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Optimization of Accounting information System in Public Sector for Sustainable Risk Management Under Big Data Analytics. Does forensic Accountants’ Skill Generate Differences?



The operational process is fraught with risk and uncertainty, which are particularly acute in postdisaster contexts (Akinboye and Morrish, 2022). Public sector organizations (PSOs) have to be very aware of and responsive to their duties to a wide range of stakeholders because they have many different goals and a lot of different people involved (McAdam, et al., 2005). According to Ahmeti and Vladi (2017), the PSO risk management is seen as more challenging and primarily concerned with societal implications. Due to the complexity and variability of the risks these organizations faced on a daily basis, their primary responsibility was to guarantee the public that no hazard, either present or future, would jeopardize the public value (Ahmeti and Vladi, 2017). Furthermore, the UN General Assembly (2015) states that PSOs are not an exception when it comes to the general agreement that the international community should prioritize the economic, environmental, and social aspects simultaneously.

This is because the Sustainable Development Goals acknowledge their value in promoting sustainable development. The sustainable development and the creation of public value should be the primary goals of risk management in PSOs. Sustainability risk management (SRM) is widely acknowledged as a powerful tool that PSO can use to further these objectives in this context. In order to make better decisions and increase their value, organizations should implement insights (Côrte-Real, et al., 2017) and search for relevant data. To achieve this goal, accounting data must be accurate, useful, and relevant (Septriadi, et al., 2020). The widespread and essential usage of accounting information systems (AISs) has grown in recent years as a result of technological advancements and the proliferation of complex business models (Mishra, et al., 2023). The importance of AIS in carrying out management functions like planning and control has been highlighted in earlier research studies (Al-Dalaien and Khan, 2018; Ironkwe and Nwaiwu, 2018). Other research study has shown that AIS improves accounting processing accuracy, decreases information collection costs, and increases collaboration between managers and employees (Imene and Imhanzenobe, 2020; Barnes, 2020). According to Al-Okaily (2022), Alshirah, et al. (2021), and Papiorek and Hiebl (2023), AIS is crucial for organizations to succeed since it enables the integration, coordination, and management of business processes.

But so far, many businesses have failed to provide decision makers with high-quality accounting data (Puspitawati, 2021). Several organizations have successfully handled significant hurdles during the COVID-19 pandemic (Alsaad and Al-Okaily, 2022). According to Lutfi, et al. (2017), the external environment is described as complex, uncertain, volatile, and ambiguous; it has recently grown extremely dynamic, characterized by hyper high velocity and turbulence. According to Lutfi, et al. (2017), an organization’s ability to effectively use its AIS and adapt to environmental uncertainties greatly influences the extent to which these uncertainties affect the organization.

The majority of countries are actively investing in information technology and shifting toward a digital landscape (Merhi, 2022) in order to promptly adjust to evolving client behaviors (Hassandoust, et al., 2016) and meet the challenges posed by the pandemic-induced uncertainties. In light of this context, as suggested by Maciejewski (2016), PSOs would get significantly favorable results and advantages by embracing the usage of big data (BD). Big data analytics (BDA) would become an essential component for all organizations. Recently, BDA has emerged as a highly valued resource (Ali, et al., 2021; Ali, et al., 2022; Al-Okaily, et al., 2023a). The utilization of BDA and its functionalities have become a means of gaining a competitive edge for organizations and are acknowledged as being at the forefront of innovation (Akter, et al., 2016). The integration of this technology into organizational systems enables the execution of regular business tasks, administration of information systems, and improvement of overall organizational effectiveness (Ali, et al., 2021). Modern organizations must utilize BDA due to the ever-changing sources to guarantee efficient and high-quality operation of their systems (Gunasekaran, et al., 2017). Unfortunately, as of yet, there has been no research into how BDA might improve the accuracy of accounting information on the part of the accounting industry (Abueid and Hakami, 2023).

More notably, integrating forensic accounting technologies with fraud detection has become an important accounting and management issue due to the development of intelligent technologies (Yang and Lee, 2020). As a result, there has been a surge in the demand for forensic accounting (Borg, et al., 2020; Woods, et al., 2020). Accounting, finance, and corporate fraud can be uncovered through the application of forensic accounting’s scientific and technological tools (Rezaee, et al., 2016). Given the state of the economy, forensic accounting has become an indispensable tool for identifying instances of financial fraud (Kaur, et al., 2022), which in turn improves the efficacy of SRM and gives the company valuable data for operational decision-making.

