Open Access

Observations on the biology of Postharmostomum ntowi Hodasi, 1967 (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) based on intermediate and definitive hosts found in Nigeria


Fig. 1.

A - Branched cercariogenous sporocysts of P. ntowi from L. aurora; B - Cercariae within a sporocyst; C.Cercaria; D. Metacercaria. Scale Bar: A, B = 0.5mm; C= 0.1 mm; D = 0.05 mm
A - Branched cercariogenous sporocysts of P. ntowi from L. aurora; B - Cercariae within a sporocyst; C.Cercaria; D. Metacercaria. Scale Bar: A, B = 0.5mm; C= 0.1 mm; D = 0.05 mm

Fig. 2.

Developing stages of Postharmostomum ntowi recovered from the experimental host (Gallus gallus domesticus) after: A - 7days; B - 14 days; C - 21 days and D - 28 days post-infection. Scale bars: A= 0.5 mm; B-D = 1mm
Developing stages of Postharmostomum ntowi recovered from the experimental host (Gallus gallus domesticus) after: A - 7days; B - 14 days; C - 21 days and D - 28 days post-infection. Scale bars: A= 0.5 mm; B-D = 1mm

Fig. 3.

Adult Postharmostomum ntowi recovered from naturally infected Gallus gallus domesticus purchased from Ase, Delta State, Nigeria. Scale bar: 1 mm
Adult Postharmostomum ntowi recovered from naturally infected Gallus gallus domesticus purchased from Ase, Delta State, Nigeria. Scale bar: 1 mm

Parasite recovery from infected chicks 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-infection.

Chicks Parasite recovery days post-infection Total Recovery rate (%)

7th day 14th 21st 28th
Set 1 1 15 - - - - - - 16 16
Set 2 - - 1 7 - - - - 8 8
Set 3 - - - - 2 15 - - 17 17
Set 4 - - - - - - 7 12 19 19

Measurement of metacercariae of Postharmostomum ntowi from Limicolaria aurora collected from Ase, Delta State, Nigeria.

Characters Ase

Mean±SD Range
Body Length (BL) 1387.6±271 938–2157
Greatest width 613.1 ± 85.8 938–2157
Forebody length (FBL) 563.5 ± 102.9 375–830.8
FBL as % t age of BL 40.8 ± 3.1 34.6–47.1
Oral sucker length (OSL) 253.3 ± 43.7 147.4–294.8
Oral sucker width (OSW) 260.0 ± 43.6 160.8–335.0
Ventral sucker length 167.2 ± 24.9 107.2–207.7
Ventral sucker width 170.5 ± 20.8 120.6–214.4
OSW/VSW ratio 1.5 ± 0.1 1.2–1.8
DBS 298.8 ± 90.2 174.2–522.6
Pharynx length 130 ± 22.2 80.4–160.8
Pharynx width 126.3 ± 20.8 80.4–160.8

Comparison of the morphometrics of P. ntowi from experimental and natural infections in Nigeria with the Ghanian specimens.

Parameters Natural infections (Ghana) 28th day post-infection in chicks (Nigeria) Natural infection (Nigeria) (this study)

Range Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD
Body length (BL) 6300–11100 5600–700 6600±800 7100–10000 8600±900
Maximum width 1700–3100 1400–2100 1600±230 1800–2700 2200±400
Oral sucker length 840–1130 600–830 720±90 1000–1200 1000±60
Oral sucker width 780–1070 570–930 790-±120 1000–1400 1100±100
Ventral sucker length 560–880 500–600 550±40 600–800 700±80
Ventral sucker width 533–780 470–730 550±80 530–830 700±100
OSW/VSV ratio - 1100–1700 1500±200 1400–2600 1700±300
Distance between suckers - 800–1330 1110±190 1100–1700 1400±200
Forebody length (FBL) - 1770–2100 1940±120 2100–2900 2500±200
FBL as percentage of BL - 25.9–34.5 29.6±2.9 25.7–34.5 29.7±3.0
Pharynx length 400–630 370–470 410±40 500–700 600±70
Pharyx width 400–590 330–470 400±41 400–600 500±50
Oesophagus length - 30–130 90±40 70–130 90±3
Anterior testis length 470–1180 430–630 520±80 500–1000 700±200
Anterior testis width 440–1000 400–600 510±70 330–730 900±200
Posterior testis length 810–1380 400–600 470±70 500–800 700±120
Posterior testis width 560–1030 500–900 780±15 700–1600 1100±240
Cirrus pouch length 350–740 570–670 630±38 600–1030 800±140
Cirrus pouch width 290–590 530–670 640±53 600–1300 900±200
Ovary length 400–650 330–530 400±76 400–700 600±100
Ovary width 300–520 370–430 390±32 300–600 500±100
Egg length 23–33 - - 30–35 30±3
Egg width 15–19 - - 13–20 17±2

Morphometric measurement of Postharmostomum ntowifrom experimental hosts and hosts with natural infections.

