
Svitlana Pidruchna
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Volodimir Shmanko
Department of Farmacology and Clinical Farmacology,
Roman Hnizdyukh
Department of Farmacology and Clinical Farmacology,
Andrii Sverstiuk
Department of Medical Informatics, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of UkraineTernopil, Ukraine
Petro Lykhatskyy
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Iryna Kuzmak
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Tetyana Yaroshenko
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Iryna Bandas
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Nadya Vasylyshyn
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Oksana Ostrivka
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Alla Mudra
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Lylya Palytsia
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Nataliya Letnyak
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Oleksandr Tokarskyy
Department of Medical Biochemistry,