In light of this, it is necessary to rethink and develop a new, comprehensive knowledge of BDA to make the most of its capabilities and guarantee that AIS is effective. The main motivation for this research is to examine how BDA can support AIS to achieve SRM. It focuses on the practical and theoretical opportunities that arise from the lack of an established academic background on this particular subject, which pertains to the potential role of BDA in driving the effectiveness of AIS and, by extension, the enhancement of SRM. Furthermore, the research on the function of forensic accounting skills (FAS) in supporting BDA in AIS to attain SRM is motivated by the aforementioned analyses. In an effort to broaden the conversation, the current study will attempt to answer the following intriguing questions.

RQ1. Does BDA impact AIS? To what extent does BDA impact AIS?

RQ2. Does AIS impact SRM? To what extent does AIS impact SRM?

RQ3. Does FAS act as a moderator in the interconnection between BDA and AIS as well as the interconnection between AIS and SRM?

Based on an analysis of the general findings and important insights, this article fills a number of gaps and makes a number of contributions to the academic and practitioner communities. From a theoretical standpoint, this study aims to provide the most precise and comprehensive explanation of how the BDA implementation might support AIS within the framework of PSO. There has not been nearly enough research on BDA implementation in government agencies, and this study fills that void (Desouza and Jacob, 2017; Mullich, 2013). Furthermore, the direct structural association between BDA and AIS is clarified by the current research. Thus, our study’s findings complement the existing literature on the topic of BDA’s effect on financial statements (Abueid and Hakami, 2023). According to research (Gepp, et al., 2018; Omitogun and Al-Adeem, 2019), AISs that use BDA have more accurate predictions of future sales, risks, financial distress, and fraud. The association between AIS and SRM is also addressed in this study’s findings. Both Al-Okaily, et al. (2020) and Lutfi, et al. (2020) point to the possibility that an effective AIS system can improve the accuracy of financial reports and provide relevant data in a timely manner to help with internal planning and decision-making, eliminating the need to guess or squander resources. In addition, AIS plays a crucial role in helping the organization achieve stability and sustainable development. It does this by providing pertinent information to reduce decisionmaking uncertainty and improve organizational operations planning and control (Sari, et al., 2019). Finally, the present work is significantly added to the illuminating FAS literature. An extensive amount of forensic accounting literature exists within Western and European contexts, but emerging nations have received comparatively little attention, expanding on the points made by Kaur, et al. (2022). In addition, with the rise of smart technologies, a critical accounting and management issue is the merging of forensic accounting and fraud detection capabilities (Yang and Lee, 2020). This has prompted FAS to play a pivotal role in utilizing the BDA to promote AIS in order to achieve SRM.

Regarding the practical aspect, what made this article unique was its capacity to give practitioners useful information that would help them understand why BDA is important and why they should prioritize its adoption. This was achieved by creating a framework that demonstrated how BDA can enhance AIS, leading to an increase in SRM. In light of this, the study’s results may also help PSO heads with BDA efficacy by providing more precise target planning and more timely resource allocation. In order to increase FAS among their staff, managers can follow the detailed guidelines provided by the research. Furthermore, policymakers gained a solid grasp of the best practices for developing regulations and standards to facilitate the digital transformation of government agencies from this study. Alternatively, the results of this paper also point to crucial steps that software or information technology (IT) companies should take to meet the ever-increasing expectations of their clients.

The current research is laid out as follows. Section 2 discusses the literature review pertaining to theoretical backdrop and the primary concepts. Section 3 demonstrates the hypothesis development and research model establishment. The research methodology which is delineated in Section 4 is followed by the result analysis in the next section. The final section ends with the implications and opens up avenues for future works.

Literature review
Resource – Based View (RBV) Theory

The RBV theory founded by Barney (1991) was employed to illuminate the reason to which numerous entities have been operated efficiently and effectively as well as how an entity could operate more fruitfully. Under the circumstances of BD, organizational capital resources placed its emphasis on insights from BDA to facilitate the shift in organizational processes and structure. While the physical capital resources covered with software reinforced the entity to perform the accumulation and analysis of BD, the human capital resources reflected on the competence and expertise of data scientists utilized to conduct analysis and management of information pertaining to the organizational operations (Gunasekaran, et al., 2017).