Parameters 7 days (n=5 14 days (n=7) 21 days (n=7) 28 days (n=8) Natural infections (n=11)

Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range
Body Length (BL) 2458±202 2164–273 3510±389 2930–4029 5865±1010 4562–7192 6639±865 5561–7726 8639.8±927 7060–10089
Body width 729±45 683–799 899±94.2 766–1032 1517±270 1199–1864 1640±229 1432–2098 2183±363 1765–2731
Forebody length (FBL) 1026±119 866–1199 1246±88 1132–-1365 1755±286 1399–2231 1944±123 1764–2098 2546±219. 2098–2930
FBL as %tage of BL 41.6±1.44 40.0–43.9 35.7±2.59 32.2–39.0 30.1±1.79 26.7–32.1 29.6±2.9 25.9–34.5 29.7±3.0 25.7–34.5
Oral sucker length 446.2±44.7 399.6–499.5 528.0±30.0 466.2–566.1 675.5±65.8 599.4–765.9 720.1±90.7 599.4–832.5 1044.4±60.1 965.7–1165.5
Oral sucker width 456.2±49.4 383.0–499.5 551.8±24.4 532.8–599.4 761.1±107.8 632.7–932.4 786.7±115.3 566.1–932.4 1135.2±113.9 990.0–1365.3
Ventral sucker length 273.4±15.3 254.6–294.8 423.2±210.1 335.0–899.1 480.5±68.9 399.6–566.1 553.6±35.3 499.5–599.4 678.1±84.6 566.1–832.5
Ventra sucker width 273.4±26.1 227.8–294.8 358.0±27.6 321.6–388.6 518.5±76.6 399.6–599.4 545.3±81.4 466.2–732.6 687.2±96.8 532.8–832.5
OSW/VSW ratio 1.7±0.2 1.3–1.9 1.6±0.1 1.4–1.7 1.5±0.1 1.3–1.6 1.5±0.2 1.1–1.7 1.7±0.3 1.4–2.6
Pharynx length 203.7±27.5 174.2–227.8 260.3±24.3 214.4–281.4 399.6±19.2 366.3–432.9 407.9±42.7 366.3–466.2 560.0±66.3 466.2–666.0
Pharynx width 243.9±25.8 214.4–281.4 279.5±27.3 254.6–321.6 383.0±31.9 333.0–432.9 403.8±41.5 333.0–466.6 469.2±54.6 366.6–566.1
Distance between suckers 576.1±87.8 466.2–699.3 718.3±74.1 632.7–832.5 980.0±186.3 765.9–1265.4 1111.4±188.3 799.2–1332.0 1416.±186.2 1065.6–1665.0
Oesophagus length 48.2±20.3 26.8–80.4 38.0±15.7 26.8–67.0 85.6±26.2 66.6–133.2 86.6±38.0 33.3–133.2 92.3±25.1 66.6–133.2
Cirrus length - - - - 507.8±106.6 399.6–599.4 627.±38.9 566.1–666.0 812.5±137.0 566.1–1032.3
Cirrus width - - - - 591.1±147.4 432.9–732.6 638.3±53.3 532.8–666.0 865.8±194.2 566.1–1298.7
Anterior testis length - - - - 541.1±116.6 399.6–666.0 521.7±80.7 432.9–632.7 716.0±160.3 499.5–999.0
Anterior testis width - - - - 582.8±79.3 499.5–666.0 510.6±71.9 399.6–599.4 899.1±201.6 699.3–1398.6
Posterior testis length - - - - 557.8±187.1 399.6–765.9 471.8±74.2 399.6–599.4 722.6±115.4 532.8–832.5
Posterior testis width - - - - 757±298.3 499.5–1032.3 782.6±151.5 499.5–899.1 1115.6±235..6 732.6–1565.1
Ovary length - - - - 416.3±69.3 333.0–499.5 399.6±75.9 333.0–532.8 559.4±96.5 432.9–732.6
Ovary width - - - - 474.5±50.0 432.9–532.8 394.1±32.7 366.3–432.9 462.9±90.8 299.7–566.1
Egg length - - - - - - - - 30.5±2.5 26.8–34.8
Egg width - - - - - - - - 17.2±2.3 13.4–20.1

Snail hosts examined for larval brachylaimid infections from Ase and Tombia (Metacercariae in Archachatina spp.; cercariae and metacercariae combined in Limicolaria sp.; details given under results)

Host Ase Tombia Total No examined No. infected Prevalence (%) Mean Intensity
A. marginata 04 - 04 3 75.0 4.33
A. papyracea 04 - 04 2 50.0 120.8
L. aurora 30 - 30 25 83.3 98.6±47.3
Limicolaria sp. - 22 22 22 100 39.9±9.1
T. oscitans 02 - 02 - - -
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Zoology, Ecology, other, Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Microbiology, Virology and Infection Epidemiology