
Diagnosis of oral mucosa's complications.

Diagnosis Clinical manifestation Symptoms Site
Mucositis Painful ulcerations covered by removable pseudomembranes Pain nonkeratinized mucosa; buccal mucosa, lateral tongue, soft palate, floor of mouth
Candidiasis Removable white pseudomembranes Burning sensation, mucosal soreness, taste alterations Dorsal side of the tongue, soft and hard palate, labial commissure
Herpes Small vesicles that eventually rupture to become shallow painful ulcerations Pain Keratinized oral tissues, lips
Bacterial infections Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, periodontitis Pain, bleeding Gingiva
Aphthous like (aphthoid) lesions Single or multiple, painful, well-circumscribed, round/ovoid superficial by an erythematous halo ulcers, with a gray central area, surrounded Pain Nonkeratinized oral tissues; buccal mucosa, soft palate, ventral and lateral side of the tongue, floor of the mouth
Lichenoid reactions Whitish papules, reticular or linear, confluent in places, sometimes with erythema Pain, soreness, or asymptomatic Dorsal and lateral side of the tongue, lips, gingiva, hard palate, buccal mucosa

HNC therapy complications. HNC: Head and Neck Cancer.


Acute Chronic
Oral Mucositis Xerostomia
Pain Pain
Xerostomia Trismus
Dysgeusia Dysgeusia
Infections Infections
Lichenoid reactions Dental caries
Aphthous lesions Osteoradionecrosis of the jawMedication related necrosis of the jaw

Oral complications induced by Head and Neck Cancer therapies.

Mucositis Mucositis Mucositis Mucositis
Dysgeusia Dysgeusia Dysgeusia
Xerostomia Xerostomia Xerostomia Xerostomia
Infections Infections
Dyspagia Dyspagia Dyspagia
Aphthoid lesions
Lichenoid reactions
Pain Pain Pain Pain
Neuropathy Neuropathy
Trismus, fibrosis
Dental, periodontal complications Dental, Periodontal complications
Osteoradionecrosis Osteonecrosis related to medication Osteonecrosis related to medication

Definition of terms used for conditions occurring during Head and Neck Cancer therapy.

Term Definition

Oral Mucositis Inflammation of oral mucosa resulting from chemotherapeutic agents or ionizing radiation, typically manifesting as erythema or ulcerations
Stomatitis Refers to any inflammatory condition of oral tissue, including mucosa, periapices, and periodontium and includes infections of oral tissues as well as oral mucositis
Nociceptive Pain Arises from damage to non-neural tissues due to the activation of nociceptors
Neuropathic Pain Is caused by damage of the somatosensory nervous system
Xerostomia Subjective feeling of oral dryness
Salivary gland dysfunction Changes in quantity and/or quality of saliva
Salivary gland hypofunction Decreased salivary output.
Hyposalivation Decreased salivary output, due to salivary gland hypofunction.Whole saliva flow rate: unstimulated saliva ≤0.1 ml/min; stimulated saliva <0.7 ml/min
Dry mouth Term used to indicate either xerostomia or salivary gland hypofunction or both
Dysgeusia Taste alteration
Ageusia Loss of taste
Hypergeusia Heightened taste sensitivity
Hypogeusia Reduced taste sensitivity
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Haematology, Oncology