Big data and big data analytics

BDA has been broadly acknowledged as an advanced type of technologies and architectures which have been shaped up to economically extract value from very great volumes of a series of data by facilitating high velocity procurement, breakthrough, and/or analysis (Mikalef, et al., 2018). Numerous academic notes have advocated that BDA consisted of three elements such as BDA management capability, BDA technology capability, and BDA talent capability (Akter, et al., 2016).

Accounting information system

It is well knowledge that AIS is a software program that organizations use to manage and oversee their economic and financial activities, as well as to enter and process financial data (Al-Hattami, et al., 2021). In this context, “AIS” meant an information system that gathered data, organized it, ran analyses on it, stored credentials for future use, and then communicated the results to both internal and external stakeholders so that they could make informed decisions (Andiana, 2022).

Sustainability risk management

The term “sustainability risk” was used to refer to risks that were associated with issues pertaining to social justice or the environment and a number of different strategies that might be utilized to exert influence over entities (Anderson, 2005). This study defined SRM as a risk management that prioritizes the effects of both internal and external stakeholder value creation, in line with the work of Schulte and Knuts (2022).

Forensic accountants’ skill

The field of forensic accounting has long been thought of as a haven for those seeking specialized knowledge in areas such as law, accounting, auditing, and evaluation (Renzhou, 2011). Building on the perspectives of Crain, et al. (2015), it is suggested that these accountants broaden their skill sets to include AIS, digital forensics, auditing processes, and cognitive abilities.

Hypothesis development and research model establishment

PSOs in the global world routinely have stored large volumes of public data, namely, healthcare data, census data, and meteorological data, and the utilization of the data which have possessed the idiosyncrasies depicted above has been also critical in the PSO. The BDA adoption would provide AIS with robust capabilities of generating accurate prediction on future sales, potential risks, forecasting financial distress, and inspecting financial fraud (Gepp, et al., 2018). Alternatively, BDA offered early indexes of the potential drawbacks and vigor within the organizations for taking essential actions. All of these advantages of BDA could revamp the effectiveness of AIS which in turn would lead to ameliorate the decision-making process and the organizational performance. To that end, the first hypothesis was conjectured as follows.

Hypothesis 1 (H1). BDA instigates an influence on AIS in a significantly positive manner.

The implementation of formal risk management systems in PSOs could be deemed as the best practices for establishing risk management in response to environmental impacts. In order to achieve the advantages of ameliorated information management, automated decision reinforcement mechanism should become an interlink between stakeholders and management phases, allowing leaders to comprehend the information and make use of it to buttress decision-making. Under several circumstances, the troubles have altered from procuring and storing data to turning the information acquired from digital data strings into understandings as well as actionable implications. Numerous academic notes have focused on risk management which promulgated through a wide range of accounting technologies and temporality were jointly constitutive of the others as well (Hall, et al., 2015). As such, the second hypothesis was drawn as follows.

Hypothesis 2 (H2).AIS instigates an influence on SRM in a significantly positive manner.

The analysis the enormous volume of heterogeneous structured and unstructured data conducted through the support of BDA would result in negative impact on the integrity and reliability of data, and thus, accountants should assure that the data were reliable, complete, and accurate. Nevertheless, the integration of BD into the AIS would not only influence the data processing phase but also the data storage phase due to the requirement on the tremendous storage capacities for the gigantic volume of ever-changing data. Furthermore, BDA typically led to tremendous information within a rapid speed. However, risk management has been another complex action with numerous challenges as it faced an integration of prodigious volumes of information captured and the uncertainty pertaining to vulnerabilities as well as interruptions, which impacted the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. The forensic accountant has played a paramount role in PSOs as they have been imperative to inspect suspicious financial practices as well as monitor actual fraud to minimize the rate of financial crimes in PSOs. In the nutshell, the hypotheses of this research were considered as follows.

Hypothesis 3A (H3A).FAS acts as a moderator in the interconnection between BDA and AIS.

Hypothesis 3B (H3B).FAS acts as a moderator in the interconnection between AIS and SRM.

