Open Access

Foliar application of potassium silicate, potassium fulvate and betaine improve summer-time tomato yield by promoting plant nitrogen and potassium uptake


Figure 1

Principle components analysis of plant macronutrients accumulation, fruit macronutrients partitioning, FrTSS content and FrVc concentration. The green, blue and red circles represent the confidential eclipses of the treatments having water (control), BSFA and GB as the source of nitrogen, respectively. The square, round and triangle dots represent the treatments having water (control), ISi and OSi as the form of silicon, respectively. The green, blue and purple vectors show the N, P, K accumulation in different plant organs, and the orange, dark yellow and red vectors show the fruit nutrients partitioning, DM of different plant organs and FrQ, respectively. *FrN%, the percentage of TN partitioned to fruit, similar for FrP% and FrK%, which indicate the percentage of total phosphorus and potassium accumulation partitioned to fruit, respectively. Br, branch; BSFA, potassium fulvate; DM, dry mass; Fr, fruit; FrN, fruit nitrogen concentration; FrQ, fruit quality; FrTSS, fruit total soluble solids; GB, betaine; ISi, potassium silicate; OSi, organic silicon; TK, total potassium accumulation; TN, total nitrogen accumulation; TP, total phosphorus accumulation; TSS, total soluble solids; Vc, vitamin C.
Principle components analysis of plant macronutrients accumulation, fruit macronutrients partitioning, FrTSS content and FrVc concentration. The green, blue and red circles represent the confidential eclipses of the treatments having water (control), BSFA and GB as the source of nitrogen, respectively. The square, round and triangle dots represent the treatments having water (control), ISi and OSi as the form of silicon, respectively. The green, blue and purple vectors show the N, P, K accumulation in different plant organs, and the orange, dark yellow and red vectors show the fruit nutrients partitioning, DM of different plant organs and FrQ, respectively. *FrN%, the percentage of TN partitioned to fruit, similar for FrP% and FrK%, which indicate the percentage of total phosphorus and potassium accumulation partitioned to fruit, respectively. Br, branch; BSFA, potassium fulvate; DM, dry mass; Fr, fruit; FrN, fruit nitrogen concentration; FrQ, fruit quality; FrTSS, fruit total soluble solids; GB, betaine; ISi, potassium silicate; OSi, organic silicon; TK, total potassium accumulation; TN, total nitrogen accumulation; TP, total phosphorus accumulation; TSS, total soluble solids; Vc, vitamin C.

Figure 2

Correlation matrix of macronutrients concentration and accumulation in different plant organs, as well as the fruit DM, FrTSS content and the macronutrients partition to fruit. *FrN%, the percentage of TN partitioned to fruit, similar for FrP% and FrK%, which indicate the percentage of total phosphorus and potassium accumulation partitioned to fruit, respectively; Br, branch; DM, dry mass; Fr, fruit; FrN, fruit nitrogen concentration; FrTSS, fruit total soluble solids; TK, total potassium accumulation; TN, total nitrogen accumulation; TP, total phosphorus accumulation; TSS, total soluble solids; Vc, vitamin C.
Correlation matrix of macronutrients concentration and accumulation in different plant organs, as well as the fruit DM, FrTSS content and the macronutrients partition to fruit. *FrN%, the percentage of TN partitioned to fruit, similar for FrP% and FrK%, which indicate the percentage of total phosphorus and potassium accumulation partitioned to fruit, respectively; Br, branch; DM, dry mass; Fr, fruit; FrN, fruit nitrogen concentration; FrTSS, fruit total soluble solids; TK, total potassium accumulation; TN, total nitrogen accumulation; TP, total phosphorus accumulation; TSS, total soluble solids; Vc, vitamin C.

The mean (n ≥ 4) of stem, branch, leaf, fruit and total DM, as well as the percentage of DM partitioning to stem, branch, leaf and fruit (Stem%, Br%, Leaf%, Fr%, respectively) of the tomato plants sprayed with different recipes.

