
Fig. 1

Map of the location of apiaries in the southeast region of Mexico.RP= raw propolis. RP1: Maxcanú (N 20° 34′ 52.932″, W 89° 59′ 15.827″), RP2: Santa Cruz (N 20° 35′ 6.324″, W 89° 57′ 39.563″), RP3: Hecelchakán (N 20° 10′ 44.364″, W 90° 7′ 28.055″), RP4: Nunkiní (N 20° 23′ 28.356″, W 90° 8′ 58.38″), RP5: Halachó (N 20° 28′ 16.464″, W 90° 4′ 55.92″), RP6: Maxcanú (N 20° 35′ 11.724″, W 90° 0′ 27.792″), RP7: Pomuch (N 20° 08′ 16.00″, W 90° 10′ 28.0″), RP8: Calkiní (N 20° 22′ 10.524″, W 90° 3′ 6.804″), RP9: Cuch Holoch (N 20° 26′ 7.98″, W 90° 5′ 53.052″).
Map of the location of apiaries in the southeast region of Mexico.RP= raw propolis. RP1: Maxcanú (N 20° 34′ 52.932″, W 89° 59′ 15.827″), RP2: Santa Cruz (N 20° 35′ 6.324″, W 89° 57′ 39.563″), RP3: Hecelchakán (N 20° 10′ 44.364″, W 90° 7′ 28.055″), RP4: Nunkiní (N 20° 23′ 28.356″, W 90° 8′ 58.38″), RP5: Halachó (N 20° 28′ 16.464″, W 90° 4′ 55.92″), RP6: Maxcanú (N 20° 35′ 11.724″, W 90° 0′ 27.792″), RP7: Pomuch (N 20° 08′ 16.00″, W 90° 10′ 28.0″), RP8: Calkiní (N 20° 22′ 10.524″, W 90° 3′ 6.804″), RP9: Cuch Holoch (N 20° 26′ 7.98″, W 90° 5′ 53.052″).

Fig. 2

A typical chromatogram of the phenolic compounds detected in extracts PE1 (A), PE2 (B) and PE7 (C).
A typical chromatogram of the phenolic compounds detected in extracts PE1 (A), PE2 (B) and PE7 (C).

Fig. 3

PC1 vs. PC2 scatter plot; A) distinction between the samples (scores); (B) based on chemical quality (loadings).
PC1 vs. PC2 scatter plot; A) distinction between the samples (scores); (B) based on chemical quality (loadings).

Chemical quality of propolis extracts

Propolis extract Dry extract (%) Solubility in Pb Solubility in NaOH Oxidation index (s) TPC (mg GAE/g) TF (mg QE/g) DPPH mM Trolox/g ABTS mM Trolox/g
PE1 7.85±0.00d + + 16.16±0.55c 33.66±0.48e 11.93±0.00e 0.61±0.01b 2.29±0.13c
PE2 11.52±0.04h + + 6.00±0.00a 97.02±5.40g 42.68±1.79g 2.71±0.01d 4.64±0.30g
PE3 9.62±0.00f + + 12.03±0.55b 28.28±1.55de 1.79±0.00a 1.60±0.03b 2.50±0.00cd
PE4 6.02±0.03c + + 30.66±0.45e 51.90±1.78f 3.35±0.10ab 0.66±0.04b 2.88±0.04ef
PE5 11.24±0.14g + + 43.06±0.75f 4.17±0.00a 2.62±0.04ab 0.20±0.01a 1.35±0.10b
PE6 6.05±0.18c + + 17.56±0.89cd 14.43±0.00b 5.56±0.12c 0.65±0.00b 2.50±0.02cd
PE7 8.67±0.01e + + 42.56±0.75f 19.32±0.52bc 3.88±0.05bc 0.26±0.00a 0.92±0.00a
PE8 5.19±0.00b + + 13.36±0.63b 23.31±0.04cd 10.15±0.09d 0.25±0.00a 3.10±0.08f
PE9 2.30±0.00a + + 18.46±0.65d 27.42±0.08d 23.03±0.41f 1.55±0.08c 2.68±0.10de

Content of individual phenolic compounds (mg/100 g of dry propolis extract)

Samples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PE1 122.32±4.56 229.13±6.79 235.87±4.87 72.99±0.82 72.26±3.39 62.40±0.82 18.56±0.98 23.09±2.03 55.55±1.50
PE2 41.63±0.30 106.86±1.28 215.24±1.31 62.48±1.37 53.90±0.20 172.36±5.62 3.10±0.19 153.75±0.00 388.26±25.46
PE3 22.17±0.46 145.51±2.31 207.09±4.66 38.53±1.07 55.19±0.47 12.57±0.62 3.23±0.05 28.72±0.00 22.05±0.41
PE4 51.07±2.13 140.60±0.98 nd 4.04±0.12 74.35±3.42 nd nd 5.62±0.00 13.61±0.33
PE5 10.30±0.03 nd 47.28±1.06 10.30±0.45 54.28±0.47 7.23±0.19 nd 2.35±0.00 20.98±0.17
PE6 215.01±8.64 48.62±1.55 0.88±0.12 79.45±0.54 8.86±0.11 2.26±0.07 nd 2.15±0.05
PE7 24.64±0.40 nd 273.28±1.73 9.42±0.29 80.60±3.11 62.21±0.00 nd 44.74±0.00 53.02±2.29
PE8 31.12±0.68 nd 61.89±3.24 16.59±0.07 40.91±0.21 26.05±0.85 4.19±0.07 38.03±0.00 60.36±1.92
PE9 nd 91.36±0.37 nd 50.51±2.21 76.80±1.42 19.66±0.19 16.97±0.56 22.46±0.00 29.95±1.03

Moisture content, ash and sensory characteristics of raw propolis

Samples Moisture (%) Ash (%) Appearance Aroma Color Taste Consistency
RP1 6.63±0.11e 3.73±0.11e Bright irregular pieces Resinous soft Dark greenish brown Insipid Malleable
RP2 6.30±0.00e 4.06±0.11f Low brightness irregular pieces Resinous Dark greenish brown Insipid Rigid
RP3 4.63±0.11c 2.26±0.11c Bright irregular pieces Odorless Dark greenish brown Insipid Malleable
RP4 3.90±0.08b 4.03±0.05f Opaque irregular pieces Resinous Reddish yellow Piquant Rigid
RP5 6.66±0.05e 0.66±0.05a Opaque irregular pieces Odorless Reddish yellow Bitter Malleable
RP6 1.96±0.05a 2.86±0.05d Opaque irregular pieces Resinous Brown Insipid Malleable
RP7 6.53±0.30e 1.83±0.05b Opaque irregular pieces Resinous aromatic Dark greenish brown Piquant Malleable
RP8 8.26±0.28f 5.50±0.17g Powder or Granules Resinous soft Brown Insipid Rigid
RP9 5.50±0.17d 2.03±0.05bc Opaque irregular pieces Odorless Dark greenish brown Bitter Malleable

Pearson’s correlation between different parameters

DPPH 0.78* -
TF 0.76 0.94 -
TPC 0.83 0.84 0.78 -
Oxidation index −0.81 −0.57 −0.57 −0.52
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Zoology, other