

Constructing sorption isotherms

Equilibrium between a honey sample and the surrounding air was decided when the difference between three consequitive mass measurements were smaller than 0.00%, and the average of the measurements was determined as EMC. That of samples not reaching the equilibrium by 90 days or having visible YF on the surface before 90 days was estimated with Curve Expert 1.4 software (Hyams Development) through the exploitation of the collected kinetic sorption data (MC vs time). The pattern of the kinetic sorption data at any condition was a concave downward curve approaching a MC. The best fitting equation to the curve was determined, and the approached MC was estimated to be EMC through the first derivative of the equation. SI was obtained from EMC vs aw data. The significant difference (p≤0.05) between curves was tested by Correlation Analysis (Bivariate - Partial) with the use of SPSS Statistics 21 software (IBM). SI data from literature was digitized with the use of GetData Graph Digitizer 2.26 software (Informer Technologies).

The correlation between EMC and aw for honeys was investigated through the fitting performance of GAB equation to their SIs (Eq. 2).

EMC=m0Ckaw(1kaw)(1kaw+Ckaw) {\rm{EMC}} = {{{{\rm{m}}_{\rm{0}}}{\rm{C}}\,{\rm{k}}\,{{\rm{a}}_{\rm{w}}}} \over {(1 - {\rm{k}}\,{{\rm{a}}_{\rm{w}}})(1 - {\rm{k}}\,{{\rm{a}}_{\rm{w}}} + {\rm{C\,k}}\,{{\rm{a}}_{\rm{w}}})}}

m0 is monolayer moisture content (% db), C is a constant related to the difference between the sorption enthalpy of water in monolayer and multilayer regions and k is a constant related to the difference between the sorption enthalpy of water in multilayer region and latent enthalpy of pure water.

The Heat of sorption for honeys was determined with Clasius–Clapeyron’s equation (Eq. 3).

d(lnaw)d(1T)=QsR {{{\rm{d}}\left( {\ln {{\rm{a}}_{\rm{w}}}} \right)} \over {{\rm{d}}\left( {{\raise0.7ex\hbox{1} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\rm{T}}}}\right.}{{\rm{T}}}}} \right)}} = - {{{{\rm{Q}}_{\rm{s}}}} \over {\rm{R}}}

T is temperature (K), Qs is net heat of sorption (kJ/kg water) and R is universal gas constant (0.4619 kJ/kg×K).

Visible yeast formation (YF)

YF was observed on the surfaces of PH and CH for aw≥0.72 at all temperatures. It was not observed for aw≤0.69 (the highest aw just below aw=0.72 in the work) at any temperature. aw=0.7 was practically denoted as the border between the absence and presence of YF.

Time for YF (tYF) decreased as aw increased, and the effect of temperature was mixed at a given aw for both PH and CH (Fig. 1a). Honey which exhibited YF earlier at a given temperature and aw was also mixed according to data and polynomial fits in Fig. 1a. Then, PH and CH was assumed to have the same tYF at the same temperature and aw. For both PH and CH, the earliest YF was observed at aw=0.97 and tYF was around five days, and the last YF was observed at aw=0.72 and tYF was around 90 days.

Fig. 1

The effect of aw on the time of visible yeast formation (tYF) (a) and the corresponding moisture content (MCYF) (b) in pine honey (PH) and citrus honey (CH).

MC values corresponding to tYF (MCYF) increased with increasing aw and the effect of temperature on it was mixed at a given aw for both PH and CH (Fig. 1b) as in the case of tYF. CH had significantly (p≤0.05) higher MCYF than PH at the same aw according to data and polynomial fits in Fig. 1b. The smallest MCYF for PH and CH was 25.9% db (20.6% wb) and 27.7% db (21.7% wb), respectively at aw = 0.72. The greatest MCYF for PH and CH was 135.7% db (51.1% wb) and 147.3% db (59.6% wb), respectively at aw=0.97.

Sorption isotherm (SI)

The EMC of PH and CH at a given aw was to be obtained at the end of the dynamic sorption phase providing MC vs time data. The MC of honeys decreased with time at aw<0.7 and increased at aw>0.7 during the dynamic phase. EMCs of samples at 30 and 40°C were experimentally obtained before 90 days at aw<0.7 when desorption took place. Their EMCs were not obtained at a <0.7 within 90 days at 20°C. At aw>0.7, when adsorption took place, the EMCs of PH and CH were not experimentally obtained due to YF on their surfaces.