All hypotheses are indicated at the Figure 1 to demonstrated the theoretical proposed model of all relations between those variables.

Figure 1.

The theoretical model. (Source: Authors’ own research)

Research Methodology
Measurement Variables Operationalization

The study’s purpose is accomplished through the use of a research design that employs a hypothetico-deductive technique. This approach involves reviewing the relevant literature, formulating hypotheses, constructing a theoretical framework, and deriving logical conclusions based on the research findings (Sekaran, 2006). The choice of research technique is influenced by the research paradigm as it has a substantial effect on the whole approach (Collis and Hussey, 2013). Therefore, a deductive procedure employing a survey questionnaire and adopting a positivist perspective is used. To perform the statistical analysis and make generalizations about the entire population, researchers typically use survey methods to collect data from a sample (Collis and Hussey, 2013). A quantitative technique utilizing a structured questionnaire is employed to validate the relationships in the proposed model (Selem, et al., 2022).

The survey method has been felicitous for capturing data in a context in which the variables examined were related with organizations as well as professional practices (Hair, et al., 2017). Simultaneously, the selection of the survey technique to data procurement has been deemed to be appropriate with investigations in the management and organization research literature (Awan and Sroufe, 2019; Chundakkadan and Sasidharan, 2019) as it has been a common technique for contacting an enormous sample size of a specific population at a low cost (Heeringa, et al., 2017). Remarkably, there has been lack of readily available secondary database on digital transformation within PSOs, especially in developing nations like Vietnam’s. Building on the proposals of Hennessy and Patterson (2011), the research instruments were the most important things to be focused when using survey technique. Consequently, the development of research instrument is commenced.

The following procedures are intended to address the measurement instrument. Initially, a clear explanation of the constructs is provided. Subsequently, the existing literature and assessment tools used in previous research are examined to assess these similar components. Once the measuring constructs are finalized, the survey questionnaire is created with closed-ended questions that offered numerous options using a five-point Likert scale. This tool is highly valuable and efficient for quantitative research (Grove and Gray, 2018). The reason for using closed questionnaires is their ease of completion for participants and suitability for analysis (Fiaz, et al., 2018). Additionally, it has received widespread recommendations from researchers in this field, further attesting to its quality and reliability (Revilla, et al., 2014). Thus, the five-point Likert scale to evaluate the degree of the respondents’ approval with the statements (1 = “vigorously disagree” and 5 = “vigorously agree”) was applied for all measurement items in the questionnaire.

Initially, the questionnaire was first designed in English and redesigned in the Vietnamese language through a back-translation procedure to overcome the discrepancies of translation (Brislin, 1970). As the questionnaire in this study was established in divergent contexts – both culturally and environmentally – a pretest with 6 experts was implemented to minimize unanticipated complexity (Alreck and Settle, 1995). Grounded on the feedback of experts, the constructs were modified to remove ambiguous measuring items. Prior to gathering the questionnaire responses, a pilot study was done with multiple participants to ascertain any potential challenges in completing the set of questions. As such, 30 respondents with similar idiosyncrasies to the survey population were demanded to partake in the smallscale pilot test. The Cronbach’s alpha is utilized to assess the reliability and consistency of the research instruments (Hair, et al., 2012). The results indicate that the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for each item exceeds 0.70. Cronbach’s alpha scores ranging between 0.50 and 0.70 are considered appropriate for ensuring the internal consistency of a reliable scale (Hinton, et al., 2014). The results of the pilot testing demonstrated that the items meet the criteria for assessing their reliability, and all of the items are retained for further analysis. Consequently, the techniques were deemed valid and reliable for collecting empirical data. Remarkably, Ismail, et al. (2018) suggest that the sample and data collected during the pilot study should not be utilized in the main investigation.

The items measured for BDA which comprised BDA Management Capability, BDA Technology Capability, and BDA Talent Capability were inherited from the contributions of Akter, et al. (2016) and Kim, et al. (2012). The AIS which included four components, namely, data input system organization, data processing system organization, data storage system organization, and financial statement system organization were stemmed from the findings of Uyar, et al. (2017) and Romney, et al. (2013). The criteria which were employed to evaluate the SRM consisted of Sustainability Assessment, Sustainability Risk Identification, Sustainability Risk Analysis and Evaluation, and Sustainability Risk Treatment and Communication were emanated from the outcomes of Schultea and Knuts (2022). The measurement scales utilized to assess the FAS were sprung from the work of Digabriele (2008).

