
Details of Yoga Interventions on Cancer Patients of India.

AuthorsTypes of CancersVariablesInterventionsYear
Banerjee et al68 Breast cancer patientsAnxiety, depression, perceived stress and DNA damageMeditation, imagery, asanas, pranayama, yoga nidra during radiotherapy2007
Raghavendra et al62 Breast cancer patients during chemotherapyChemotherapy induced nausea and emesisSet of asanas, pranayama, meditation and yogic relaxation techniques with imagery2007
Rao et al98 Breast cancer patients following surgeryPost-operative outcomes, plasma cytokines and wound healingPranayama and yogic relaxation2008
Raghavendra et al88 Breast cancer patients during radiotherapyAnxiety, depression, perceived stress and diurnal salivary cortisolSet of asanas, pranayama, meditation and yogic relaxation techniques with imagery2009
Rao et al98 Breast cancer patientsState and trait anxietySet of asanas, pranayama, meditation imagery and yogic after relaxation surgery, techniques during and with after chemotherapy2009
Vadiraja et al.88 Breast cancer patients during radiotherapyQuality of life and affectSet of asanas, pranayama, meditation and yogic relaxation2009
Kumar &, BalkrishnaLeukemia patientsGene expression and stress- related signaling pathwayssequence of seven pranayama by Swami Ramdev2009
Ram et al9 each of Carcinoma breast practitioners; patients; Advanced and Normal yoga healthy volunteers.apoptotic index (AI) and qualitative DNA damageAsanas, pranayama and meditation2013
Chakrabarty et al160 Breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapyLevels of serum protein thiols and glutathione in breast cancer patientsPranayama2013
Rao et al98 Breast cancer following surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapySelf-reported depression scoresSet of asanas, pranayama, meditation and yogic relaxation techniques with imagery2015
Chakrabarty et al160 Breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapyCancer related fatiguePranayama2015
Chakrabarty et al160 Breast cancer patients during radiotherapyEmotional aspectsPranayama2016
Dada et al131 children Fathers with of retinoblastomaROS,DNA extraction, 8OHdG and DFI in semenAsanas and Pranayama2016
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Haematology, Oncology