Treatments Stem DM (g) Branch DM (g) Leaf DM (g) Fruit DM (g) Total DM (g) Stem% Branch% Leaf% Fruit%
CK 1511 ab 667 ab 1064 ab 3018 d 6260 c 24.2 10.7 a 17.0 48.3 b
ISi 1566 ab 742 a 1233 a 3570 a 7137 a 21.8 10.6 a 17.6 50.0 ab
OSi 1397 b 585 abc 1065 ab 3163 bcd 6168 c 22.2 9.5 ab 16.9 51.4 ab
BSFA 1353 b 541 bc 1136 ab 3303 abcd 6240 c 21.3 8.4 ab 17.5 52.9 ab
BSFA + ISi 1572 ab 599 abc 1127 ab 3465 ab 6923 ab 23.4 9.4 ab 17.0 50.1 ab
BSFA + OSi 1360 b 588 abc 935 ab 3115 cd 6145 c 24.0 9.7 ab 15.6 50.7 ab
GB 1848 a 730 a 1127 ab 3407 abc 6902 ab 25.4 9.2 ab 15.9 49.6 ab
GB + ISi 1549 ab 588 abc 1040 ab 3206 bcd 6402 bc 24.3 9.7 ab 16.0 50.1 ab
GB + OSi 1425 b 427 c 842 b 3213 bcd 5974 c 24.6 7.5 b 14.0 53.9 a
H2O 1481 669 1120 3250 6522 22.7 10.2 17.2 49.9
BSFA 1473 590 1078 3294 6435 22.9 9.2 16.7 51.2
GB 1588 570 990 3275 6426 24.7 8.8 15.3 51.3
H2O 1528 609 AB 1087 AB 3243 AB 6466 AB 23.6 9.4 16.8 50.2
K2SO3 1578 677 A 1152 A 3414 A 6821 A 23.2 9.9 16.9 50.1
OSi 1437 545 B 950 B 3164 B 6096 B 23.6 8.9 15.5 52.0

Principle components analysis comprehensive scores of the growth, nutrients and fruiting traits.

General growth −1.68 3.03 −0.74 0.12 1.46 −0.99 1.19 −0.04 −2.35
Fruiting performance −0.73 1.62 −0.37 0.28 1.15 −0.51 0.20 −0.24 −1.41
Vegetative organs performance −0.33 2.15 −0.97 −0.84 0.60 −0.66 2.07 −0.25 −1.77

The mean (n ≥ 3) of potassium concentration, translocation factor and accumulation of different organs of the tomato plants sprayed with different recipes.

Treatment Potassium concentration (g · kg−1) Translocation factor Potassium accumulation (g)

Stem Branch Leaf Fruit Stem Branch Leaf Stem Branch Leaf Fruit Total
CK 24.4 d 31.7 d 27.4 ab 25.4 bcd 1.05 a 0.80 b 0.93 bcd 36.9 g 21.2 b 29.2 bc 76.8 f 164.2 c
ISi 26.1 cd 25.8 e 26.1 b 25.8 bc 0.99 ab 1.00 a 0.99 ab 40.9 de 19.2 d 32.2 a 92.1 a 184.4 a
OSi 31.4 a 34.1 c 28.4 a 25.4 bcd 0.81 cd 0.75 bcd 0.90 cd 44.0 cd 20.0 cd 30.3 bc 80.6 def 174.8 b
BSFA 28.4 bc 36.7 a 27.0 ab 26.0 b 0.92 bc 0.71 de 0.96 bc 38.5 ef 19.9 cd 30.8 ab 86.1 bc 175.3 b
BSFA + ISi 30.4 ab 35.1 bc 26.8 ab 26.4 b 0.86 cd 0.75 bcd 0.99 ab 48.0 b 21.1 b 30.2 bc 91.5 a 190.8 a
BSFA + OSi 25.4 d 36.1 ab 28.1 a 26.7 ab 1.05 a 0.74 cd 0.95 bc 34.6 g 21.3 b 26.3 d 83.5 cd 165.7 c
GB 29.80 ab 35.7 ab 22.7 c 24.1 d 0.81 cd 0.67 e 1.06 a 55.1 a 26.2 a 25.7 d 82.2 cde 189.1 a
GB + ISi 31.4 a 35.1 bc 27.7 ab 27.9 a 0.88 bc 0.79 bc 1.01 ab 48.8 b 20.7 bc 28.9 c 89.6 ab 187.9 a
GB + OSi 31.8 a 36.1 ab 28.4 a 24.4 cd 0.77 d 0.68 e 0.86 d 45.3 bc 15.4 e 23.9 e 78.5 ef 163.2 c
H2O 27.4 B 30.6 B 27.3 25.6 0.95 A 0.85 A 0.94 40.6 B 20.1 30.6 A 83.2 174.5
BSFA 28.1 B 36.0 A 27.3 26.4 0.95 A 0.73 B 0.97 40.4 B 20.8 29.1 A 87.0 177.2
GB 31.1 A 35.7 A 26.0 25.5 0.82 B 0.71 B 0.98 49.8 A 20.8 26.2 B 83.4 180.1
H2O 27.6 34.8 B 25.8 B 25.2 B 0.93 0.73 B 0.98 A 43.5 22.4 A 28.6 AB 81.7 B 176.2 B
K2SO3 29.4 32.0 AB 26.9 AB 26.7 A 0.91 0.85 A 0.99 A 45.9 20.3 AB 30.4 A 91.1 A 187.7 A
OSi 29.6 35.5 A 28.3 A 25.6 B 0.88 0.72 B 0.90 B 41.3 18.9 B 26.8 B 80.8 B 167.9 C

