Open Access

The Demographics that Predict Success in the Australian Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) Certification Program


Figure 1.

Source: Financial Planning Association
Source: Financial Planning Association

Summary of the analysis done for age and gender

No Hypotheses The result of analyses
1 Gender * Success (Number of fails in CFP®) The null hypothesis is rejected
2 Age category * Fail in CFP® The null hypothesis is rejected
3 Gender * Number of exemption The null hypothesis is accepted
4 Age category * Number of exemption The null hypothesis is rejected
5 Gender * Mark The null hypothesis is accepted
6 Age category * Mark The null hypothesis is rejected

Education * Mark Cross-tabulation

Education Mark in Final CFP Exam Total
<40 >40<50 >50
Diploma Count% within Mark 850.0% 425.0% 425.0% 16100.0%
Adv Diploma Count% within Mark 422.2% 844.4% 633.3% 18100.0%
Bachelors Count% within Mark 513.2% 1847.4% 1539.5% 38100.0%
Post Grad Diploma Count% within Mark 624.0% 1352.0% 624.0% 25100.0%
Masters Count% within Mark 325.0% 433.3% 541.7% 12100.0%
Total Count 26 47 36 109

Candidate Location

Postcode Total %
(NSW) 41 38%
(ACT) 1 1%
(VIC) 31 28%
(QLD) 11 10%
(SA) 7 6%
(WA) 16 15%
(TAS) 1 1%
(NT) 1 1%
Total 109 100%

Mark achieved in CFP® Final Exam
Gender P CR D or HD Total %P %CR % D or HD
Male 12 36 28 76 16% 47% 37%
Female 14 11 8 33 42% 33% 24%
Total 26 47 36 109 24% 43% 33%
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.000 2 0.011 0.012

Education * Exemption Cross-tabulation

Education No. of Subject Exemptions Total
0 1 2 3
Diploma Count% within Mark 1381.3% 212.5% 00.0% 16.3% 16100.0%
Adv Diploma Count% within Mark 1583.3% 00.0% 211.1% 15.6% 18100.0%
Bachelors Count% within Mark 2873.7% 12.6% 37.9% 615.8% 38100.0%
Post Grad Diploma Count% within Mark 520.0% 00.0% 00.0% 2080.0% 2522.9%
Masters Count% within Mark 325.0% 216.7% 00.0% 758.3% 12100.0%
Total Count 64 5 5 35 109

Final Examination Fail * Exemption Cross tabulation

Education No. of Fails in Final Exam No. of Subject Exemptions Total
0 1 2 3
Diploma 1.00 Count% within Exemption 975.0% 216.7% 00% 18.3% 12100.0%
2.00 Count% within Exemption 2100.0% 00.0% 00% 00.0% 2100.0%
3.00 Count% within Exemption 2100.0% 00.0% 00.0% 00.0% 2100.0%
Total Count% within Exemption 1381.3% 212.5% 00% 16.3% 16100.0%
Adv Diploma 1.00 Count% within Exemption 1076.9% 00 215.4% 17.7% 13100.0%
2.00 Count% within Exemption 4100.0% 00% 00.0% 00.0% 4100.0%
3.00 Count% within Exemption 1100.0% 00 00.0% 00.0% 1100.0%
Total Count% within Exemption 1583.3% 00 211.1% 15.6% 18100.0%
Bachelors 1.00 Count% within Exemption 1872.0% 00.0% 14.0% 624.0% 25100.0%
2.00 Count% within Exemption 675.0% 112.5% 112.5% 00.0% 8100.0%
3.00 Count% within Exemption 3100.0% 00.0% 00.0% 00.0% 3100.0%
4.00 Count% within Exemption 150.0% 00.0% 150.0% 00.0% 2100.0%
Total Count% within Exemption 2873.7% 12.6% 37.9% 615.8% 38100.0%
Post Grad Diploma 1.00 Count% within Exemption 315.0% 00 00 1785.0% 20100.0%
2.00 Count% within Exemption 125.0% 00% 00% 375.0% 4100.0%
4.00 Count% within Exemption 1100.0% 00% 00% 00.0% 1100.0%
Total Count% within Exemption 520.0% 00% 00% 2080.0% 25100.0%
Masters 1.00 Count% within Exemption 114.3% 114.3% 00% 571.4% 7100.0%
2.00 Count% within Exemption 125.0% 125.0% 00% 250.0% 4100.0%
4.00 Count% within Exemption 1100.0% 00.0% 00.0% 00.0% 1100.0%
Total Count% within Exemption 325% 217% 0% 758% 12100%

Gender and Age

Frequency Per cent Cumulative Per cent
1.0 (Male) 76 69.7 69.7
2.0 (Female) 33 30.3 100
Total 109 100
Age category
Frequency Per cent Cumulative Per cent
1.0 (<40) 55 50.5 50.5
2.0 ( 40=<x<50) 34 31.2 81.7
3.0 ( >50) 20 18.3 100
Total 109 100

Results summary

No. of Subject Exemptions % who received maximum (3 exemptions)
Gender 0 1 2 3 Total
Male 40 1 4 31 76 41%
Female 24 4 1 4 33 12%
Total 64 5 5 35 109 32%
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 13.578 3 0.004 0.003


Licensee Total %
AMP 3 3%
ANZ 2 2%
CBA 2 2%
IPAC 2 2%
NAB 3 3%
Others 87 80%
Total 109 100%

Prior Education

Frequency Per cent Cumulative Percent
Diploma 16 14.7 14.7
Advanced Diploma 18 16.5 31.2
Bachelors 38 34.9 66.1
Post Grad Diploma 25 22.9 89.0
Masters 12 11.0 100.0
Total 109 100.0