Sampling and Data Collection

In order to accurately reflect the research population and collect necessary primary data, data are obtained through the use of two sample units. Organizations serve as the primary sampling unit, while employees within such organizations are considered the secondary sampling unit. Most of the PSOs in Vietnam have started considering the deployment of digital technologies. The choice of PSOs in the southern regions of Vietnam for this study is based on the idea that empirical research in this area can provide useful references for PSOs across Asia, not just in Vietnam (Huy and Phuc, 2020). Alternatively, as the accountants would play a crucial role in achieving a favorable outcome as a result of the widespread adoption of digital technologies (Zybery and Rova, 2014), the participants in this study are accountants from various PSOs in the southern region of Vietnam. The present study centers on accountants in PSOs who possess the ability to provide perceptive analysis and extensive expertise on relevant subjects from the standpoint of their respective organizations. The selection criteria for participants include the sufficient expertise and knowledge in digital technologies and risk management, as well as a minimum of 5 years of working experience in their respective organizations, which aims to confirm their active involvement in AIS design. Furthermore, participants are requested to answer questions regarding their familiarity with BDA application, AIS, and risk management implementation in a digitalized business environment to ensure that they had sufficient knowledge to complete the questionnaire. This process ensures that the dataset does not include any participants who are unaware of these concerns. The primary data in the current study are captured through a paper- and-pencil questionnaire. To do so, the questionnaires are distributed in person to participants by the researchers. The list of PSOs is acquired with the authorization of the Department of Finance in each province of Southern Vietnam. All the data studied in this research are generated by a solitary participant in each PSO. Prior to requesting employees to participate in the study, the researchers sought approval from the senior management of the PSOs to collect their contact information. Following the subjects’ informed agreement, the researchers personally distributed the surveys to them. By doing this, researchers would be able to inform participants on the correct procedure for completing questionnaires, reduce the potential bias caused by the common technique, and provide information regarding the confidentiality and anonymity of the study’s results. Participants were guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity, and they had the freedom to withdraw from the study at any point, without any restrictions or explanations required.

The sample of this research is formulated on the basis of convenience and snowball sampling. Convenience sampling is a form of nonprobability sampling in which individuals of the target population meet criteria, namely, easy accessibility and availability (Taufique and Vaithianathan, 2018). In the meanwhile, snowball sampling is an acknowledged and viable approach of recruiting research respondents who are difficult to accessible or known to the researchers (Marcus, et al., 2017; Naderifar, et al., 2017; Reagan, et al., 2019; Wohl, et al., 2017). Based on the standpoints of numerous scholars, the sample-to-variable ratio preferred from 5:1 (minimal) to 10:1 (optimal) and the sample-to-item ratio is proper to determine the sample size (Hair, et al., 2010). On the suggestion of Comrey and Lee (1992), a sample size below 50 is deemed extremely weak, ranging from 51 to 100 is-comparatively weak, varying from 101 to 200 is relatively adequate, differing from 201 to 300 is good, and fluctuating from 301 to 500 is exceedingly good, whereas a sample scale of larger than 500 is recognized to be excellent. As proposed by Hair, et al. (2022), the responses that suffer from more than 15% missing items would be excluded from the data set. Therefore, all the responses that suffer from 15% of missing data would be eliminated. Thus, a total of 800 questionnaires are distributed to accountants of PSOs in the southern region of Vietnam from the end of November 2021 to the middle of May 2022. There are 683 valid questionnaires captured with the response rate of 85.38 percent.

Data analysis

All the calculations for the hypothesized model were performed with the support of SPSS v27 and AMOS v26 through a two-step analytic approach (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). More instrumentally, the instrument substantiation was carried out through assessing the construct validity and reliability by means of Cronbach’s alpha, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with the support of SPSS v27, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with the support of AMOS v26. In order to testify the hypothesized interconnections, SEM analysis was leveraged through Amos v26. The maximum likelihood estimation approach was taken advantage to evaluate the measurement and structural model as well (Moon and Kim, 2001). Furthermore, the multi-group SEM analysis was also made use to scrutinize the moderating impacts of FAS.