The mean (n ≥ 3) of the partitioning of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the different organs of the tomato plants sprayed with different recipes.

Treatment Total nitrogen partitioning to Total phosphorus partitioning to Total potassium partitioning to

Stem (%) Branch (%) Leaf (%) Fruit (%) Stem (%) Branch (%) Leaf (%) Fruit (%) Stem (%) Branch (%) Leaf (%) Fruit (%)
CK 20.3 b 9.9 a 28.4 b 41.4 d 26.8 e 8.4 b 17.6 a 47.1 d 22.5 c 12.9 b 17.8 a 46.8 cd
ISi 18.5 bc 8.6 b 29.1 ab 43.8 bc 30.0 c 7.1 d 14.4 bc 48.5 cd 25.2 b 11.4 c 17.3 a 46.1 d
OSi 17.1 c 8.5 b 29.5 ab 45.0 b 29.1 cd 9.1 a 14.0 c 47.8 cd 22.2 c 10.4 d 17.5 a 49.9 a
BSFA 18.9 bc 8.0 c 29.2 ab 43.8 bc 27.1 e 6.5 e 15.2 b 51.2 a 21.9 c 11.4 c 17.6 a 49.1 ab
BSFA + ISi 20.0 b 8.9 b 27.2 c 44.0 bc 30.4 c 8.2 b 12.5 d 48.9 bc 20.9 c 12.9 b 15.9 b 50.4 a
BSFA + OSi 17.1 c 7.6 c 29.9 a 45.4 b 27.6 de 7.1 d 14.7 bc 50.6 ab 25.1 b 11.0 cd 15.9 b 48.0 bc
GB 23.1 a 8.7 b 28.8 ab 39.3 e 36.2 a 7.7 c 15.0 b 41.1 e 29.1 a 13.8 a 13.6 d 43.5 e
GB + ISi 19.2 bc 7.2 c 26.1 c 47.6 a 33.6 b 5.3 e 11.9 d 49.2 bc 27.8 a 9.5 e 14.7 c 48.1 bc
GB + OSi 19.5 b 8.5 b 29.4 ab 42.7 c 29.3 cd 7.1 d 14.4 bc 49.2 bc 26.0 b 11.0 cd 15.4 bc 47.7 bcd
H2O 18.6 B 9.0 A 29.0 43.4 28.7 B 8.2 A 15.33 47.8 AB 23.3 A 11.6 17.5 A 47.6 AB
BSFA 18.7 B 8.2 B 28.8 44.4 28.4 B 7.3 B 14.13 50.3 A 22.7 A 11.8 16.4 B 49.2 A
GB 20.6 A 8.1 B 28.1 43.2 33.0 A 6.7 B 13.77 46.5 B 27.6 B 11.4 14.5 C 46.4 B
H2O 20.8 A 8.9 28.8 A 41.5 B 30.0 7.5 15.95 A 46.5 24.5 12.7 A 16.3 46.5
K2SO3 19.2 AB 8.2 27.5 B 45.1 A 28.7 6.9 12.93 C 48.9 24.6 11.3 B 16.0 48.2
OSi 17.9 B 8.2 29.6 A 44.3 A 31.3 7. 8 14.34 B 49.2 24.4 10.8 B 16.2 48.5

The mean (n = 4) of FrY, FrTSS, FrVc and FrNitrate of the tomato plants sprayed with nine different recipes.