Some EMCs at aw<0.7 and 20°C and also all EMCs at aw>07 and all temperatures were estimated using the MC vs time data collected during the dynamic sorption phase. The estimation was performed as described in the “Materials and Methods.” The employed method was checked using MC vs time data collected at aw<0.7 and 30 and 40°C. The estimated EMCs did not deviate from the experimental EMCs more than ±1%. Then, SIs of PH and CH were constructed with the use of experimental and estimated EMC data together (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2

Sorption isotherm (SI) of pine honey (PH) (a) and citrus honey (CH) (b) and the fit of GAB Eq. (Eq. 2) to them.

PH and CH exhibited SIs in the shape of “J” (Fig. 2). The lower part (aw<0.7) and upper part (aw>0.7) of the “J” practically corresponded to desorption and adsorption, respectively (Fig. 2). The smaller desorption data closely clustered due to the presence of the greater adsorption data on the same scale (Fig. 2). Fig. 2 was then divided into the desorption and adsorption parts (Fig. 3) for a clear presentation. PH always had a significantly lower (p≤0.05) EMC than CH at a given aw, and consequently a lower SI than CH (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

Desorption part (a) and adsorption part (b) of sorption isotherm (SI) of pine honey (PH) and citrus honey (CH).

Correlation between equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and water activity (aw)

The SIs of PH and CH were significantly linear for the aw-range of 0.1–0.7, i.e. the desorption part with high R2 values (Fig. 3a). Their correlation between EMC and aw in the full aw-range of 0.1–0.9 was also tested with the use of the GAB equation (Eq. 2). EMC vs aw data for both PH and CH at different temperatures were agregated because of the insignificant effect of temperature (p<0.05). The fitting performance of the GAB equation to the aggregated data was evaluated for R2, relative error (RE) and distribution of error (DE) (Tab. 2).

Constants of GAB equation (C, k, m0), indicators for its fitting performance (R2, RE, DE) and mean net sorption energy in the monolayer (Qs, mono) and multilayer (Qs, multi) water region for the static sorption of honey

Pine1 Citrus1 Clover2 Colza3
aw-range 0.1–0.9 0.1–0.9 0.3–0.8 0.2–0.9
C 2.96 4.73 4.64 5.29
k 0.9881 0.9936 0.9861 0.8356
m0, % db 9.93 10.63 10.62 10.26
aw <=> m0 0.35–0.40 0.30–0.35 0.30–0.35 0.35–0.40
R2 0.9871 0.9860 0.9924 0.9906
RE* (%) 4.73 4.33 0.51 8.30
DE* Random Random Random Random
Qs, mono, kJ/kg 211 239 235 239
Qs, multi, kJ/kg 84 113 111 116

RE: Relative error = 1nin|EMCEMCGAB|EMC×100 {1 \over {\rm{n}}}\sum\nolimits_{\rm{i}}^{\rm{n}} {{{\left| {{\rm{EMC}} - {\rm{EM}}{{\rm{C}}_{{\rm{GAB}}}}} \right|} \over {{\rm{EMC}}}} \times 100}

DE: Distribution of error, (EMC - EMCGAB) vs EMC

This work,

Martin (1958),

Tabouret (1979)


Honeydew (pine) and a nectar honey (citrus) were used to observe how botanical origin affected the static sorption properties of honey. PH was chosen because Turkey produces 92% of the world’s supply (USDA, 2015), and CH was preferred due to its specificity to the Mediterranean Climate Zone also covering Turkey.

The physicochemical, residue, microbiological, and microscopic analyses of honey samples (Tab. 1) showed that they complied with the Codex Alimentarius (1981) and were suitable for consumption and then investigating. Selected temperatures (20–40°C) covered a decent range which honey may subject to in the hive and during the handling, processing, storing, and consumption.

EMC vs aw data for honey was obtained with the use of either the static gravimetric or hygrometric method. Martin (1958) and Tabouret (1979) kept honey samples in various air atmospheres all having a constant RH. In such a static gravimetric practice, samples experience a dynamic sorption phase and then reach the static sorption phase. The MC and aw of samples during the dynamic phase spontaneously change due to the exchange of water vapor with the surrounding air through either desorption or adsorption. MC and aw decrease and increase in the case of the desorption and adsorption, respectively. Samples finally attain the static sorption phase of EMC and corresponding equilibrium aw naturally. This way of experimentation may take a long time and samples may deteriorate before reaching equilibrium, but it mimics the natural sorption behavior and the journey of honey from hive to consumption. Doull and Mew (1977) and Rüegg and Blane (1981) inceased the MC of honey samples by diluting them with water and measured their MC and aw. In this practice, the measurements of MC and aw are taken as EMC and equilibrium aw, respectively, which is quick and does not allow sample enough time for deterioration. It disturbs honey’s composition, does not simulate its natural sorption behavior from hive to consumption and it is limited to the adsorption. The current work adopted the static hygroscopic method for the sake of mimicking the natural sorption behavior of honey, which is also the method for determining the SI of foods recommended by the European COST 90 project (Basu et al., 2006) and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE, 2001).