Research Analysis
Descriptive Characteristics

Among 683 valid survey questionnaires, 61.20 percent was female and 38.80 percent was male. Of these, the group of accountants working in the public schools accounted for 73.94 percent, which was followed by the group working in local government around 22.40 percent. The group working in preventive health centers and public hospitals, public universities, public colleges, public libraries, and museums made up negligible percent around 0.73 percent, 1.17 percent, 0.44 percent, 0.73 percent, and 0.59 percent, respectively, ranking last among the given groups. The age of groups was allocated with 15.67 percent “Below 30,” 47.00 percent “31–40,” 35.43 percent “41–50,” and 1.90 percent “Above 51.” All of the informants obtained an undergraduate degree. Concerning to the year of experience, 15.67 percent belonged to “Below 10” group, 71.30 percent was “10 to Below 20” group, and 13.03 percent was the “20 to Below 30” group.

Convergent Validity and Internal Consistency Reliability

Prior to implementing EFA, it was compulsory to perform Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity as well as Kaiser– Meyer–Olkin test to gauge the sufficiency of the samples. The outcomes in Table 1 underlined that the sampling was sufficient and the data were appropriate for factor analysis.

Exploratoryd Factor Analysis – Measures of Adequacy.

(Source: Authors’ own research)

Criteria Cut-off values Results Inference
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin Marvelous >0.9, Unacceptable < 0.5 0.767 Acceptable
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity < 0.05 0.000 (chi-square = 9615.156; df = 666) Acceptable
Total variance explained >50% 58.538% Acceptable

The Cronbach’s α and composite reliability were recommended to be higher than the referenced value 0.7 (Fornell and Larcker, 1981a), and all the indicators in the constructs should have loadings exceeding the threshold of 0.5 (Hair, et al., 2010). Additionally, the convergent validity was judged to be sufficient when the average variance extracted (AVE) equaled or exceeded 0.5 (Fornell and Larcker, 1981a). The statistical corroboration of these criteria in Table 2 ascertained the convergent validity and internal consistency reliability.

Measurement Model Assessment

(Source: Authors’ own research)

Construct Item Acronyms Factor Loadings Ranges AVE Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability Inference
Big data analytics BDA - - - - -
BDA Management Capability MC 0.661–0.912 0.581 0.798 0.805 Retained
BDA Technology Capability TEC 0.655–0.919 0.637 0.829 0.839 Retained
BDA Talent Capability TC 0.639–0.782 0.508 0.749 0.755 Retained
Accounting information system AIS - - - - -
Data input system organization DIS 0.582–0.916 0.605 0.813 0.820 Retained
Data processing system organization DPS 0.690–0.841 0.594 0.811 0.814 Retained
Data storage system organization DSS 0.765–0.936 0.684 0.863 0.866 Retained
Financial statement system organization FSS 0.695–0.913 0.638 0.834 0.840 Retained
Sustainable risk management SRM - - - - -
Sustainability Assessment SA 0.696–0.739 0.530 0.769 0.772 Retained
Sustainability Risk Identification SRI 0.631–0.787 0.548 0.781 0.784 Retained
Sustainability Risk Analysis and Evaluation SRAE 0.664–0.862 0.630 0.830 0.835 Retained
Sustainability Risk Treatment and Communication SRTC 0.690–0.827 0.577 0.801 0.803 Retained
Forensic accountants’ skill FAS 0.597–0.700 0.500 0.724 0.725 Retained
Discriminant validity

The comparison between the square root of the AVE and the correlations among the proposed constructs was conducted to determine discriminant validity. The AVE of each latent variable was greater than the off-diagonal correlation scores (Fornell and Larcker, 1981b). Based on the output in Table 3, the measurement scale illustrated the good discriminant validity.