Treatment FrY (kg · m−2) FrTSS (%) FrVc (mg · 100 g−1) FrNitrate (mg · kg−1)
CK 3.67 c 8.2 ab 32.6 b 259.9
ISi 4.14 ab 7.8 c 29.8 cd 209.8
OSi 3.66 c 7.7 c 28.8 de 171.6
BSFA 3.71 c 8.3 ab 34.2 a 310.3
BSFA + ISi 4.29 a 8.0 bc 27.8 ef 219.0
BSFA + OSi 3.91 bc 8.4 a 30.6 c 233.7
GB 4.02 abc 8.2 ab 33.1 ab 256.4
GB + ISi 3.81 bc 8.0 abc 25.5 g 228.9
GB + OSi 3.74 c 8.4 a 26.8 fg 413.0
H2O 3.82 7.9 B 30.8 213.8
BSFA 3.97 8.3 A 31.1 254.3
GB 3.86 8.2 A 28.8 299.4
H2O 3.80 8.3 A 33.7 A 275.5
K2SO3 4.08 7.9 B 27.9 B 219.2
OSi 3.77 8.2 A 29.1 B 272.8

The mean (n ≥ 3) of phosphorus concentration, translocation factor and accumulation of different organs of the tomato plants sprayed with different recipes.

Treatment Phosphorus concentration (g · kg−1) Translocation factor Phosphorus accumulation (g)

Stem Branch Leaf Fruit Stem Branch Leaf Stem Branch Leaf Fruit Total
CK 2.57 d 1.83 d 2.40 b 2.26 c 0.88 a 1.24 a 0.94 c 3.90 e 1.22 cd 2.56 b 6.85 f 14.5 f
ISi 3.43 b 2.27 a 2.09 cd 2.47 a 0.72 cd 1.09 b 1.18 a 5.38 b 1.69 a 2.58 b 8.84 a 18.5 b
OSi 3.32 b 1.86 d 2.08 cd 2.37 abc 0.71 cd 1.27 a 1.14 ab 4.65 vd 1.09 f 2.22 d 7.51 de 15.5 de
BSFA 3.07 c 1.83 d 2.05 d 2.38 ab 0.77 bc 1.30 a 1.16 a 4.16 e 0.99 g 2.34 d 7.86 c 15.3 e
BSFA + ISi 2.91 c 1.95 cd 2.15 cd 2.42 a 0.83 ab 1.24 a 1.12 ab 4.59 d 1.18 de 2.43 c 8.40 b 16.6 c
BSFA + OSi 3.42 b 2.14 b 2.04 d 2.40 a 0.70 cd 1.12 b 1.18 a 4.66 cd 1.26 c 1.91 e 7.49 de 15.3 e
GB 3.72 a 2.01 c 2.53 a 2.29 bc 0.61 e 1.14 b 0.91 c 6.89 a 1.47 b 2.85 a 7.82 cd 19.0 a
GB + ISi 2.99 c 1.91 cd 2.18 c 2.42 a 0.81 ab 1.27 a 1.11 ab 4.63 d 1.13 ef 2.27 d 7.78 cd 15.8 d
GB + OSi 3.50 b 1.84 d 2.11 cd 2.27 bc 0.65 de 1.23 a 1.08 b 4.99 c 0.79 h 1.78 f 7.32 e 14.9 f
H2O 3.11 1.99 2.19 AB 2.37 0.77 A 1.20 A 1.09 B 4.64 B 1.33 2.46 7.73 16.2
BSFA 3.14 1.98 2.09 B 2.41 0.77 A 1.21 A 1.15 A 4.47 B 1.14 2.23 7.92 15.8
GB 3.41 1.93 2.27 A 2.33 0.69 B 1.22 A 1.03 C 5.50 A 1.13 2.30 7.64 16.6
H2O 3.13 1.89 B 2.33 A 2.32 B 0.76 A 1.23 A 1.00 B 4.98 1.23 AB 2.58 A 7.51 B 16.3 AB
K2SO3 3.11 2.05 A 2.14 B 2.44 A 0.79 A 1.20 A 1.14 A 4.86 1.33 A 2.43 A 8.34 A 17.0 A
OSi 3.42 1.95 AB 2.08 B 2.35 B 0.69 B 1.21 A 1.13 A 4.77 1.05 B 1.97 B 7.44 B 15.2 B

Experimental design.