The lowest aw was 0.72 at which YF was observed. PH and CH stayed at aw=0.72 for almost ninety days without YF and it was observable after ninety days (Fig. 1). YF was followed on the surfaces of samples at aw=0.69 (the highest aw just below aw=0.72 in the work) for 180 days and was not observed. Based on the assumption that honey is processed or consumed within the span of 180 days in practice, conducting experiments for ninety days was assessed to be reasonable for about aw<0.7 at 20°C where EMC was not reached.

The SI of PH and CH was obtained by combining the desorption (aw<0.7) and adsorption parts (aw>0.7) (Fig. 2). The SI of foods are generally obtained entirely through either desorption or adsorption through the adjustment of their MC to a higher or lower value beforehand, respectively according to the literature (Basu et al., 2006). Arranging the MC and aw of foods moves them away from their accustomed natural state, and starting the sorption process from such an arranged state away from the natural state does not match the practice. Thus, the former approach was adopted in this work to get the SIs of PH and CH for the practicality.

YF on the surface of PH and CH

Water vapor sorption starts at the surface of honey. Water is then simultaneously transferred between the surface and the inside due to aw-difference. The rate of transfer slows down as the aw-difference decreases. It ceases when the same aw, therefore the same MC, is attained throughout the sample, which reaches equilibrium with the surrounding air, provided that it has a homogeneous structure and its volume is negligible compared to that of the surrounding air. If aw on the surface is high enough, yeast formation occurs.

The absence of YF at aw<0.7 and its presence at aw>0.7 at all temperatures showed the insignificant effect of temperature on YF compared to aw. It also revealed that aw=0.7 is a critical value (awc) which forms a practical border between the absence and presence of YF. The insignificantly different tYF and MCYF values for a given honey at all temperatures at a given aw (Fig. 1) were another indicator for the insignificant effect of temperature. The effect of aw supressed that of temperature and made its effect on YF and tYF insignificant. The insignificant effect of temperature left aw as the dominant factor governing YF and tYF and then the quality of PH and CH.

The minimum MCYF (25.9% db or 20.6% wb for PH and 27.7% db or 21.7% wb for CH) (Fig. 1b) was little above the maximum MC suggested by Codex Alimentarius (1981) (25% db, 20% wb) which corresponds an aw where yeast formation probably starts in most honeys. Martin (1958), Tabouret (1979) and Yao et al. (2003) conducted the same experimantation, and the former two and the latter were concerned with the static and dynamic sorption of honey, respectively. Martin (1958) provided EMC vs aw up to aw=0.81 for clover honey at room temperature (20–25°C) and observed yeast formation on the surface at aw=0.66 corresponding to MC of 27.4% db (21.5% wb). Tabouret (1979) listed EMC vs aw for colza honey at room temperature (20–25°C) up to aw=1.00 where EMC was 44.6% wb (80.5% db). The author did not mention yeast formation contrary to high aw values. Yao et al. (2003) provided data of MC vs time for yapunyah and yellow box honeys at 30°C up to aw=0.83 where the minimum MC was greater than 60% db (37.5% wb). The authors did not report yeast formation for both honeys contrary to high aw values. Given the context of the yeast formation, this work’s findings comply with the maximum MC signified by the Codex Alimentarius (1981), and MC and aw remarked by Martin (1958).

The significantly higher MCFY values for CH than PH at a given aw (Fig. 1b) show its higher enduring ability against MC and thus its greater water holding capacity. This enduring ability could be attributed to its higher monosaccharide (glucose and fructose) content (Gleiter et al., 2006; Abromovic et al., 2008) and lower pH (Tab. 1) which delays YF on the surface.

SI of PH and CH

EMC data estimated for aw<0.7 with the use of MC vs time data were in line with EMC data experimentally obtained. The estimated and experimental data constructed a concordent SI for PH and CH (Fig. 2). Estimation methods in literature were similarly exploited for obtaining the EMC and SI of foods and gave good results even in case of limited data (Tejada-Ortigoza et al., 2021). The estimation method used in the work was assessed to be acceptable for the given working conditions.

