Open Access

The Value of Postgraduate Students Opinions in the Quality Management of Academic E-Learning


Students’ answers to the questions specifically regarding the online classes (Source: Own elaboration)

Questions Yes (%) No (%)
In your opinion, were the online classes interesting? 81 19
Were the online classes engaging? 61 39
Were the online classes dynamic? 59 41

Students’ answers to the questions regarding the didactic materials (Source: Own elaboration)

Questions Yes (%) No (%)
Did you have access to various didactic materials? 89 11
In your view, were the didactic materials sufficient? 67 33
Were the didactic materials for the classes attractive and encouraging to study? 64 36

Students’ answers to the questions regarding the online delivery – e-learning platform and the support from the School (Source: Own elaboration)

Questions Yes (%) No (%)
Was the e-learning platform working properly? 90 10
Was the support of the School sufficient? 90 10

Students’ answers to the questions regarding the lecturers (Source: Own elaboration)

Questions Yes (%) No (%)
Was the contact with the lecturers sufficient? 70 30
Was the support from the lecturers sufficient? 84 16
Did the lecturers provide feedback for each didactic activity performed by you (tasks, exercises, projects)? 69 31

Students’ answers to the question: Which aspects of e-learning do you think need improvement and why? (Source: Own elaboration)

Question:Which aspects of e-learning do you think need improvement and why? % Respondents*
More networking and group work 60
More interactive presentations to engage students – Mentimeter, Mural, Kahoot, etc. could be used more often by lecturers 40
To have cameras on during the classes mandatory 40
Lectures and consultations work well online and should remain this way after the pandemic; exams should be done online 30
All online classes should be recorded, and the recordings should be available to students 30
Availability of lecturers after the classes for extra consultations 20
Some of the lecturers did introductory videos before the class, which was brilliant. Everyone should do that. I would watch with pleasure 15
Making sure that no external noise will disturb the classes, e.g., “barking dog.” Sound quality 10

Students’ answers to the question regarding networking with other students (Source: Own elaboration)

Question Yes (%) No (%)
In your opinion, was networking with other program participants sufficient? 33 67

Students’ answers to the questions specifically regarding the methods of assessment of the online classes (Source: Own elaboration)

Questions Yes (%) No (%)
In your opinion, were the methods of assessing students’ achievements satisfactory? 70 30
Were you familiar with the evaluation criteria of the subject? 90 10

Students’ answers to the question regarding the quality of online classes – a scale of 1–5 (1- very bad, 5- very good) (Source: Own elaboration)

Questions 1 (%) 2 (%) 3 (%) 4 (%) 5 (%)
How do you generally rate the quality of online classes? 0 4 20 53 23
How do you rate the quality of online classes organization? 1 6 24 46 23
How do you rate the quality of the content of online classes? 0 7 19 56 19
How do you rate the quality of teaching materials? 3 10 24 44 19