NSource SiForm Leaf spray content Treatment Concentration (g · dm−3)
H2O H2O H2O CK None
K2SiO3 Solely inorganic silicon ISi 0.5
C8H20O4Si Solely OSi OSi 0.5

K2SiO3 BSFA and inorganic silicon BSFA + ISi 0.5 + 0.5
C8H20O4Si BSFA and OSi BSFA + OSi 0.5 + 0.5

GB H2O Solely GB GB None
K2SiO3 GB and inorganic silicon GB + ISi 0.5 + 0.5
C8H20O4Si GB and OSi GB + OSi 0.5 + 0.5

The mean (n ≥ 3) of nitrogen concentration, translocation factor and accumulation of different organs of the tomato plants sprayed with different recipes.

Treatments Nitrogen concentration (g· kg−1) Translocation factor Nitrogen accumulation (g)

Stem Branch Leaf Fruit Stem Branch Leaf Stem Branch Leaf Fruit Total
CK 20.0 bcd 22.1 abc 39.8 d 20.5 bc 1.02 bcd 0.93 bc 0.51 ab 30.2 b 14.7 a 42.4 d 61.8 c 149.1 c
ISi 19.3 bcd 20.3 bc 42.2 ab 22.3 a 1.15 ab 1.10 a 0.53 a 30.3 b 15.1 a 52.2 a 79.7 a 177.1 a
OSi 19.7 bcd 21.8 abc 40.8 cd 20.7 bc 1.04 bcd 0.95 bc 0.51 abc 27.7 bc 12.8 c 43.6 c 65.5 c 149.6 c
BSFA 22.7 a 24.1 a 41.8 abc 21.5 ab 0.96 cd 0.90 c 0.52 ab 30.8 b 13.0 bc 47.5 b 71.2 b 162.5 b
BSFA + ISi 17.5 d 20.4 bc 42.7 a 21.1 abc 1.20 a 1.04 ab 0.49 bcd 27.6 bc 12.3 c 48.3 b 73.2 b 161.3 b
BSFA + OSi 21.1 ab 21.6 abc 41.6 abc 20.2 bcd 0.96 cd 0.94 bc 0.49 bcd 28.8 bc 12.7 c 38.9 e 63.1 c 143.5 c
GB 20.4 abc 19.5 c 41.8 abc 18.83 d 0.92 d 0.97 bc 0.45 d 37.9 a 14.3 ab 47.2 b 64.4 c 163.7 b
GB + ISi 18.6 bcd 21.3 bc 41.9 abc 19.70 cd 1.06 abcd 0.93 bc 0.47 cd 28.9 bc 12.6 c 43.7 c 63.4 c 148.6 c
GB + OSi 17.9 cd 22.5 ab 41.3 bc 19.7 cd 1.10 abc 0.88 c 0.48 bcd 25.6 c 9.6 d 34.8 f 63.5 c 133.6 d
H2O 19.7 21.39 41.01 B 21.17 A 1.08 0.99 A 0.52 A 29.4 14.2 A 46.0 69.0 158.6
BSFA 20.5 22.05 42.07 A 20.98 A 1.03 0.86 AB 0.50 A 29.0 12.7 B 44.9 69.2 155.8
GB 19.0 21.15 41.72 AB 19.48 B 1.04 0.93 B 0.47 B 30.8 12.2 B 41.9 63.8 148.6
H2O 21.1 A 21.9 41.2 B 20.3 0.97 B 0.92 B 0.49 32.9 A 14.0 A 45.7 A 65.8 B 158.4 A
K2SO3 18.5 B 20.7 42.3 A 21.1 1.14 A 1.02 A 0.50 28.9 B 13.3 A 48.0 A 72.1 A 162.3 A
OSi 19.6 AB 22.0 41.3 B 20.2 1.04 B 0.93 B 0.49 27.3 B 11.7 B 39.1 B 64.0 B 142.2 B
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Zoology, Ecology, other