EMC vs aw showed a linear curve up to aw=0.6–0.7 (Fig. 2), which deviated from the linearity at aw≈0.7 and steeply increased with increasing aw. The region for aw<0.7 is supposed to cover the monolayer and multilayer water, and the region for aw>0.7 is supposed to cover the loosely bound free water (Spiess & Wolf, 1987). aw=0.7 emerged to be awc again in terms of the direction of the sorption and appeared to be a practical border between the desorption and adsorption. Yao et al (2003) implied that the transition between the desorption and adsorption processes occurred somewhere between aw of 0.51 and 0.68 for yapunyah and yellow box honeys. The value of aw for sorption transition in PH and CH was in line with that for yapunyah and yellow box honeys.

Most foods’ SI appears in the shape of “S” or sigmoid. The SI of PH and CH with J-appearance (Fig. 2) is common in high-sugar containing foods (Al-Muhtaseb et al., 2002). EMC vs aw data of Martin (1958) and Tabauret (1979) similarly exhibited a J-appearance for clover and colza honey.

The EMC of samples insignificantly differed (p>0.05) from one another at a given aw at all temperatures. They were then aggregated and one SI was obtained for both PH and CH for all temperatures (Fig. 2 and 3). The insignificant effect of temperature on SI is an inherent result of the dominant role of aw over temperature as aforementioned. In general, an increase in temperature causes a decrease in EMC at a constant aw, e.g. a shift of SI to the right (Fig. 2). Deviation from this trend has been reviewed for such high-sugar containing foods (Al-Muhtaseb et al., 2002) as honey due to the increasing solubility of sugars with increasing temperature.

The lower SI of PH than that of CH is related to the botanical origin. The lower EMC of honeydew honeys than those of nectar honeys at the same aw was reported by Schroeder et al. (2005), Gleiter et al. (2006) and Abramovic et al. (2008). Serin et al (2018) also observed the same for pine and nectar honeys. Honeydew honeys characteristically have a lower EMC than nectar honeys at the same aw due to a lower monosaccharide (glucose and fructose) content (Gleiter et al., 2006; Abromovic et al., 2008) as seen for PH and CH in Tab. 1.

Correlation of EMC vs aw for PH and CH

Serin et al. (2018) found a linear correlation between EMC and aw for 257 pine and 706 nectar honeys including 129 citrus honey samples for the aw-range of 0.4–0.6. Serin et al. (2018) also reported linear correlations for numerous honeys in literature for almost the same aw-range (0.4–0.7). All these works had been based on the simultaneous measurement of MC, and aw, the linear correletions were given for aw vs EMC, and the unit of EMC was in % wb. The linearity between EMC vs aw was observed for the desorption part of SIs of PH and CH (Fig. 3) for aw<0.7 as in the literature (Serin et al., 2018). The linear range included the reported short aw-range of 0.4–0.7. MC and aw of a honey sample could practically be estimated through the linear equation by measuring aw or MC for aw<0.7.

Few studies on model fitting to honey SI were found in literature besides that by Martin (1958) and Tabouret (1979) on EMC vs aw data. The SI of PH and CH was modelled with the use of the GAB equation (Eq. 2), which is the most used equation for modelling the SI of foods. It features the largest fitting range (up to aw=0.93) compared to other known models, theoretical background and other attributes discussed elsewhere (Basu et al., 2006). It was suggested by the European Project COST 90 on Physical Properties of Foods (Wolf et al., 1984) and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE, 2001).

The fit of the GAB equation to food SIs is physically and mathematically sound provided that C is greater than 2 and k is between 0 and 1 according to a detailed analysis by Blahovec (2004). GAB constants for both PH and CH and also for other honeys from the literature met these conditions (Tab. 2).

The C constant in the GAB equation is related to the difference between the sorption enthalpy in the monolayer and multilayer water regions (Eq. 2). The C of PH was smaller than that of CH, and the C of other honeys was in agreement with that of CH (Tab. 2). The k constant is related to the difference between the sorption enthalpy in the multilayer water region and pure water, and the k of PH was comparable with that of CH and other honeys. The mo is the EMC at which the rate of deteriorative reactions are minimum in foods which have the longest shelf-life at EMC≤mo except for fatty foods. The values of mo and aw<=>mo were reasonable for PH and CH, and other honeys (Tab. 2). mo was around 10% db (9.1% wb) and aw<=>mo was within the range of 0.30–0.40 for PH and CH, and other honeys (Tab. 2). However, the mo of PH was smaller than that of CH, and the mo of other honeys was closer to that of CH. The discrepancy in some GAB constants between PH and CH, and other honeys could be attributed to botanically lower monosaccharide content (glucose and fructose content) of PH (honeydew honey) than CH, and clover and colza honeys (nectar honeys) (Gleiter et al., 2006; Abromovic et al., 2008).