Results summary of discriminant validity

(Source: Authors’ own research)

DSS 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
FSS 0.235 1 - - - - - - - - - -
TEC 0.112 0.114 1 - - - - - - - - -
SRAE -0.015 0.161 0.007 1 - - - - - - - -
DPS 0.171 0.212 0.025 0.157 1 - - - - - - -
MC 0.029 0.095 0.291 0.048 0.096 1 - - - - - -
SRTC 0.159 0.157 0.136 0.102 0.033 0.071 1 - - - - -
DIS 0.301 0.364 0.067 0.143 0.437 0.264 0.090 1 - - - -
SRI 0.163 0.137 0.108 0.199 0.083 0.162 0.281 0.096 1 - - -
FAS -0.033 -0.041 -0.056 0.088 -0.029 0.018 0.085 -0.020 0.002 1 - -
SA 0.133 0.224 0.027 0.373 0.295 0.133 0.365 0.373 0.333 -0.003 1 -
TC 0.068 0.035 0.129 0.017 0.031 0.258 0.076 0.041 0.091 -0.038 0.080 1
Assessment on the model fit

The chi-square/df value was requested to be below 2 (Byrne, 1989). The comparative fit index (CFI), Tucker–Lewis index (TLI), and goodness-of-fit index (GFI) were requested to obtain the score equal to/beyond 0.9 (Schumacker and Lomax, 2004). The rootmean-square error of approximation (RMSEA) was proposed to be equal to/under 0.05 (Joreskog and Sorbom, 1989). The measurement and structural models in Table 4 were in line with the collected data in a flawless manner.

Result of measurement and structural model assessment

(Source: Authors’ own research)

The goodness-of-fit measures Chi-square/df GFI CFI TLI RMSEA
Recommended threshold ≤2 ≥0.9 ≥0.9 ≥0.9 < 0.05
Measurement model 1.348 0.943 0.979 0.975 0.023
Structural model 1.530 0.939 0.970 0.968 0.028
Result of the SEM
Direct effect.

Building on the outputs in Table 5, BDA was authenticated to be correlated to AIS (H1: β = 0.329; p = 0.000) in a significantly positive manner. The investigation on the interlink between AIS and SRM (H2) denoted that the standardized path coefficient (β) was 0.515 at p < 0.001. Thus, H1 and H2 were buttressed.

Structural coefficients (β) of the hypothesized model

(Source: Authors’ own research)

Hypothesis No. Hypothesized path Standardized S.E. C.R. P Inference
H1 BDA AIS 0.329 0.092 3.318 0.000 Buttressed
H2 AIS SRM 0.515 0.053 7.230 0.000 Buttressed
Moderating effect.

Prior to the measurement invariance test, this study splits the sample of FAS into two divergent subsamples comprising high FAS (n = 381) versus low FAS (n = 302) rested on the median of the data. As the result was proved to be significant, at p < 0.05, it placed an emphasis on the conclusion that there were differences between two subsamples. As could be clearly seen from Table 6, the parameter coefficients for the group with high FAS were substantiated to be greater than those for the group with low FAS. This implied that high FAS positively moderated not only the impact of BDA on AIS but also the effect of AIS on SRM. Hence, H3A and H3B were buttressed.

Research findings on the moderating role of Forensic accountants’ skill

(Source: Authors’ own research)

Causal relationship Low FAS (n=302) High FAS (n=381) Difference between parameters (high FAS–low FAS) Hypothesis testing results
Standardized P Standardized P Standardized P -
BDA AIS 0.151 0.517 0.422 0.000 0.271 0.517 H3A was buttressed
AIS SRM 0.297 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.453 0.000 H3B was buttressed
Final thoughts and conclusions
Theoretical implication.

The results acquired in this study have raised awareness about the benefits of BDA on AISs, hence extending the findings of previous studies conducted by Pham and Vu (2021), Abueid and Hakami (2023), and Nurhayati, et al. (2023). Admittedly, the implementation of BDA would enhance the AISs by equipping it with powerful skills to generate precise predictions on future sales, identify potential hazards, forecast financial distress, and detect instances of financial fraud (Gepp, et al., 2018; Omitogun and Al-Adeem, 2019). Alternatively, the gathered findings also shed light on how the use of AIS with the support of BDA could have a considerably favorable impact on SRM. Al-Okaily, et al. (2020) and Lutfi, et al. (2020) suggest that implementing an effective AIS system can enhance the precision of financial reports and deliver timely and pertinent data for internal planning and decision-making. This eliminates the need for speculation or wastage of resources. Furthermore, AIS plays a pivotal function in facilitating the organization’s attainment of stability and sustainable growth. It achieves this by offering relevant information to minimize ambiguity in decision-making and enhance planning and management of organizational operations (Sari, et al., 2019). The statistical results of the current research emphasize the crucial function of FAS in enhancing the potential of BDA in promoting AIS to attain SRM. The rapid progress of the digital economy and the implementation of new digital technologies have led to the need for analyzing large amounts of diverse structured and unstructured data. However, this analysis might have negative effects on the accuracy and dependability of the data. While these substantial outputs may be beneficial for the end users, they can also lead to an excessive amount of information for the target audiences, as noted by Brown-Liburd, et al. (2015). Forensic accountants are considered essential in this process due to their expertise, ethical standards, and prospective participation in upcoming audits that require modifications (DiGabriele, 2009).

