Open Access

Perception of sources of private wealth. A qualitative study of perceptive schemes of Western and Eastern Bloc students


Figure 1

Conceptual model of Western students’ perception scheme of sources of wealth; comments to each identified source of wealth with adequate quotes are given below.
Conceptual model of Western students’ perception scheme of sources of wealth; comments to each identified source of wealth with adequate quotes are given below.

Figure 2

Conceptual model of Eastern Bloc students’ perception scheme of sources of wealth.
Conceptual model of Eastern Bloc students’ perception scheme of sources of wealth.

Directed content analysis process (deductive approach)

Phase of analysis Steps
Preparation Selecting unit of analysis (single essay)
Reading all essays and selecting the most meaningful ones
Organizing the research process Developing structured analysis matrix
Data coding according to predefined categories
Separating essays written by Western and Eastern Bloc students
Reporting and results presentation Finding typical quotes for each predefined category
Elaborating conceptual models of perceptive schemes of Western and Eastern Bloc students

Billionaires and their main sources of wealth in analyzed countries

Country Main source of wealth

Total number of billionaires Own business Inheritance CEO position Financial operations
Germany 85 30 46 7 2
Sweden 29 7 16 4 2
Netherlands 11 7 2 - 2
Austria 8 5 1 1 1
Russia 89 25 - 13 51*
Ukraine 5 2 - - 3*
Poland 5 3 2 - -