In addition to meeting the conditions (Blahovec, 2004), the visual fit of PH and CH to SIs (Fig. 2), and consistency among PH, CH and other honeys in terms of constants (Tab. 2), the fitting performance of the GAB equation of PH and CH to SIs was tested. It fit SIs of PH and CH with high R2 values greater than 0.98, RE was smaller than 5% and DE was random (Tab. 2). The fit of the GAB equation to other honeys exhibited almost the same performance as PH and CH (Tab. 2). The indicators used pointed that GAB equation fit to the SI of PH and CH, and other honeys.

Based on the fit of the GAB equation, the sorption heat was determined for PH and CH with the Clasius–Clapeyron equation (Eq. 3). It gave the net sorption energy (Qs) above the latent heat of pure water at a given MC. Qs was calculated using EMC obtained from the GAB equation (Eq. 2) for a given aw. The calculation was performed for the average temperature used in the work (30°C, 303 K), and aw was incremented by 0.1 starting from 0.1. Fig. 4 shows the change of Qs vs EMC which has three regions. Qs exhibited a linear steep decrease up to EMC≈10% db (aw=0.3–0.4) in the region I, kept the linear decrease with a smoother slope up to EMC≈20% db (aw=0.6–0.7; Fig. 2) in the region II and finally asymptotically approached to zero after EMC≈20% db in the region III (Fig. 4). The figure revealed three regions in the static sorption behavior of PH and CH that matched their SIs in Fig. 2.

Fig. 4

Effect of moisture content (EMC) on net heat of sorption (Qs) for pine honey (PH) and citrus honey (CH).

Region I in Fig. 4 represents a monolayer water region where water is strongly bound with an enthalpy of vaporization considerably higher than that of pure water, and it is not available for deteroative reactions. Monolayer water has the strongest binding, and the highest energy is required in this region for desorption in honey. The mo was ≈10% db and aw<=>mo was between 0.3 and 0.4 for PH and CH and (Tab. 2, Fig. 4). The aw<=>mo was reported between 0.2 and 0.4 in foods (Spiess & Wolf, 1987). Region II in Fig. 4 represents a multilayer water region where water is binded less firmly than in region I. Its vaporization enthalpy is slightly higher than that of pure water, and its upper end was observed at EMC≈20% db and aw≈0.7 for PH and CH (Fig. 2, Fig. 4). The multilayer water region is reported between aw<=>mo and 0.7 in foods (Spiess & Wolf, 1987). Region III in Fig. 4 represents loosely bound free water. The sorption energy in this region is related to the adsorption (Fig. 2) and has no practical importance since PH and CH are not supposed to be kept at aw > 0.7 due to YF. The limits of the monolayer and multilayer water regions in Fig. 2, Tab. 2, Fig. 4 and literature exhibited a good match. The sorption energy in these regions is related to the desorption which is exotermic and important during honey storage for determining the cooling load. The behavior of Qs versus EMC for other honeys qualitatively and quantitatively complies with the scheme given for PH and CH (Tab. 2).

Tab. 2 shows average Qs values in the monolayer (Qs, mono) and multilayer (Qs, multi) water regions for PH, CH, and other honeys. The Qs, mono and Qs, multi of PH was lower than that of CH, and those of other honeys were comparable with that of CH (Tab. 2). The lower Qs values for PH than CH and other honeys could be attributed to its botanically lower monosaccharide content (glucose and fructose content) than CH, and clover and colza honeys (nectar honeys) (Gleiter et al., 2006; Abromovic et al., 2008;). Because the monosacchide content was lower both less strongly binded water and energy were required for the desorption.

In conclusion, YF was observed on the surface of PH and CH at aw>0.7 at 20, 30 and 40°C within five to ninety days. The aw was the dominating parameter on YF and was observed earlier in PH than CH at the same aw due to its botanically higher pH and lower monosaccharide content. PH and CH exhibited SIs in the shape of “J” and were insignificantly affected by temperature. The SIs of PH and CH exhibited desorption aw at <0.7 and adsorption at aw>0.7. The aw=0.7 appeared to be a border between the absence and presence of YF and between desorption and adsorption. PH exhibited a lower SI than that of CH due to its botanically lower monosaccharide content. The desorption part of SI of PH and CH was almost linear. The GAB model fit the SI of PH and CH with physically and mathematically consistent and meaningful constants. The change in net sorption energy (Qs) vs EMC revealed the monolayer, multilayer and loosely bound free water regions in the SI of PH and CH. The static sorption properties of PH and CH complied with those of nectar honeys and high-sugar foods in the literature. PH as a honeydew honey exhibited the effect of its botanical origin on the behavior of SI by being different than those of CH and other nectar honeys.

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Zoology, other