Practical implication.

Several actionable insights may be gleaned from the findings of this study, which expand upon previous managerial perspectives. To achieve BDA’s full potential, PSOs should ensure that its implementation is more than just a technical project; it should be part of a larger effort to transform the organization. This transformation should include analytics strategies, management reinforcements, and proactive, meticulous management. This motivates PSO heads to raise awareness about these problems, which will help build support for the system as it evolves and undergoes its slow transformation. Additionally, through seminars and expert consultations, PSO executives are encouraged to develop inclusive methods for integrating AISs into modern information technology. All PSO heads had to have crystal-clear ideas on how to get their employees invested in risk management and forensic accounting issues, and they had to do it quickly. In addition, PSO heads should take the initiative to encourage, motivate, and address accountants’ questions and concerns about the accounting information system’s integration with current technology in order to guarantee that the vision is internalized. As the training programs will teach staff how to analyze data effectively and improve collaboration across departments (Chehbi-Gamoura, et al., 2019) to keep up with the latest developments in BDA programing systems, organizational leaders should focus on improving workforce proficiency through training programs. Training programs are available for the accounting department to help them become more proficient in cutting-edge IT systems implementation, forensic accounting, and data analytics at the same time. Besides, in order to gain operational stability and forestall any crises, organizational plans should adhere to government regulations and risk control measures. Therefore, it is recommended that all PSO leaders establish robust risk management plans by configuring internal processes and minimizing potential risk causes. Because of the critical role that IT plays in modernizing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of all organizations’ IT implementations, policymakers and governmental influencers should create and pass laws and policies regarding IT adoption while also allocating funds, strengthening IT infrastructures, and planning for their deployment. Last but not least, developers and sellers of hardware and software need to make an effort to understand the difficulties of PSOs’ unique needs in order to improve AIS by reducing the shortcomings of existing techniques.

Limitations and Prospects for Future Research

Upon careful analysis of the study’s findings, it is possible that certain inherent limitations may become apparent despite the researchers’ diligent efforts to ensure the research’s credibility. The limits that have been placed will facilitate the development of innovative ways for the ongoing research in this field. The primary challenge that hinders making definitive statements in the analysis of results pertains to the utilization of cross-sectional data. Alternatively, it might be stated that inferences on the study can solely be made in relation to the shared connections among the variables under consideration, as it solely provides fixed viewpoints on compatibility. Hence, it is recommended that future investigations incorporate contemporary statistical methodologies in conjunction with a thorough longitudinal analysis. One of the drawbacks is the significantly small sample size, often insufficient to yield definitive findings. Therefore, it is advisable to proportionally increase the sample size in relation to the amount of time and effort expended. One notable limitation pertains to the composition of the sample. The current study relies predominantly on samples, notably a limited number of informants from a single institution. On the other hand, the generalizability of the findings in this study is limited due to its exclusive focus on data sets of Vietnamese origins. To ensure the validity and applicability of the results, it is necessary to conduct comparable investigations in other nations. In the context of ground testing the suggested model, a higher sample size would be advantageous for comparative analysis. Furthermore, even with the implementation of various strategies designed to enhance the fairness of the individuals involved, there exists a potential for the emergence of self-serving bias from the respondents as a result of the survey inquiries (Oduro and Haylemariam, 2019; Murray, et al., 2011). Future study should consider utilizing secondary data sources as a means to overcome this constraint. In order to enhance the comprehensiveness of the research, it is imperative to consider other statistical approaches, as indicated by Abubakar, et al. (2019), due to the relatively lower predictive capabilities of correlation, regression, and structural equation modeling. This issue may be easily rectified and is not anticipated to pose any future complications.