Open Access

The relations between the quality of financial statements and corporate governance

   | Jun 30, 2019


Figure 1

Framework of the governance IFAC.Source: International Good Practice Guidance [2009].
Framework of the governance IFAC.Source: International Good Practice Guidance [2009].

Figure 2

Responsibility of supervisory boards for financial statementsSource: Walińska [2014].
Responsibility of supervisory boards for financial statementsSource: Walińska [2014].

List of differences as to the approach to drawing up a financial statement and an integrated report

IssueFinancial reportingIntegrated reporting
Responsibility for the capitalFinancial capitalAll kinds of capitals
MindsetIsolation of individual departmentsIntegration of individual departments
TimelineShort-termismShort-, medium-, long-termism
Focus of interestFinancial issues from the pastStrategic issues concerning the past and future
Building trust through transparencyLimited trust caused by narrow disclosureGreater trust caused by greater transparency
Adaptation of reportClose connection with standards in forceIndividual approach corresponding to specific
conditions of an entity’s operation
ConcisenessLong and complexConcise and covering essential issues
Use of technologyPrimarily using “paper”Using new technologies